P.A.W.S. - what are they, cure, duration

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Fenix Rising, May 12, 2019.

  1. I had 5 in my whole 4 years rebooting process.
  2. Simorgh

    Simorgh Fapstronaut

    What is a nocturnal emission? I was half asleep this morning. I don’t know or I was dreaming or fantasizing, but as I laid on my stomach I felt semen coming (think it was excess). I didn’t have an orgasmic feeling as it wanted out but it felt more like an emission. Is this a nocturnal emission, spontaneous emission, or MO??
    Last edited: May 27, 2021
  3. That is one of the worst consequences of doing PMO for years.We indulge ourselves so much that we keep ourselves disconnecting from everything else be it physical works,connection with self other humans ,animals,nature and you name it.The more we do it and use mobile phones or laptop or can say indulge into virtual world ,the more severe this disconnection gets.

    I'm really thankful to this community that I realised using mobile phone for hours was a big problem for me.And now I'm at much better space with myself.

    Best wishes...
  4. When I started this journey and used to think almost whole day about sexual things ,I used to have around 10 wet dreams in a month .It continued for 2-3 years like this.That time I was relapsing say at evey 3-4 months.That time I was not in good space with myself.I was anxious with wet dreams.

    But since past 6-9 months ,they disappeared.Like I had only 2 in these past 6 months.I realised that as much as my mind gets clear of sexual fantasies ,they disappear itself.It has worked like this for me.I am now in peace with myself regarding wet dreams.And they are not a worry or of any concern for me.
  5. Redemptionisrequired

    Redemptionisrequired Fapstronaut


    Yeah definitely clearing sexual fantasies is huge in this, glad to hear you've managed to decrease the frequency so much.

    Thank you for sharing brother!
    Selfdiscovery likes this.
  6. I have an update as it relates to sexual function while getting out of flatline.

    I have started getting erections again and although it is probably not a good idea I periodically test myself to see where I'm at. Last night as I was laying in bed I allowed myself to fantasize to a memory of a past encounter. It requires some focus but I am able to get a 70% erection only by thought and no other stimulation. I can hold the erection for a couple of minutes before losing my focus and letting it go away.

    I did this exercise about five to seven times last night. Each time I would lose the erection I would relax and do another attempt after five minutes or so. I started to get a throbbing headache by the last attempt at which point I stopped and fell asleep.

    First point, during the first six months or so of retention my dick was completely dead. There was absolutely no sensation down there whatsoever. So as slow as it may be occurring there has definitely been some marked improvement as it relates to sexual function.

    The exercise last night proved to me that the flatline is all in the head. The neural pathways in my head for a natural erection are finally getting all the cobwebs dusted off after decades of neglect. I'm not healed yet but as long as I stay on the path I believe those pathways will get stronger.

    Finally there is a point that I haven't seen discussed too much in reading others' testimonies. The most noticeable improvement isn't just the slow return of function but the sensitivity. I am able to sense nerve endings down there that had been dormant probably since I was a teenager. Once I regain full function I suspect I would be able to orgasm without touch simply due to the sensation of the nerve endings.

    I just want to give hope to those still going through long flatlines. Healing is possible.
  7. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    I really appreciate this post. Thank you so much! However I have never had a past encounter, so would it be best for me to not try this little experiment of yours?
    Last edited: May 28, 2021
  8. I don't know.

    Really I probably shouldn't even be testing myself but it is giving me positive reinforcement that my discipline is starting to pay off. The morale boost is worth it to me.
    Freeddom_Taker and Anonymous86 like this.
  9. wfcasdvwervdsv

    wfcasdvwervdsv Fapstronaut

    To those that have recovered (or recovered enough to answer this question)...

    Did your capacity for emotions and love come back? Are you easily able to fall for someone now?

    I've been a cold person for so long that I kind of accepted it but now that I know it was addiction and PAWS which made me that way, I would love these effects to be reversed!
    Freeddom_Taker likes this.
  10. winningover

    winningover Fapstronaut

    I am in no sense recovered but I can definitely feel more range of emotions than I have ever felt before. Both negative and positive emotions. I cried only 3-4 times in 12 years (while I was addicted) and that too when I ended a 11 year old relationship and that was it. I was able to move on from it very quickly and I definitely found refuge in my addiction to numb whatever emotions I would have felt. Now move forward to present, whereby I am porn free for over 02 years now, there is not a week that goes by where I am tearing up for one reason or another.

