Hey all. I MOed recently and I feel really down. But what I'm worried is that I relapsed and that I'm basically gonna be treated like crap. I lost my aura and I'm weak again. It's so demeaning to relapse like this; how can I get over this and resume my day normally?
What's funny is that when I...
I'll make this quick for you to read it:
I have done a lot of progress (not a 30-day challenge yet. Just not bothered to count the days, but 30 days have not passed). Past few days, I have been suffering from the Chaser effect. And today, I fapped to not downright porn but still not...
Hello to everyone, first of all let me apologise for my bad english because is not my native lenguage and i don't really know if this is the right place to post this because im new in the forum.
I been in the shadows reading all kind of stories about porn adiction, flatline etc.. untill i...
Firstly, dependency on things like porn and masturbation is like cigarette addiction/ mild-like heroin addiction. It affects the Forebrain neurotic regions which make you want to generate extreme pleasure (nucleus accumbens area of the brain). Chemicals like Dopamine are secreted each time you...
i been suffering from Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome POIS for quite a number of years.
get the usual symptoms of headache, chronic fatigue, depressed mood and very bad insomnia for next few days up to a week sometimes after ejaculation.
that makes not PMOing even more imperative. my...
My last record was 14 days, and I felt great. My life was great, but then I relapsed and now I can't break this binge. Its been 2 weeks. And im losing hope.
Hey guys,
I have struggled with PMO, MO and P fantasies since I was a teenager (I am actually 25). During all this time I didn´t think I had a problem. I just thought it was something common, something every of my friends do.
Nevertheless, during quarentine, and specially this year where I have...
Sometimes the urge being me to tears. Does this ever happen to anyone else? Its takes so much out of this addiction to MO. Constant fight over thoughts and strong urges. Exercising helps but I don't know if stress brings me down.
Hi guys!
My name is Ryan and I'm 17 years old. I recently managed to hit a 50-day goal without M and unfortunately I ended up breaking this cycle due to my sleepwalking. I came back two days ago and I'm still going, but a friend of mine sent me a hentai video and I watched for a few seconds and...
Hello there fellow fapstronauts. Today it's day 31 of my journey. I think this is my second longest streak and the past week was extremely tough.
I was thinking about my whole experiment of staying abstinent from PMI for at least 90 days. Now i look back and think if it is really the PMO that...
I'm on Day 2 and this is my first time trying to stop MO. I'm feeling the extreme urge to just go at it at the moment.
I will power through but want to know some people's experiences. How long did it take to feel easier to resist?
I will tell my story as short as possible. I am 19 years old. I am addicted to masturbating. I don't watch porn.I masturbate imagining stuff. I don't really remember when I started it. But it must at-least be around 5 years.
Recently I got committed with a girl. I really love her. I have been...
Hi fellow Fapstronauts,
Reading posts about struggles with temptations people are having right now in this lock-down situation with P, made me question myself, what was the most important step I took that helped me to overcome P addiction. The answer is: by convincing myself that M is off the...
Hey guys, I'm new here.
I started masturbating with porn when I was 11 I think, and now I'm 17
but i just realize I can't stop MO. I practice sports almost everyday, I have a girlfriend for more than a year now and i have no problem with girls or self confidence more generally. I only come...
Hey guys,I wanted to know what u guys count as a relapse...I'm into day 6 of nofap and in the morning i was bored so i just did a few strokes of masturbation and started fantasazing ( didn't come close to O ). I stoppes right away. Does that count as a kind of relapse and i should start the...
Hey guys, I've started NoFap recently as a result of a 4 year ed that started in my 18's. I've started jelqing recently in an attempt to get my erections and sexual drive back, and came across this beautiful movement and community. Since then ( 3 days ago ) I've started to become aware of...
On my first attempt on NoFap, I made it 49 days hard-mode/monk-mode (No PMO, no MO, no “just one little peak”). It’s been over two years since I started NoFap. I must say, the first attempt was definitely the easiest to do. It took me a TED Talk video to scare the hell out of me and I declared...
Hi everyone, I am 17 and I stopped watching P 1 year back and I am completely out of that addiction. But 2 weeks ago only I started MO(without P) and I did it almost everyday since then for maybe even 2-3 times a day. I still don't have any interest on P btw. Now only I came to know about nofap...
Hey i am new here and fascinated of what stories i have read. I recently started watching porn maybe like 6-7 months ago and not regular. Like 2-3 times a week sometimes once. I am 18 So is nofap for me? Can i MO with just imagination or is that bad too? I am just confused. I am currently on 5th...
TL;DR - I've been watching porn since about 8 years old. Around the same time I was touched for the first time by someone that lived in my household at the time. I've been kind of obsessed with sex basically since then. I'm fighting my battle with fresh eyes and a plan SPECIFICALLY for me. Make...
If anyone has been in a long distance relationship you know that the moment you’re finally in arms reach of one another the self control one might imagine two decent human beings have to not tear eachothers clothes off and fuck like rabbits goes out the window faster than you can say “I missed...
Hey guys, been following this community for awhile now...
I'm single, 29 not in a relationship...so this is really a self improvement/healing journey for me...I'm going through a lot of change and limbo with careers so confidence and anxiety are big issues. Also working on being more respectful...
My posts are always long and there's tons of information here, apologies, but it's my situation and I could use some help from people in a similar one.
I went for 115 days no PMO last year and I got out of the P cycle, I've also taken out videogames (41 days free), violent/horror tv shows and...
Hello Nofap community,
I want to start of with THANK YOU. Thanks to you all, to God, friends and fiancé I have completed:
-18 months without porn
- 60 days on hard mode
- rewiring of my brain
It would be silly to say I don’t go through temptation still, but i feel largely freed from my...
Hello people, I hope you are all having progress in your fight. I have had a few nice streaks (around 20-25 days). But once I relapse, it takes me ageeees to get back to a nice rhythm. I am reading books, I have active blockers, but I always end up relapsing. I used to always binge PMO after a...
Just opened account here for the first time. I've been lurking on pages such as YBOP, r/nofap and other similar rebooting websites. Here is my basic background and I wonder what problem people think I have - what appears to be the real cause for PIED.
So I've been MOing since I was...
Hi! I ve wanted since so long to share my story and today i reached the point where i need to do that. So unlike many others i didn t fap to porn till i reached the age of 17 ( i m 20) but i looked up porn but no pmo let alone mo it all began when i got my first girlfriend i started MO'ing to...
Guys i tried nofap before i reached day 45 and i stoped flatline was horrible i couldn't have erection at all after day 20 that leads me to relapse and now i want to start again but afriad of flatline cuz i have a gf i want to try again MO lets see this time , any idea to prevent flatline