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  • Salam brother. I have been busy lately, now i got more time, we can be partners if you want so w e can help and advice each other??

    Salam brother, I am from muslim fap community. You requested a acount partner, have you found one?

    Peace bro-
    Does people still feel urges after completing their 90 day challenge?
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    No, not as much as they normally would, it definitely gets easier everyday
    Squeaky Soul
    Squeaky Soul
    The urges get easier after 90 days, but I've heard that addiction usually takes 18 months to completely reboot. That's why a good portion of Fapstronauts relapse after 90 days. I did. I have relapsed 278 days, and after 120 days. It's all a matter of not letting your guard down. Always keep strategies close at mind for dealing with urges.
    sir fappanot
    sir fappanot
    i'm currently approaching 90 days, and I say that urges are still very much present. However, how I deal with them, what I do, and this sort of thing has changed drastically from the beginning days.
    Just relapsed....again. I really require all the help i can get. Just cannot get passed this chaser effect. Any tips would be most welcome.
    Can anyone tell me whether joining this forum has genuinely helped them recover?
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    Reactions: Blondewife
    Hero One
    Hero One
    Just to add another encouragement. I gave up PMO over 400 days ago. This forum was instrumental in my recovery. I owe a lot to this community.
    100% certainty it has helped me. But you've gotta do the legwork yourself. NoFap isn't a magic bullet, but it helps you chart the path.
    Thank you guys for your feedback, means a lot. Ive read a ton of threads and feel an increased motivation to overcome PMO with every one.
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