6 years clean: rebooting as the best remedy

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by HMHU, Oct 18, 2017.

  1. Z.e.n.o

    Z.e.n.o Fapstronaut

    Just because i love when something "matches"...
    He has found out that when there is no dirty tought there can be no masturbation. And cleansing the mind is the first cause that will lead to naturally leaving the habit.
    Barry Long states the same, if anyone can be interested. Two autors telling the same discovery is interesting! And Barry was profoundly involved in lovemaking.
    Allen Carr did the same with tobacco smoking. He made first people understand and then, without willpower, the smoking habit went away naturally..
    Just to say, no raw willpower will work and i agree with them because this approach is pure violence against oneself.
    Understanding is the key!
    Ps i quitted smoking in that way (there is a book and a lot of centers even if he is dead) and it worked.
    Thank you for the reminder!
  2. Puretim

    Puretim Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Great stuff. I now realize my motives were all wrong and so once I felt the urge come back I would act on it. That's all I wanted was the ability to better satisfy my lust. After reading this I'm setting my sight higher. This stuff is good. I plan to read them all . Many thanks for making this available.
    eoptda and Huskerjim like this.
  3. Puretim

    Puretim Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I love the Bhagavad Gita I haven't read the edition that you said but the one by Penguin Classics. The introduction to the book and to the story of the Gita gave me a better understanding of it. Many thanks for reminding me of that great scripture.
    fuggy and eoptda like this.
  4. handbandit

    handbandit Fapstronaut

    Upload not found, it may have been destroyed.
  5. eoptda

    eoptda Fapstronaut

    getbetter73 and retain_regain like this.
  6. retain_regain

    retain_regain Fapstronaut

    Hi @eoptda,
    Look like @HMHU hasn't been active on the forum for awhile. If you can continue the translating from chapter 42 onward, please share with us on this thread, I will update the ebook on rebootremedy.github.io. Thank you.
    eoptda and Raven King like this.
  7. eoptda

    eoptda Fapstronaut

    i can try, but im definitely not as good of a translator as hmhu :l
  8. retain_regain

    retain_regain Fapstronaut

    Hey, don't fret. We always appreciate your effort to contribute for the community.
    fuggy and eoptda like this.
  9. eoptda

    eoptda Fapstronaut

    will take some time for me to do it, since atm incredibly busy, but definitely will try :)
    retain_regain likes this.
  10. fuggy

    fuggy Fapstronaut

    A lower power wants me to act out. I cannot oblige my higher power it feels like but if I keep facing them perhaps they will not let the lower power dominate me again?

    I don't know if oblige is the right word let alone idea.

    I mean I cannot be who they want me to it feels like I can do small favors on their behalf I suppose.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2022
  11. Brahmacharya_UK

    Brahmacharya_UK Fapstronaut

    Stumbled quite haphazardly on this thread, and I'm very glad I did.
    The principles of this work also follow the practice of Brahmacharya in Indian tradition.
    At present I am able to achieve bouts of NoFap, although I have not reached 90 days for some time.
    Therefore now I will begin the process of 90 days NoFap.
    Whenever I relapse there is always a case of regret.
    I will often let difficult life circumstances push me towards wanting to "Self Annihilate" with PMO/Fap.
    Afterwards I am often disgusted with the P that I have consumed and the practices I have engaged in.
    I am not religious, however I know and truly feel and sense on a deep level, the wisdom of these ancient practices.
    I concur that western society has become perverted and decadent. Keeping away from these influences can be difficult.
    Internet can be a tool for good, or bad if one lets it.
    Today I reset my counter and begin again, with a new commitment to stop PMO, caffeine and excessive sugar.
    I am on the journey with all brothers in the same boat.
    It is only through self dedication, and visiting here to update my progress, that I will succeed.
    If I let the side down on either then only failure can ensue.
    I need to rest, I feel very weak in my body.
    Peace to all, together we have got this.

  12. BigBallOfFire

    BigBallOfFire Fapstronaut

    keep at it brother we are all in it together
    Dexter Moran and Dank24 like this.
  13. PensarLibre

    PensarLibre Fapstronaut

    Muy agradecido por haber traducido este valioso material del chino al ingles, la experiencia de soaring eagle fue la que mas me ha impactado y ha sido muy cercano a mi propia realidad que vivía con el PMO. fue gracias a la traducción al ingles a la que se pudo llevar al español.
    Dank24 likes this.
  14. Rexbrent

    Rexbrent Fapstronaut

    I had successful sex todsy after 2.5 yr of recovery. libido start to returm
  15. BigBallOfFire

    BigBallOfFire Fapstronaut

    2.5 years? damn thats long. tell us more.
    Dank24 likes this.

  16. I've takin the time to read this and I can definitely get a more clear understanding of what's going on with me. I am unable to quit right now and my body is definitely showing it in numerous way's that I thought were unimaginable. I am a person who keeps up with fitness and exercises regularly, but I've noticed I am easily agitated or angered, I have self hate thought's of being useless but not to suicide point. Most of all my insomnia is hitting rock bottom right now and I believe masturbation's clearly at fault. Most of all when I look in the mirror I don't see this happy uplifted person anymore. Most of like a lost man wondering what to do in life.. This clearly explains it and I want to thank you for the time you had to post it on this forum.

    I need more willpower and control, but my body feels out of control with time.
    Dank24 likes this.
  17. Hi Comrade,
    masturbation is only a sign that you have some deep unfulfilled need. This need might not even be sexual. But you will have to discover what it is! Only then can you overcome your addiction.

    Good luck!
  18. BigBallOfFire

    BigBallOfFire Fapstronaut

    true words Dexter Moran
    we often just run away from emotions instead to feel them
    or crave human interaction or closeness or intimacy

    we either numb ourselves
    or run away from feelings.

    this is some deep 4th heart chakra stuff to work on
  19. lord_nelson

    lord_nelson Fapstronaut

    2022 and I'm looking forward! Great Wooork :)
    BigBallOfFire and Dank24 like this.
  20. Dont_touch_your_dik

    Dont_touch_your_dik New Fapstronaut
