The 2021 Green Day Challenge [OPEN]

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Deleted Account, Dec 18, 2020.

  1. New Focus

    New Focus Fapstronaut

    Although I feel like a complete idiot, I want to come here to share my experiences.
    I have been sailing through these past 2 weeks before this bump this weekend.

    Now that I have a clear head, I can assimilate the order of my struggles. Although I initially disregarded emotions into any of this, the fact is work has really been difficult for me with the deadness of the economy. I feel like I have less to do than others and it worries me.

    So, I got home early Friday because of it. I have also been very preoccupied with my new vehicle purchase dealing with oil dillution and have been obsessing about that, which led me to a car forum where I read a post from someone with a very triggering avatar. I should have left on the spot, but instead I dug around looking for more triggering stuff when I ran into a triggering YT video. I was able to step away from that and ended up having a good Saturday.

    Today, although I was doing better, I noticed my mind was heavy with lust and my dreams were porn oriented. Still, I was doing fine until I went into the mancave to watch football. Instead of watching football, I opened up the YT app and found myself in the funnel watching vids that was 1 step away from leading me to PMO. Honestly, I was already trying to convince myself that it would just be 1 red day.

    Then, while in the middle of tempting myself, something within me just snapped and the battle was over. I closed the laptop/tablet. I was done. There was no Porn,Masturbation,Orgasm. There was crossing boundaries. The fight was over. The main reason I have acted out hundreds of hundreds of times just to end that battle. This time the battle ended without PMO. I have no idea how to duplicate this for the next time. The only thing I could do next time is to not make that step towards the addict, which would have then been no battle to begin with.

    So, another one of those tough weekends, but at least this time I do have something to build upon.

    Thankful to be a part of this community.
    dharana likes this.
  2. New Focus

    New Focus Fapstronaut

    Thanks for this outstanding overview of what progress really is about. I think for so many here (NoFap) we lose the vision of progress because of a reset. I hope I never have to reset again, but more than anything, we win if we learn something from it and thus become better people.
    Ian Of Freelandia and dharana like this.
  3. I never gave it a serious look. Life's kicking everybody in the balls right now. Streak o no streak...even if youbjustvMId 5 minutes ago and this message finds you logging in for "confession" what? You're here! You're intentional. You're trying. I'm not saying none of us are going to go365 clean.....but am saying statistically some of us aren't. And it's okay. Jeep trying. Keep studying. Keep reading. Keep journaling. One day Will be your last time using porn. Maybe it's yesterday, maybe it's today, or tomorrow....butvifvwe stuck to the plan, take serious steps, we will grow high enough to reach that rung on our ladder of ascension.

    And don't be down about emotional rollercoasters. We all have them.

    Fear, depression, anxiety, RELAPSE - shame, depression,'s a Cycle. And we are breaking the cycle brother.
    Ian Of Freelandia and dharana like this.
  4. How do we Eat the elephant?

    Let's get a green week.
    Then two.
    Then a green month.
    Then a green quarter. 3m (90)
    Then 6 months (180)

    Let this come to you! You're exactly where you need to be. Don't forget that after relapse we need a plan. I like to plug into the Universal Man channel. Note for his old stuff than the new Commander Q shit. Have an action plan.

    1. Log it. Counter, journal, NoFap,AP, whatever.
    2. Meditation. Clear mind
    3. Support tool. Ebook, audio, youtube.
    4. Recommit
    5. Get one Green day.
    6. Do it again tomorrow.
  5. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    +3 to my tally too. Sorry team A.
    One of them counts as amber day according to my definitions (as no P wad involved).
  6. dharana

    dharana Fapstronaut

    Relapsed again:( +1 for me.
    Lost my focus...
  7. That is quite a good story. Congratulations on breaking away and thank you for sharing. Wish you the best moving forward too!
    dharana likes this.
  8. Rest, and continue forward, friend.
    dharana likes this.
  9. tonyk1982

    tonyk1982 Fapstronaut

    Feeling a ton of stress right now and the need to escape with a full PMO expedition. This, despite the fact that for the last couple weeks I've been doing really well. I'm still and always will be an addict and right now feeling weak, struggling to stay clean.
    dharana and Chakra_Serpent like this.
  10. Ainz

    Ainz Fapstronaut

    @BrohkenCompass Here is an Idea, lets post Green day = 1 point, Orange = 0.5, Red = -1.
    DCIJ(Distance covered in journey)= Sum of red + green + orange days.

    So if anyone has 1 green 1 red and 1 orange day, his DCIJ = 1+(-1)+(0.5) = 0.5

    Each red day will have negative impact of -1.

    This will be motivating I suppose because most of people love competition.
    dharana likes this.
  11. @tonyk1982
    I just wanted to acknowledge this comment.

    You've been doing really great, Tony.
    Your progress has been inspirational and a joy to witness.

    Stay in there.
    I think most of us here can tell you that to return pmo is not worth it.

    So do whatever you have to to keep up the progress you've made.

    If you need to direct message one of us, just do it or say so.

