can excessive masturbation hinder physical development?

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by Deforio11, Mar 31, 2021.

  1. Deforio11

    Deforio11 Fapstronaut

    can excessive masturbation hinder physical development (height for example)?
  2. Yes it hinders everything
    Excessive or not P & M & bad O
    suck your soul
    Deforio11 likes this.
  3. swordmaster

    swordmaster Fapstronaut

    It makes you physically weaker temporarily (recovered after not indulging), but no, it does not affect height. There are a lot of myths surrounding the harms of excessive masturbation, but it does not hinder height, while it can hinder for lack of testosterone and other nutrients in sperm; beard growth, mental health, voice, skin tone, etc.
    Deforio11 likes this.
  4. I don’t believe it is recovered after indulging. Your semen is the cradle to your life, the more you exert and release your semen the more your body has to do work to regenerate that, so as your losing semen your body has to find energy to regenerate (so as it’s regenerating maybe it gathers that energy from else where, digestive system, eyesight, bones, hair, immune system) so in a way you lose that energy. you’ve released that semen can you get that semen back? No. can you get that energy back? In a way, yes but with consequences. Has it taken a toll on your body to regenerate? Yes. Does that toll or energy lost for ejaculating & then having your body make up for it, hinder you? Yes. So the more you continue to hinder yourself by allowing your body to regenerate or recreate more of that loss energy, the less good you are doing for your body and reaching that peak, gets only more difficult or impossible for some, you can be complacent or you can be better. Your semen allows for strong bones, thicker hair etc obviously there is no “science” backing any of this up. But if your semen a can create life can’t it also destroy/hinder your life if you lose it, Lose it for the wrong purposes.
    But also genetics play into part as well for height & pmo does hinder your true genetic potential.
  5. swordmaster

    swordmaster Fapstronaut

    I said not indulging, mate. Seems you wrote all that wall of text for a mistake while reading... Also, can you give me any credible source as to ejaculating can hinder growth? It seems to me like an absurd affirmation. I will not defend fapping in any way, I hate it and it does have a lot of harm effects, but height? C'mon.
  6. I read it correctly, I jus personally don’t think indulging or not in involving your mind & body in P & fapping away is beneficial & hinders you. Obviously it is different if you O for the right reasons with the right partner then that’s energy being exchanged.

    My post was not a mistake as I’m just trying to spread knowledge as everyone here wants to learn to get better. so take from it what you will.

    there is no credible source / “science” behind it. It is knowledge I gained from reading about ancient cultures, Indians, Chinese, Native Americans. Releasing semen degenerates you & for that drop of semen you ejaculated, you have completely lost that energy that was used to create that. So that energy is lost completely.

    Now your body must create new semen and it seeks that energy from elsewhere (hair,bones,skins,immune,muscle etc) so now your body is exerting itself to create new energy therefore depleting you.

    Imagine if you never depleted yourself in PMO that energy constantly cycled back within you. Who knows.

    If pmo can cause skin problems, balding, acne, bad posture etc so many physical ailments but your genetics say you have no baldness in your family, good spine, or you have clear skin in your family then pmo is hindering your health, your genetics are not portrayed as that which has been passed down to you so it is hindered. So if you aren’t reaching your genetic potential because of pmo I believe especially during your years of puberty it can affect your height as well. Your height your growth spurt is hormonal so if you pmo during your most important hormonal years then I believe it can be linked. But this is all spiritual holistic knowledge as for credible medical science sources I have non.
  7. swordmaster

    swordmaster Fapstronaut

    I'm sorry but the way you write is very strange, I can't understand it all. Sorry.
    And you didn't give me one single source to prove that fapping affects height growth besides your "I think it does". Most of what you said is true, it causes skin problems, bad posture, and a lot of other harm effects but not height growth. It is still a very absurd claim.
  8. I don’t think, I believe it. these matters have been studied for thousands of years from the ancients.
    If you believe semen has nothing to to do with reaching your genetic peak then I have nothing against it. I don’t think it’s an absurd claim. Your body is connected in more ways than just science based claims.
  9. I have heard firsthand a medical doctor say that teenage sex could cause stunted growth. I presume that a big part of this has to do with the loss of vital nutrients that also affect the production of growth hormones and the body's development. Nutrients destroyed/lost include zinc, vitamin B1, B6, and B12, etc. Not all of the losses are indicated from a mere semen sample: some of the losses are incurred by the overstimulation of the nervous system.
    Deforio11 and bradmax like this.