Recent content by PopularLoner

  1. PopularLoner

    Read the SPAM REMOVED (spam code #001) - REPORT TO MODERATION EasyPeasyway to stop porn addiction. Its a 100% cure!

    Read the SPAM REMOVED (spam code #001) - REPORT TO MODERATION EasyPeasyway to stop porn addiction. Its a 100% cure!
  2. PopularLoner

    I really need help i dont know what to do anymore

    Read a book called the easypeasyway to stop porn addiction... Trust me you will be free of this addiction. It helped me!
  3. PopularLoner

    Intense sexual thoughts again and again

    Yes! What this guy said... The addiction is just making you see reasons to compromise I bet when you do it you'll go back to feeling ashamed and finding out it wasn't worth it at all.
  4. PopularLoner

    Over two months so far

    Congratulations!!! Keep going man.
  5. PopularLoner

    My First 30 day success story

    Congratulations man!
  6. PopularLoner

    I need to confess

    Please carry on with nofap make research you'll see this addiction has a lot of down sides than good. Don't quit I wish I found nofap at 16 change your life man that power is in your hands, go outside, socialize weather you want to or not. Don't just use porn or M to fill that space. Good luck
  7. PopularLoner

    feel like a living corpse (sexual abuse)

    I If you want to share it you can share it bro just let it out you'll feel better and it will make you focus more on working on it.
  8. PopularLoner

    feel like a living corpse (sexual abuse)

    Take it easy man.
  9. PopularLoner

    Physical Healing (need affirmation)

    What's actually wrong with it?
  10. PopularLoner

    Update: 12 Days

    Keep going man. Do not succumb
  11. PopularLoner

    Confession and commitment

    This was really hard to read. we've all done really bad and shameful things that we regret somethings might even put some of us in prison for a while. But your heart is good it's just this sickness focus on getting better more than you count the days. Trust me it will occupy your mind with more...
  12. PopularLoner

    Confession and commitment

    Man!! Good luck
  13. PopularLoner

    New to NoFap!

    I'm so happy you are here man I wish I came here when I was your age... Please don't ever leave! You can do this... I am going to give you just one tip you'll find hundreds on the site. #1. Use your phone less.
  14. PopularLoner

    Hi, 21 y/o newbie here

    You are not broken! Just focus on getting better don't even mind the days.