I've done lots of research, and realized fapping literally destroys the human body

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Dagoth-ur, Jun 16, 2022.

  1. Dagoth-ur

    Dagoth-ur Fapstronaut

    I've been doing lots of research in the last year due to my own trials with PMO. It became clearer to me how completely damaging fapping may be for the human body and brain. I'd read scientific studies about androgen receptors, and the endocrine system. Testimonies from people who'd experienced differences mental and physical. Also prostate cancer and the side effects of anti-androgens to treat this; how these effects are the same as those from fapping. I've then seen the worrying misinformation put out by many generic medical websites, which are quite wrong and make me wonder if any of them are funded by the parent companies of pornography websites/studios. After all, if people aren't fapping, this industry would die. These questionable medical websites cite the same boring tid bit "masturbation doesn't lower testosterone in the long run" and there's no mental or physical harm.

    What I've found, is fapping suppresses/nullifies the androgen receptors in the brain, especially if done daily, filling their 'locks' with 'keys' from other sources of dopamine and such. Testosterone then cannot be uptaken, and a person will therefore begin to suffer the mental and physical side effects of testosterone deficiency. This in turn allows an increase in estrogen.
    · Anxiety.
    · Depression.
    · No drive/low will.
    · Fatigue (oxytocin).
    · Poorer memory and concentration.
    · Possible mood swings.
    · Increase in body fat, namely abdominal.
    · Decrease in muscle gain/easy loss of lean mass.
    · Potential for osteoporosis.
    · Potential for low libido.
    · Stunted pubic/masculine traits such as higher pitched voice, jawline width, head hair growth (I'll delve more into), though increased body hair post puberty interestingly.

    Mentally and physically, fapping practically destroys a person. They might as well be taking anti-androgens. When I'd come across all this information (including studies from ncbi) it was quite shocking to me, because the afore mentioned seemingly propaganda pieces by textbook medical websites, suggest there's zero issues.Though people here know otherwise, or they wouldn't be attempting to stop and change their life.

    As for hair loss, fapping seems to cause telogen effluvium, hair shedding is the better word as it won't make just anyone's hair permanently fall out first time. Loss of zinc, biotin and nutrients. Shocking the body to make hair enter telogen phase (small club shaped bulbs). Increased sebum and potential for dandruff. No T uptake causing an unhealthy hormonal imbalance. It's no wonder fapping makes people shed lots of hair and then it subsides, and grows thicker or healthier in time during abstinence. (Personal experience and testimonies I've seen coincide with this). Actual hair loss would be the above with the inclusion of the person's mother's father having suffered alopecia and passing on this gene in the XX chromosome.

    Overall I hope anyone reading this will, if not already, be even more determined to never fap again, for it literally destroys the human body. (If anyone has information they'd like to add, please feel free, it's possible I've missed or aren't aware of something).

    I'm starting my change today with this knowledge in tow.
  2. Coub

    Coub Fapstronaut

    Hi dude,

    good luck!

    Could you please share your research papers? Would like to read some to get motivated too
    Dagoth-ur likes this.
  3. La Jolla

    La Jolla Fapstronaut

    One thing I'll add to this is Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome (POIS). I had always wondered why I felt like I had the flu after I O'd.
    500, jay3241, Dagoth-ur and 4 others like this.
  4. Yup. Porn ruins your brain. Masturbation ruins your body . . . and your brain, but mostly your body.
    Embark39, rheinpfalz, 500 and 5 others like this.
  5. +Masculinity

    +Masculinity Fapstronaut

    Could you please provide the references you have? I'd love to read up on this stuff. Thank you!
    hiimbubbles, Dagoth-ur and Simorgh like this.
  6. Simorgh

    Simorgh Fapstronaut

    Yes, please!
    Dagoth-ur likes this.
  7. Overforme

    Overforme Fapstronaut

    It's absolutely true what OP is saying. If PMO wasn't so damaging, there would not be so many people wanting to quit more than anything I the world. PMO causes low testosterone and hormone disruption, brain damage that causes central nervous system issues like depression anxiety and low mood, non refreshing sleep, headaches and insomnia, low energy, high blood pressure, adrenal fatigue, digestion issues, nutrient deficiencies, low sperm count, premature ejaculation, post orgasmic illness syndrome, deep regret, relationship problems, and the inability to relate to others by stealing life force. You dont need to read research papers, this is all TRUE. Don't believe me?... Than just keep pmoing but don't say I didn't warn you. PMO is worse than ANY drug.
  8. A Conqueror

    A Conqueror Fapstronaut

    Damn, you don't fuck around, that's a lot of precise info
  9. Upwards2020

    Upwards2020 Fapstronaut

    By stealing life force . This is very true . It doesn't happen over night it's a gradual accumulation until you think it's normal . But yes you are brain dead to the world around you no spark to anything
  10. Overforme

    Overforme Fapstronaut

    Exactly over time your life force will be impacted and your motivation will be for wanting only 1 thing. You will put off time with others and sleep more often to get more energy to fap again. This will really creat chaos.
  11. Dagoth-ur

    Dagoth-ur Fapstronaut

    Sorry for the late response everyone, a lot of these articles I came across over the last year and never saved them, but I've found some important studies on androgen surpression:

    Effects of androgen deprivation/low T uptake on insulin resistance and obesity:

    Androgen deprivation side effects on cardiovascular, bone, insulin and mental/cognitive health:

    Alleviation of some side effects after stopping androgen suppression:

    Effects of exercise on 2 different types of androgen suppression:

    Effects of androgen suppression on QoL in males, focusing on:

    body feminisation;
    sexual changes;
    relationship changes;
    cognitive and affective symptoms;
    fatigue, sleep disturbance, depression;
    physical effects (added by authors).


    Androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer lowers T to castration levels, PMO should still allow some T to be uptaken but will no doubt nullify most of the receptors that'd regulate it. I'm sure we can all attest to this from it's side effects we've likely experienced.

    Good luck everyone on your journey!
  12. Upwards2020

    Upwards2020 Fapstronaut

    Good studies but it's not connected to pmo.these are studies which you have cherry picked to for your own narrative . You do not become feminised by masterbating . Yes all these symptoms can be part of pmo like energy loss fatigue . but it's not like you halt your genetic development because of masterbating that's just bullshit

    What you are describing are patients with clinically low t low t will have all the effects displayed in these studies but it's hardly caused by pmo. When you stop pmo for 7 days your t levels are at there peak . Yes .aybe your t levels have dropped slightly after PMo but it's probably negligible. The real loss is.energy fluids and hydration .. not testosterone. You also produce prolactin and oxytocin after sex it's a calming effect on a testosterone dominated physiology. What you feel after pmo is excessive release of prolactin and oxytocin. Test levels are very rarely effected

    What you feel post pmo is a drop in oxytocin and dopamine but still have elevated prolactin.

    Your citing studies of patients with clinically low testosterone. Not porn addicts.

    "As part of the normal male sexual response, a prolactin surge occurs after orgasm and lasts approximately 1 hour, resulting in a decrease in erectile and ejaculatory potential during this refractory period."

    What I wasn't aware of from.these.atudies is prolactin can continue to surge for up to 2 weeks after orgasm and the relationship between dopamine and prolactin if one is high the other is low . Very interesting but it's not testosterone that's the problem. If its.gping to be anything that's "feminising " it's prolactin . Too much prolactin can impact testosterone secretion but I find it hard to believe these effects to be significant enough that it would effect something like voice . body composition , hair growth etc.

    But the up to 2 week surge in prolactin yeah that's probably where the problems lie

    Foods that lower prolactin levels are generally high in zinc; think shellfish, beef, turkey and beans. It's also important to get plenty of B6, so foods like potatoes, bananas, wild salmon, chicken and spinach can help boost those vitamin levels.

    Would be interesting to.see a study of prolactin post ejaculation over the course of two weeks . It obviously has been done but there must be so many factors that also contribute to its

    Prolactin debunked ?
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2022
    Rehab101, Viking79, Talz and 3 others like this.
  13. brahmacarya

    brahmacarya Fapstronaut

    Check the disposable soma theory and expensive germline hypothesis
  14. Hsooon

    Hsooon Fapstronaut

    Sexual intercourse also does that
  15. Dagoth-ur

    Dagoth-ur Fapstronaut

    Did you read any of the studies or what I wrote?

    I'm talking about androgen receptor deprivation, not low T caused by masturbation. Low T has been debunked as an effect of masturbation, the lowered amount is temporary. Nullufied androgen receptors are different, they are nullified androgen receptors whether the androgens are being filled with dopamine or supressed by prostate cancer medicine, and will be so for 24hrs, this will be an unending cycle if someone keeps PMOing. Most of these studies are about the effects of nullified androgen receptors from prostate cancer medicine and such. It also makes little difference whether androgen receptors are nullified or T production from the testes is, the outcome is still: T is not being uptaken, the results of T not being uptaken are the same regardless of cause.

    I also put at the end:
    "Androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer lowers T to castration levels, PMO should still allow some T to be uptaken but will no doubt nullify most of the receptors that'd regulate it."
    Pax Romana likes this.
  16. Pax Romana

    Pax Romana Fapstronaut

    Dagoth's take seems quite reasonable.
    ChrisJord likes this.
  17. Hsooon

    Hsooon Fapstronaut

    I feel pain in the testicles because of not masturbating for a long time
  18. This was horrifyingly fascinating to read.

    My God, what have we done to ourselves?
  19. Rexbrent

    Rexbrent Fapstronaut

    Can this all be restored back to normal and we can feel like before
  20. Dagoth-ur

    Dagoth-ur Fapstronaut

    From studies, it seems these effects can be undone, both exercise and pausing the cause of stunted androgen uptake can help with androgen deprivation, even with a stronger cause like prostate cancer medication which completely stops T and it's uptake as opposed to masturbation harming the uptake alone.
    My hair feels thicker after 3-4 weeks and hairfall has pretty much stopped, this isn't placebo or my imagining, it definitely felt thinner as I ran my fingers through it before, it now feels like there's more making contact with my fingers and my hair has more volume. With stopped hairfall, in the shower the strainer doesn't get a bunch of hair anymore. I also no longer feel down or fatigued (which would persist after 24hrs, oxytocin/prolactin's effects are normally several hours to a day).
    With urges, I've have no urge anymore too which has been good. I'll make a review of abstinence's effects after I've done it for a few months, but so far things seem on the right track, I'm most happy my hair is thicker and not falling now. Next up, I'll see if muscle gain/abdominal fat loss becomes easier to achieve (eating clean and running/sprinting before didn't do much).
    brahmacarya likes this.