Reading Challenge [2023]

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by FallingPetals, Jun 26, 2023.

  1. theFounder

    theFounder Fapstronaut

    I didn't know that this book has a new edition. I hope you enjoyed it.
    Ūruz, One Eyed Owl and FallingPetals like this.
  2. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

    I did enjoy it
    Its not a new edition
    Its called The New Confessions of an EHM and I think thats old?
    Ūruz and One Eyed Owl like this.
  3. theFounder

    theFounder Fapstronaut

    It was called The Confessions of an EHM by john perkins (without the word "new"). It was released in 2004. I read it when it was translated to my language under the name ( the nations economical assassination : The Confessions of an EHM). when you mentioned the book, I searched it and found out that it had a new edition in 2016.
    Ūruz, One Eyed Owl and FallingPetals like this.
  4. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

    27th Aug

    Born a Crime / (Start: 29th Aug 2023, )
    Started Born a Crime. Loving it already. Read around 30 pages or so
    Ūruz and One Eyed Owl like this.
  5. hiimbubbles

    hiimbubbles Fapstronaut

    Im reading Will Smith's biography Will I love it im about 120 something pages in its great
  6. Finished Cities of the Plain. Another easy 9/10. No one writes like Cormac and his passing earlier this year is a monumental loss to literatire and culture as a whole.

    Next up, something different to my usual fare. Gardens of the Moon by Steven Erikson, the first in a 10 book high fantasy series. Notoriously dense and sprawling, I actually read the first two books years ago and decided against continuing because at the time I was unwilling to devote the time to the rest. I want to see if my opinion changes with my reread of Gardens. I'd be interested in hearing if anyone here has read these books before (please no spoilers).
    Ūruz, FallingPetals and One Eyed Owl like this.
  7. hiimbubbles

    hiimbubbles Fapstronaut

    Ive only read the first one it has a bit of an unusual plot structure
    Ūruz and One Eyed Owl like this.
  8. Are you referring to the way the plot kicks in without much explanation as to who anyone is, what's happening, or why? That threw me off when I read it the first time. The edition I have has an introduction by the author explaining why he did it that way, and to be fair I can understand his reasoning even if it does make the book hard to follow at times. I do remember liking the book the first time I read it, it's just that the books are so long and there are so many.
    Ūruz, One Eyed Owl and hiimbubbles like this.
  9. hiimbubbles

    hiimbubbles Fapstronaut

    Update: im almost done will smiths biography i think ill order the last book in Inheritance as I really enjoyed the first two
  10. New_W

    New_W Fapstronaut

    English is foreign to me, so I'll read some easy English books. And I'll report my progress once in a while. Let's keep reading!
    Ūruz, FallingPetals and One Eyed Owl like this.
  11. Just over a third into Gardens of the Moon. I like it a lot. You can tell the author was very invested in the worldbuilding and the lore. My criticism so far is that the characters themselves seem a little flat in comparison, but that's a criticism I could level at many fantasy books.
    Ūruz, FallingPetals and One Eyed Owl like this.
  12. breaking-myths

    breaking-myths Fapstronaut

    I am rather new here , always been into reading a few years back .Then I didn't get the time and when I had the time I didn't want to read.But now I have recently started reading again.The last book I read was "The Silent Patient".

    Currently I am reading The American Roomate Experiment
    Ūruz, One Eyed Owl, Ank07 and 2 others like this.
  13. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    I've continued reading The Righteous Mind. Tomorrow I'm planning to buy The Case Against the Sexual Revolution by Louise Perry. I've been wanting to read it for some time so I'm looking forward to getting it.
  14. kropo82

    kropo82 Fapstronaut

    I just started it (Audible & Kindle) on your recommendation @onceaking, it is a fantastic book so far.
  15. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

    I have no idea how many days I read in August but I finished CEHM which is great. I didnt read ST do thats something I defo need to get back to. Born a Crime is 70 percent done. Awesome, right? Really happy I an getting back to reading.

    Thinking of a new goals now to level up my game for Sept. I want to do more this month. I am sure I will finish Born a Crime in 4 days max. That means I can start and finish another book in Sept. I am ahead of my yearly goal!
    Ūruz, One Eyed Owl and Ank07 like this.
  16. kropo82

    kropo82 Fapstronaut

    Such a fun thread! Just to brag, I've smashed my reading goal this year. I set myself a Goodreads Challenge goal of reading 45 books and I've already finished 55 and have 8 (!) on the go now
    Ūruz, Semtex, One Eyed Owl and 2 others like this.
  17. Wow that's a lot. I think the most I've read in a single year was between 45-50, I can't remember the exact number. I've decided to tone it down a bit since then because while I've found I can read extremely fast if I wanted to, doing so turned reading into a chore and an obligation. I want to say I'm between 20-30 books this year so far but again, can't exactly remember.
    Ūruz, kropo82 and One Eyed Owl like this.
  18. I'll be done with Gardens of the Moon by the midpoint of next week I think. I'm enjoying it way more than I did last time and am excited to read the whole series, which is a serious undertaking. I won't move onto the second book right away though.

    I think my enjoying this book more is related to what I said to Kropo about toning down trying to read a specific number of books a year. Gardens of the Moon is 700 pages and in the grand scheme of high fantasy not too bad, but the next book is 900 pages, the book after than 1200 pages, and there are 10 books overall in the main series, all numbering between 900-1200 pages. Then there are all the spinoffs, prequels, sequels, and even the other stuff written by someone else who is friends with the author. The point is a few years back when I was obsessed with getting through books I'd never even attempt the Malazan series because it would "take too long" and I "could read more books in the same timeframe" and I think that's a misguided mindset to have. I spent a lot of 2020-2022 reading books based on length more than any other factor, leading to me neglecting long books I might have liked more in favour of shorter books I didn't really care about. The irony in all that being I've read Gardens quicker than a book half its length because I've enjoyed it so much.
    Ūruz, Semtex and One Eyed Owl like this.
  19. Finished Gardens of the Moon. Really enjoyed it, 8/10. I want to read all the other books I have on my shelf (and the books I have pre-ordered) before I read the next in the series so next up is Post Office by Charles Bukowski. Something much shorter, a palate cleanser.
    One Eyed Owl, Ūruz and FallingPetals like this.
  20. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    Been a while since I posted in this thread, I haven't been consistent with my reading at all, still working on building this habit, it's been rather slippery thing to hold. I wanna make myself some more strict rules for reading, rather than just reading whenever I feel like, cause I think that will motivate me to be more consistent. My goal is gonna be to read for 1 hour from 10 to 11 PM every evening.
    Ank07, One Eyed Owl and FallingPetals like this.