    Just to give you a quick example. The other day, I saw these two really cute siblings in age bracket of 6-8 years cleaning the floors of a random shop in scorching heat. I was right across the street buying a burger and a drink for myself while they were looking at me with this wild longing for the food that I was buying as they were mopping the floors. (Yes, child labor is sadly quite rampant where I live). Anyways, I felt my eyes tearing up within seconds. This has never happened before. Like never ever. And I have seen worse and just went on with my life without blinking an eye. Right then and there, I went across and gave them enough cash to buy whatever food they would want for the day. And I thought them for a while after that.

    I have never felt emotions that I have felt after leaving porn. There is a negative side to it as well, I think. Because, I feel a lot more anxiety, a lot more fear and unnecessary fight/flight response. I don't want to feel all these emotions in such a high range and frequency. I will obviously call myself recovered when my negative emotions are dampened and positive emotions remain bright and sharp.

    Anyways, to answer your questions specifically, yes, your capacity to love will come back with a plethora of other emotions that you won't have any idea regarding managing them. In the beginning, you may not even realize because all the positive emotions that you have gotten back are lying under the negative emotions. A man full of fear, anxiety and stress cannot love himself let alone anyone else. So, as the time goes by and your brain starts re-calibrating itself, you will find yourself moving towards good by default.
  11. wfcasdvwervdsv

    wfcasdvwervdsv Fapstronaut

    Thanks you!
  12. Redemptionisrequired

    Redemptionisrequired Fapstronaut

    Hey brother, I think it was because you were laying on your stomach. The pressure and probably you moved in the night which lead to an emission. Nocturnal emission/wet dream is basically having an orgasm while you sleep, your bodies way of getting rid of excess semen or depending on what you used PMO for (stress/anxiety/anger) it is a way to release tension.
  13. KaliYugaWarrior

    KaliYugaWarrior Fapstronaut

    I'm sorry and this might give some people a bit of an anxiety as well but nocturnal emissions are certainly not something the body does to get rid of excess semen or anything like that. It's related more to diet (look up sattvic diet) and routine Also there are various other factors too which are mentioned in "rebooting as the best remedy". The best way to recover faster is to cut down on these emissions. Typically once a month is good enough. The author of the book I mentioned has mastered the art of living without any emissions whatsoever. That's what the yogis are able to do as well.
  14. DerJogge

    DerJogge Fapstronaut

    Demonising wet dreams is causing more harm then actually having them. I spend the first 12-15 months of my streak trying to find ways of getting rid of them. Nothing worked and it put so much stress on me trying to figure what to eat and what not to eat in order to have this effect and that effect. PAWS is not about overcoming WDs, it’s about your Brain restoring its basic functions. I had months were I only had 1 or two wetdreams and I felt even worse compared to months were I had like 4-5 wetdreams. Don’t put to much value into some words of ancient transcripts or some guys testimony that cites those transcripts. If you want to become a perfect being that completely banishes sexuality from his life in order to attain a higher level of consciousness and to bring good to the world then I totally understand the claim for reducing any energy loss but that’s not primarily what the recovery of PAWS is about. As I said you first have to become the captain of your ship again in order to dictate where the Journey is going. You won’t master your mind and body in a two year long withdrawal period. This period might prepare you for the upcoming mastery and makes it a lot easier but trying to become a perfect being while being in PAWS caused me so much stress - it’s not a good idea to follow this path yet.
  15. KaliYugaWarrior

    KaliYugaWarrior Fapstronaut

    I completely agree. The stress of having a wet dream is far worse than just having a wetdream out of nowhere. But unfortunately for me atleast, whenever I have a wet dream, I feel really weak that day and that makes me frustrated.
  16. DerJogge

    DerJogge Fapstronaut

    I had this until a certain point in recovery. Nowadays I don't feel weak or any different after having a wet dream.
  17. winningover

    winningover Fapstronaut

    I am out of flatline like a BANG for three days now. I am not out of PAWS though at all. Some people here use Flatline and PAWS interchangeably but I think they are two different things. My Libido is like a raging bull and I am getting random boners without even thinking anything. I wish my wife was here so that maybe I could settle myself and break my hardmode streak. I can't help but fantasize about women before going to sleep or when I am in half asleep state. I know I am not supposed to even think or fantasize but it is almost to the point of impossible. Thankfully, my hard mode streak is still continuing but I am hoping to get a wet dream ASAP to calm my hormones down.

