Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by HiddenWarrior, Apr 2, 2019.


Have you beaten your record or improved your average noPMO since joining this?

  1. Yes

    281 vote(s)
  2. No

    90 vote(s)
  1. 19Rd

    19Rd Fapstronaut

    Day 19 check in
    Talz, Toni7 and Dominikfhj like this.
  2. 19Rd

    19Rd Fapstronaut

    I’m ready to another challenge
    Talz, hollyman and Dominikfhj like this.
  3. Thebigchange

    Thebigchange Fapstronaut

    Anyone up for a battle?
    BertrandR and Talz like this.
  4. GotCaught

    GotCaught Fapstronaut

    Me :D :)
  5. GotCaught

    GotCaught Fapstronaut

    I gotcha win back that streak champion title ;)
  6. hollyman

    hollyman Fapstronaut

    Im ready to duel
    Talz, 19Rd, Dominikfhj and 1 other person like this.
  7. hydrothunder

    hydrothunder Fapstronaut

    @ZenMode if we're going by no pmo streak, that would make me the streak champ, right, since my current no pmo streak is 58 days which is higher than Dominikfhj's streak based on his profile
    Talz, hollyman and Dominikfhj like this.
  8. ZanFabio

    ZanFabio Fapstronaut

    I'm still going strong.... and you?
  9. ZenMode

    ZenMode Fapstronaut

    You've got to also be active with check ins. Checking in atleast once a week or else for this title your streak resets.
  10. Toni7

    Toni7 Fapstronaut

    I'm still here! I hade two weak days. They were unproductive and that almost lead me to bad decision. I had weak mindset. Good thing was that I had things that needed to done so I didn't have time to fail. So I keep on going. And I will be right back to the track. I need to. As soon as possible!
  11. hydrothunder

    hydrothunder Fapstronaut

    I checked in once in my current battle, so...?
    Talz, hollyman and Dominikfhj like this.
  12. SeanDD

    SeanDD Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Talz, hollyman and Dominikfhj like this.
  13. I would love a duel
    Talz, hollyman and Dominikfhj like this.
  14. Thebigchange

    Thebigchange Fapstronaut

    Lets start it
  15. Check in day 46
    Talz and hollyman like this.
  16. ZenMode

    ZenMode Fapstronaut

    Yes, so you might win it back next week. Depending on your check ins.
    Talz and hollyman like this.
  17. ZenMode

    ZenMode Fapstronaut

    Also for this, you count restarts from 0 after you returned from the long leave just for this title. Ive got you down as 35 days since your return.

    So for this streak championship, you have to have the longest streak and check in at least once a week to hold the title, otherwise the count for measuring this goes back to 0 and starts the count again after you next check in.
    Talz and hollyman like this.
  18. devsMind

    devsMind Fapstronaut

    Checking in-so far so good. ;-)
    Talz, hydrothunder and hollyman like this.
  19. hydrothunder

    hydrothunder Fapstronaut

    it doesn't matter, all I know is that I'll regain my titles. and based on what you said, your maths is wrong, I've been back less than a month. almost 3 weeks or something like that, but it doesn't matter, I will be on top
    Talz and hollyman like this.
  20. hydrothunder

    hydrothunder Fapstronaut

    cool same over here
    Talz, devsMind and hollyman like this.