Thoughts on aliens

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by BravelyKegger, Jul 14, 2021.

  1. BravelyKegger

    BravelyKegger Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    because they are not at all biblical and so it makes people question the bible.
  2. BravelyKegger

    BravelyKegger Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    satan is the one distracting us from God.
    GTraven95 likes this.
  3. Wilde°

    Wilde° Fapstronaut

    But God is the one responsible for everything ? I'm not an expert on this subject though.. How come satan exist?
    helloguyz likes this.
  4. BravelyKegger

    BravelyKegger Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    In the beginning God created everything and it was good in his eyes, lucifer his angel decided to rebel and became satan, God cast him from heaven and satan took a third of the angels with him, then comes adam and eve whom satan tricked into sinning and that started the downfall of man. Gods plan is to renew us through his son Jesus Christ so we may be connected to him again and satan does not want that so what does he do?, distract us by any means necessary so we will not come to God. God is a God of choice however and that is why he allowed lucifer to do what he did, why did God make him in the first place if he knew he was going to sin is beyond me but God does everything for a reason. That is a very brief explanation honestly and you should read the bible to get the best answer.
    GTraven95 likes this.
  5. It's rational to question things. Refusal to question things is a sign of intellectual weakness.
    Garou99, helloguyz and CarP like this.
  6. fyi the universe is huge and we don't have telescopes everywhere
  7. BravelyKegger

    BravelyKegger Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    It is good to question things but just because you have come to your conclusion and stick with it does not mean you never questioned it.
  8. BravelyKegger

    BravelyKegger Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    We have more then one and that is enough.
  9. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    I think you may be massively underestimating how large the universe is. At current estimates, the universe is considered to be around 90 billion light years in diameter. To put that into perspective, one light year is around 5-6 trillion miles. Even with the best telescopes ever designed pointing in every direction, we can only begin to perceive a tiny amount of that space, and an even tinier amount of it in any meaningful detail. An alien craft could possibly fly through our own solar system and we may not even realise it.
  10. woah, almost as big as yo mama *laugh track plays*
  11. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    Be careful, that's hateful speech round these parts.
    CarP likes this.
  12. actually I got suspended for a day because I told a guy I did his mom
    RavenGT likes this.
  13. YoungLenny

    YoungLenny Fapstronaut

    @Takeyourfreedom havent you heard about the fallen angels or as we may now them as nephilim, giants or even possibly the annunakis from the sumerian texts. they supposedly came down to earth and breed with humans that created the offspring of giants. and i think these beings were aliens came down with advanced thecnology beyond our comprehension, how is it possible that the angels of god is aliens i dont even know. did you know that noah became close to 1000 years old. all this can you read in the bible

    the sumerian texts is also very interesting it is very similar to the book of genesis and the book of enoch
    Takeyourfreedom likes this.
  14. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    I think my mutant power is the ability to take any thread offtopic in record time. Seriously though, this kind of stuff just gives the overseers more reason to warn us.
    CarP likes this.
  15. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    I think aliens more than likely are real, but not in the sense we imagine. Every alien we try to perceive has to be filtered through our own understanding of the world. In reality aliens are probably either just something along the lines of bacteria, or so out there we cannot even begin to imagine them.
    Takeyourfreedom and CarP like this.
  16. InnerMan

    InnerMan Fapstronaut

    Aliens in the universe? Absolutely. It's absurd to think we're alone.

    Non-human intelligences on earth, AKA ufos? Absolutely. The phonemenon is real, it's not debatable. Anyone who debates it's reality just hasn't done a deep dive into the subject. There is no shortage of evidence. It's EXTREMELY well documented and said documentation goes back to at least the 1940s.

    My theory is that they are interdimensional beings rather than extra-terrestrial but who knows. Its not human technology thats forsure.
    helloguyz likes this.
  17. Revanthegrey

    Revanthegrey Fapstronaut

    I don't know, there are always just testimonies and bad photos many of them fake.
    Why we don't see great intergalatic federations ? as Star Wars , nobody invite us? maybe...
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2021
    CarP likes this.
  18. Grateful Retainer

    Grateful Retainer Fapstronaut

    Technology grows at an exponential rate. 100 years from now contemporary technology will be something that our current monkey brains can't even comprehend. Eventually the cosmos will be colonized by robots since they will be the only forms of intelligence capable of traversing space.

    The fact that robots haven't already colonized the universe means there is no intelligence currently on our level.

    Little green men? Are you kidding me?
  19. InnerMan

    InnerMan Fapstronaut

    Our anthropocentric bias has repeatedly been smashed across the centuries. First earth was conceived as the center of the universe. Then it got demoted, sun became centre. It got demoted, we realized its just one star amongst countless in a galaxy. But then the galaxy was viewed as the universe as a whole. What happened? Drum got demoted. The pattern repeats, always exposing man's hubris.

    As for UFOs, I recommend a documemtary called The Phenomenon. It's not exhaustive by any means, just scratches the surface but it'll make skeptics think twice.
    Revanthegrey and helloguyz like this.
  20. So because the entire universe isn't filled with robots, that means we're the only intelligent life? That's ridiculous.