Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Kratos_GOW, Jun 13, 2019.

Are you a warrior.?

  1. Yes

    819 vote(s)
  2. No, I am loser

    32 vote(s)
  3. I want to be

    440 vote(s)
  1. Stay calm, stay focus and stay in control Spartan. AA - OO
  2. the alpha project

    the alpha project Fapstronaut

    Nice to see your streak building. How’s it feeling at day 10?
    Vendidad likes this.
  3. the alpha project

    the alpha project Fapstronaut

    That’s great! How does it feel?
    Vendidad likes this.
  4. the alpha project

    the alpha project Fapstronaut

    This too shall pass.
    Vendidad, Espi1971 and Kratos_GOW like this.
  5. Kratos_GOW

    Kratos_GOW Fapstronaut

    I don't know but i am feeling a bit more lonely these days. Does this phase also part of Nofap?
  6. i_have_pizza

    i_have_pizza Fapstronaut

    I'm feeling lonely no more, than other days. I think it's part of life. Trick is to always be busy with something and than it will be ok.
  7. Kratos_GOW

    Kratos_GOW Fapstronaut

    Caught in this fucking Rut right now, its really frustrating
    Vendidad and Espi1971 like this.
  8. Well it can happen but it's not directly related to Nofap itself, it is mostly related to the person you're trying to become.
    I mean that as you write you're trying to be different than before and than others too. Your brain is not perfectly wired as you wished(don't worry mine is not too :) ) so like the triggers the mind try to trick you and make you feel more lonely so that you think that maybe it's better quit because you know, It's bad to feel lonely.
    But loneliness is as every others feeling, you can work on it. If you want you just have to keep on improving also in being a social person,and the mind will align. Keep strong @Kratos_GOW . We're here for you.
  9. Btw day (1)16 checking in
    Woke up early as always this morning
    Used very little my phone
    trained like hell almost 3 hours
    in 2 days I'll have my first academic outcome.
    So who am I going to be?
  10. the alpha project

    the alpha project Fapstronaut

    It’s a part of life.
    You have removed pmo from your life.

    In the past, you likely used pmo sometimes to avoid the feelings of loneliness.

    So you are now facing loneliness instead of avoiding it with pmo.

    These few days, this rut, is like the next boss at the end of a video game. You must go through this without pmo so you can continue to evolve. What is that saying you say? Always mega ultra or something? This it. You are doing it. Do not look to pmo for answers. Look inside. Learn. Godspeed
  11. the alpha project

    the alpha project Fapstronaut

    We are both writing at the same time with similar messages it seems! You are transforming @Kratos_GOW and this is the fire. And we are beside you. Let’s go!!!!
    Kratos_GOW and Vendidad like this.
  12. the alpha project

    the alpha project Fapstronaut

    Exciting news!
    Vendidad and fg4795 like this.
  13. the alpha project

    the alpha project Fapstronaut

    @Kratos_GOW you must GO BEYOND! PLUS ULTRA!

    Espi1971, Kratos_GOW and Vendidad like this.
  14. Well we are on the same wave :)
    Indeed for the first time I am excited about that and not scared

    Anyway come back also for a little news for you to spread hope. I checked my phone to see how much I used it today for my accountability checking on my journal.
    What did I discover? That I tried so hard to limit the triggers to waste time on my phone that up to now I used my phone 5 min 45 sec. Adding less than minute I'll use it before going in black screen, it means today I used my phone 6 minutes.
    I have this app from many months. How much did I used it on Sept, 10?(one of my darkest days after I fell in the previous streak)
    5 hours and 45 minutes.
    seems similar but quiet different
  15. the alpha project

    the alpha project Fapstronaut

    I cut my phone use at the start of the challenge too. The biggest thing was to delete Instagram. That was my p-sub and a major addiction. I also stopped reading news on my phone. I use it only for this forum and family messages. It has been one of the most important parts of my success. So many amazing changes in life through taking this challenge seriously. @Kratos_GOW Changed many lives with this challenge
  16. Laurent

    Laurent Fapstronaut

    Check in day 7
    A week !! And this is only the beginning !!
    Espi1971, fg4795, Kratos_GOW and 2 others like this.
  17. De Beast

    De Beast Fapstronaut

  18. De Beast

    De Beast Fapstronaut

    I had missed the streak! This time its going to be awsome!
    Add me to the Spartan boys @Kratos_GOW
  19. i_have_pizza

    i_have_pizza Fapstronaut

    Me too. And it worked.