Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Deleted Account, Mar 11, 2019.

Do you have what it takes to become a Super Saiyan?

  1. I don't know yet, i'm gonna start training now!

  2. Yes, but it will be hard.

  3. Not only Super Saiyan, but i can go even beyond. AAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!

  4. I can only reach the level of an Elite Warrior, nothing more than that.

  5. I can't even beat Yajirobe, i'm a failure. ;(

  1. eagle rising

    eagle rising Fapstronaut

    Day 99.

    The throes of life can either beat you down or make you stronger. You decide how you want to react.
  2. Relapsed today & feel really bad about it as promised my gf i would wait 2 weeks till we can have sex & I feel like a jerk for it.
    Toni7, NEET2021 and Kingfisher like this.
  3. I'm back guys...Was admitted in hospital bcoz of some medical emergency..But everything is getting back to normal...I found out that u start to question all decisions when ur life flashes in front of your eyes...So i request u all to always make right decision and never do something which you will regret afterwards....I am gonna be a better person than I am right now for sure...
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2020
    Toni7, eagle rising, @chiever and 4 others like this.
  4. Hope you will be better soon brother. All the best :)!
    Toni7, eagle rising, @chiever and 3 others like this.
  5. I wish you a speedy and complete recovery dragon!
    I think it would be good for you to document your insight and epiphany and try to remind yourself periodically in order to live by it.
    The human mind has the tendency to adjust to things rather quickly and we may forget important truths that way.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2020
    Toni7 and eagle rising like this.
  6. I have been there, where my pathological obsession for porn was overpowering my desire for my gf.
    Keep at it it's the only way. The more good days you have the easier it will be to get good days.
    But so is true for the opposite. That's why it's so important to train hard every day!
    Toni7 and eagle rising like this.
  7. I would surely do that
    eagle rising likes this.
  8. I am starting from day 1 again...I have not relapsed...But i just want to have a new start after getting back from the hospital...SO
  9. Slider8

    Slider8 Fapstronaut


  10. Pretty interesting video guys.
    I also checked the presenter's website, it has a lot of facts about porn and prostitution use.
    Both are highly correlated with a lot of undesirable unhealthy attitudes and acts.
    eagle rising and DRAGON_ like this.
  11. Sawamura

    Sawamura Fapstronaut

    Day 12. Felt very fatigued today. Hope to feel better after a nice, long rest.
  12. @chiever

    @chiever Fapstronaut

    That's it Dragon.....Stronger Than Ever....:emoji_muscle:
    Toni7, NEET2021, eagle rising and 2 others like this.
  13. Day 27 checking in.
    I had a couple days with my girlfriend that were not that great but I managed to stay away from PMO.
    I noticed that I handle these situations better now.
    I am able to be more present and empathetic when she is expressing something she doesn't like.
    More calm, less angry, less anxious and worried when I am the one who is not happy about something.
    I am very happy about that and I will continue my training to establish these psychological wins.
    Other than that I am happy it's weekend!
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2020
    Toni7, NEET2021, Slider8 and 5 others like this.
  14. The Sentry

    The Sentry Fapstronaut

    Day 16 begins. No training the last three days (a country sojourn), but as soon as I'm back home Sunday or Monday it's back to sweating it out. It's been hard (boredom is the main culprit), but not as hard as it as somebody with a smack addiction, does anyone find their significant other doesn't believe them when they say they haven't relapsed?
    Toni7 and eagle rising like this.
  15. eagle rising

    eagle rising Fapstronaut

    @dragon2110 Welcome back! Your mentality brings some big energy! Truly like a Saiyan! I like the counter reset choice. That takes some real strength. I wish you well!
  16. eagle rising

    eagle rising Fapstronaut

    @Against_the_demon_in_myself Yes! the more we abstain we absolutely get better at handling situations with our SOs. I have experinced the exact same thing. Very awesome, brother! Imagine how it will be a few months down the road.
  17. eagle rising

    eagle rising Fapstronaut

    Hello Sentry, and welcome to Saiyan challenge.

    Now, to answer your question, yes. We've been dealing with this recovery for a couple of years now and she is still worried that I might have relapsed. It gets hard for her when I do questionable things at times. Taking a little longer in the bathroom. Spending 15 minutes longer than average going out and doing errands. Getting lost in my tablet, watching videos.

    If you have lied to her before, and especially if it was often, she will find it harder to believe you. This is a fact, expressed by many SOs here. What can help you and her heal faster is being open with her and changing the little things that might seem fishy. If you feel like you know something is going to take longer (from the examples above), tell her right away. Reassure her about your commitment to recovery, and do so in a lovely and respect way. This helps both of you.
  18. eagle rising

    eagle rising Fapstronaut

    Day 100. I have finally made it to a century and to the next transformation. It has been really tough at times, but I have my goals at my side. Super Saiyan 3!

    doriangrey, Toni7, NEET2021 and 3 others like this.