150 Days - Feels like a head replacement

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by thel00ker, Dec 23, 2017.

  1. thel00ker

    thel00ker Fapstronaut

    Thanks man!

    You'll find the way, just keep pushing forward!

    Thanks man! very appreciated! I would say the main difference it's a more pure chain of thoughts and feelings. I feel very connected with the people that surround me and the feelings I've got towards them are more palpable and real than before, where I would have a mess inside my head about sex, fears and insecurities.
    It's very relaxing to feel this way. All my problems seem less important and more manageable. This quietness makes me feel happier overall.

    Thanks man, really appreciated!. and yes! that's a beautiful way to put it. The lack of shame and guilt is a huge factor in having peace of mind and it contributes a lot feeling happier overall. I'm glad we're on the same page here!
  2. WeWillMakeIt

    WeWillMakeIt Fapstronaut

    Today was my 28th day without PMO. I didn't notice huge benefits eather so far to be honest, but what i noticed is that will power definitely increased.
    I had orgasm today while having sex with my gf. I'm not desperate because of that but i am 10000% sure if i would be able to control that and having sex without orgasm, my will power would be even stronger.
    Don't expect anything. Just do it and be a proof for yourself when you will feel benefits.
    IF (and i really doubt that) you won't notice any benefits after 2 or 3 months it means that PMO don't effect you in bad way.
    Like i said, i didn't notice much benefits eather but it is absurd to expect some huge benefits after a month. It would be too easy.
    Keep pushing man, keep pushing.
    thel00ker and Deleted Account like this.
  3. If you say so, man.
  4. SanityOverVanity

    SanityOverVanity Fapstronaut

    He's right. It's a proven fact. The longer you stay off PMO the more benefits you yourself will notice without anyone needing to tell you.

    It's like giving up beer because you want abs. Sure that's a step in the right direction but you've got a lot more work to do other than just giving up the beer.
    Deleted Account and thel00ker like this.
  5. thel00ker

    thel00ker Fapstronaut

    Yeah I agree! leaving porn is just the first step, that will allow you to modify and improve your life without the burden of being completely messed up by porn and it's mindfucks.
    Let go of porn, then make an effort to improve your life by reconnecting with what you love and the people you like spending time with.
    Timel and Uphillfighter22 like this.
  6. Lily White

    Lily White Fapstronaut

    @donmeshwime If you don't see any benefits for yourself personally, maybe it can help to broaden your perspective?

    Porn demeans and objectifies women and might give unrealistic expectations on what to expect in bed. It harms women because they are being held to impossible standards (men also!).
    Porn makes you less available. Porn causes you to run from the things in your life that need to be addressed. Porn causes shame and self-hatred. Porn takes up valuable time that you could invest in something that's actually good for you i.e. exercising, reading, going out and seeing new places, studying a new language, practising new skills that might land you a higher-paying, more satisfying job, meeting friends, seeing interesting new movies, walks in nature, meditation, etc.

    Everytime you say no to pmo, you say yes to something else, something better.

    If all else fails, would you really want to engage in something that is addictive and makes you a slave to your own brain? Wouldn't you prefer to retain your freedom and independence and take charge of your life?
  7. thel00ker

    thel00ker Fapstronaut

    Completely agree!
    Joona K likes this.
  8. I like the beer analogy. Guess I'll give it another shot.
  9. HashMachine

    HashMachine Fapstronaut

    After reading this one, I feel more compelled to continue my fight towards PMO, this post has filled me with the prowess to complete my mission of 180 days in the coming year. I love your post man...!!
  10. Clean Plate

    Clean Plate Fapstronaut

    I'm glad to see another member on NoFap has made it to the "promised land." Good job bro!
  11. vibemaker

    vibemaker Fapstronaut

    What a beautiful post! Thanks for sharing :)
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. thel00ker

    thel00ker Fapstronaut

    Go for it man!

    I'm glad! I know this post mentions a lot of circumstantial stuff that seems unrelated to the nofap journey, but without NoFap these achievements in life would have been corrupted by this addiction and transformed into a constan axious state. Keep going man, your life will change for the better!

    I'm glad to be here man! thanks for the support!

    I'm glad! thank you!
    HashMachine likes this.
  13. THEdally_llama

    THEdally_llama Fapstronaut

    Congratulations man. I hope it's made all the difference. I can't wait to see how I am after 150 days. Thanks for the motivation.
  14. thel00ker

    thel00ker Fapstronaut

    Hey man! thanks!
    Be patient and enjoy the ride! reach to 7 days first...then 10, 15 etc etc! take your time and don't rush the process. The improvements will come when you least expect them.
    Good luck man! wish you the best!
    Mirach and HashMachine like this.
  15. GlassHalfOpaque

    GlassHalfOpaque Fapstronaut

    These are exactly the kind of results I'm hoping for. Thanks for posting this
    thel00ker likes this.
  16. thel00ker

    thel00ker Fapstronaut

    Good luck man!
  17. Former_CD

    Former_CD Fapstronaut

    Congratulations! Good work.
  18. thel00ker

    thel00ker Fapstronaut

    Thanks man! Very appreciated!
  19. VietelJuice

    VietelJuice Fapstronaut

    Lovely post. Hope 2018 is even better for you!
    thel00ker likes this.
  20. thel00ker

    thel00ker Fapstronaut

    Thanks man! Wish you the same!