    I have been out of flatlines before but I think this has been the most vicious attack on my hardmode streak so far. Last night, I was literally thinking to just masturbate to get some balance. Instead, I decided to take a shower which didn't help either since its summers here and water is not cool enough at all to qualify for a cold shower. I then decided to go to sleep with my mind CRAVING for any breathing woman like a crazy. Thankfully, I slept for 12 hours and feeling normal now. I feel that starting 24-36 hours are the most difficult when you suddenly zip out of the flatline and then you start getting some sort of control.

    Even after 02 years on this road, I felt last night for the first time that a relapse can still happen. I have been lucky enough to avoid any relapse and I really thought that a relapse can never happen to me but man, was I wrong. Another reason for me thinking that relapse cannot happen to me is because my wife was with me physically. She left me about 03 months ago because of my PAWS and hardmode. We are not divorced yet but things aren't looking good in that department as of now. I really do feel for her because she stayed with me for the worst time for 18 months and now when I feel that my recovery is around the corner, she has left. Perhaps, she lost patience or belief in the process. I told her in the beginning that it would be 06 months, then 12 months, then 18 months. But sadly, I was still not recovered even after 02 years. Better but no way near recovered.

    I switched to hardmode from normal mode about a year ago because I needed to recover from PAWS and ASAP. I think hardmode put further strain on our relationship. Anyways, I am not here to talk about my relationship. I am just here to share that when the body switches the libido back on and you get a 480V shock, be ready and do not succumb to the devil. Its a phase and it will pass on its own. But the normal libido will remain because you are not in a freaking flatline anymore. Even a random normal girl passing by would become difficult to resist. And I think that is when, combined with your RECOVERY FROM PAWS, you should start looking out for a real flesh and blood girl who deserves your semen, your victory over your self & the devil and the man that you have become on the other side of the tunnel.
  18. @winningover first I just want to wish you well with respect to your marriage and your future.

    It's amazing that you posted this as I jolted out of flatline on Saturday. Last night was especially tough as my erection would just not go away no matter what, I ended up not getting too much sleep.

    Also as you said I might be out of flatline but not PAWS. Ever since my libido came roaring back the fatigue and headaches have come back in a big way. On Saturday evening my third eye was throbbing to the point where I was actually tempted to go get some ibuprofen just for some relief. My back acne has flared up as well with bright red splotches everywhere. It looks angry.

    I'm actually a little nervous to go to the gym...
    Freeddom_Taker likes this.
  19. DerJogge

    DerJogge Fapstronaut

    I totally respect your decision but I need to put out the warning to not get fooled by the addictive mind. You might think or have a subconscious belief that having sex with beautiful women will solve your problems or that living out your sexuality will eventually bring happiness and balance to your life but I went through all of these ideas and I can tell you that it’s just a Illusion at the end of the day.

    On the other hand I think it’s good to make experiences on your own to realise that nothing in this external world will ultimately make you happy. No women, no pleasure, no money, no drugs, no good career, nothing on its own will make you happy if your brain is chemically not working normal. Getting out there and going after pleasure might even get you to a place that is worse then before. I can totally understand that life seemed to be better before noFap but there is some truth in the saying that it has to get worse before it gets better. But every persons path is individual so don’t get me wrong. I’m not telling you to go for another 24 months of hardmode but being careful not to get consumed by pleasure or having the illusion that some minor pleasure can solve deep and complex problems. Go after some girls but don’t expect them to fix your life. Go after some girls and fix your life on your own. Identify what truly is the problem and work on that without regrets.
  20. Thanks for posting man.It reminded my previous streaks when I succumbed to these kinds of situations even after crossing 250+ days and started consuming not porn but something that was giving high to my mind.Its worst one can get after these long battles within.

    It's a testimony that we have to be very careful and aware of things going on with us.Its a deeper and longer battle with self but it's certain that it has a destiny.And this hope is enough for us to continue on this journey.Its worth.

    Wish you best luck for your recovery and relationship.My prayers are with you.You'll come out winning over both!
    UWSDave and MeTP like this.