Spartan workout military academy

Discussion in 'Fitness' started by Deleted Account, Mar 23, 2020.

  1. Russia is pride, Russia is Imperial . It is standard .
    fg4795 likes this.
  2. When Nazis went inside Russia . Russian people burn their field, burn their houses, burn themselves alive to destroy all the resource .

    I salute you .
    Toni7 likes this.
  3. Great pushups work today . I am on program .
    Chris_Cactusblossom, fg4795 and Toni7 like this.
  4. So these days my personal workout.
    Tomorrow hitting the gym.
    Chris_Cactusblossom and Toni7 like this.
  5. Working out mix : More soft than last mixes , good for working out ; )
    Otherwise - soldiers
    Al Kapone- ain't stopping this
    Tum Tum ft Jim Jones - showtime
    Zach Hemsey - Don't get in my way
    Ace hood - Have mercy
    Big L - You know what I am about
    JID - Never
    Legends never die
    fg4795 and Chris_Cactusblossom like this.
  6. I can't wait for the gym and pool to re-open. I'm gonna start deadlifting.
  7. New goal:
    One arm handstand.
    Getting into planche to get prepared.
    MNViking and Toni7 like this.
  8. Well...
    fg4795 likes this.
  9. Some advice? ;)
  10. Rest day after donation of blood.
    Toni7 and MNViking like this.
  11. Working on it.
    Spike push ups
    Pseudo push up
    And others I can't recall the name ahah
    Leader of ME likes this.
  12. Getting better for the planche
    Toni7 likes this.
  13. Toni7

    Toni7 Fapstronaut

    Can I make my comeback here @BeastBoyBalling 獣 ? I haven't been much around. I completely get use to not working out. But I need to start all over again.
    Leader of ME and fg4795 like this.
  14. Do not want to talk on behalf of my great friend Beast, but the rules are here, and you're perfectly fitting in them ;).
    So I guess you will train with us :)
    Leader of ME and Toni7 like this.
  15. Toni7

    Toni7 Fapstronaut

    I'm falling behind but I'm determent to catch up with you guys. And then I seek to find what lies Beyond strength!
    fg4795 and Leader of ME like this.
  16. As I said . We are all equal . Absolutely equal in sense of being here . That is nothing "mine" .

    Great to be with us Toni .
    fg4795 and Toni7 like this.
  17. Toni7

    Toni7 Fapstronaut

    So finnaly i did some exercise at home for my lower back supermen and things like that. It is my weakest muscle.
    fg4795 and Leader of ME like this.
  18. My injuries are really holding me back .
    So now I am relentlessly foxy clever wit' it .
    fg4795 and Toni7 like this.