    Keep going.
    dharana and BrohkenCompass like this.
  12. Tony. I gave in. I feel like shit. You can read that journal if you need but know that I'm sitting here 11 days into this year, 3 strikes on my record already, and I see that I'm still a million miles from being in the place I want to be. It hurts man. Tears in my wife's lap, shame in my eyes. Please stay as strong as possible, and know that you are the master of your mind.
    dharana likes this.
  13. Brave of you to share. Thank you.
    Glad you have someone to process with.
    dharana and BrohkenCompass like this.
  14. Are you referencing the golf game for January, or the entire year as a whole. The challenge (year) goal is already to complete as many green days this year as possible (+1) in your formula and to simply divide that by 365. So 300/365 = 82% green. The tiers are set to reward mastery of oneself.

    Not sure how subtracting .5/1.0 makes a difference because you either have 300 days green or a score of 300 (disregarding the potential lesser penalty of the .5's days) .
    dharana likes this.
  15. GottaBFree

    GottaBFree Fapstronaut

    I'm crashing and burning. Stressed out and bowing out.
    dharana likes this.
  16. One time last year....I MOd and PMOd for 11 consecutive days. Thst was my worst. It came after a pretty good streak, too. It sounds like a cliche, but it's not how hard you's how hard you fight that matters most.

    You give up, you'll NEVER succeed. You'll NEVER heal or become the person you want with the life you want and deserve. You accept your flaws give yourself some understanding, and love, and get your mind right..then you fight harder with more weapons at your disposal. Then you can improve. Then you can succeed.

    You're Inna community full of people that understand how you feel. They've all been there. Rarely does this come easy, man... but I challenge you to find me someone who recovered/ changed their ways that doesn't confess that it was hard and it was worth it!

    You are worth it. Now give yourself a break. Sit on the bench if you need to.. but don't you dare walk away. We have work to do.
  17. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    Well said @BrohkenCompass. We are all struggling with this. These are really hard, stressful times for all of us. Not to mention all the personal issues we have on top of all that.

    Keep trying, keep coping.
    dharana and BrohkenCompass like this.
  18. New Focus

    New Focus Fapstronaut

    I had my first red day yesterday. I am pretty bummed about it.
    I am not surprised though as psubs searches basically is porn to me.

    I forgot about my strategy, the reason I am in this thread, to attain as many green days as possible and then learn from the red days.
    I can do this.

    There is no slicing it for me that when the counter gets to double digits, I tend to feel that pressure which leads me to crossing boundaries.

    I have a poll about amber days. I never MO without porn, so I eliminated the amber days. Does anyone use amber days for reasons other than MO? Do you include amber days in the streak?

    I know, my rules, but just getting some ideas on this.

    Ok, back to green days.
    dharana and Jefe Rojo like this.
  19. You know my deal. I struggle badly with PMO. If not for NoFap, I'd say that before MO without P was a very rare thing. I have a cell phone that makes my habit portable, discreet, and convenient. Not a good thing.

    I never considered looking at fitness models, psubs, instagram s bad habit, but they'd inevitably lead to my hand on my junk and then I'd switch the browser to something more serious. A couple years ago I didn't even realize porn was "bad".

    I suffer from the classic symptoms of porn addiction. Anxiety, depression, sexual dysfunction like ED, PE, PA. My biggest goal is to quit porn and MO and become an intercourse only guy. Cure the sexual dysfunction.

    If I lay in bed, and MO, it's not as bad, right, but the data shows that MO now leads to fantasizing that leads to me either 1. PMO, or 2 over aggressive pursuit of sex with the wife. I might get laid, or rejected and when I get rejected... Ive built it all up in my head so much - this whole wonderful scenario of sexual pleasures, both having orgasms, me feeling like a king of the bedroom. I build it all up to the point that even if I do get to have sex, it's often less thrilling and more problematic than I hoped for. Then I'll replay the event over and over, which almost always leads to me wanting another shot with her. Of course by then she's in no mood for another letdown or giving in to my persistence. So what's a guy to do? MO? I just described where I that leads. Fantasize? Same thing. PMO? That's the norm but I'm.back to square 1.

    So think about your situation very clearly @Blue Clouds . What's the "Red day" for you?

    What are some common things you're doing (were doing) that almost inevitably lead to red once the line gets crossed?

    I set my amber days to count MO no porn also, because the site, NoFap as a whole seems to mostly promote Porn addiction behavior and fapping is obviously MO. NoFap.

    Your last inquiry (poll);is interesting.

    You can simply say your goal is abstaining from porn. Thus, as long as you're not looking at softcore nudity and/or hardcore pornography, you're sticking to the goal and the counter remains intact for the streak. You could have a 60 day streak, despite having MOd 6 times every 10 days. Despite looking at instagram booty all day every day. You could do that. But honestly, is that promoting who you want to be? Is that YOUR goal, Your vision? If so.. then run with it man.

    To answer the question directly, I only reset my counter when I MO OR PMO. If I happen to wander onto some booty pics... if I survived and not MO it's not a reset. I probably mention it in a journal post. "Today I stumbled onto a lingerie ad, it led to me looking at instagram for sexy models. Surprisingly I did not MO. Must be careful now ". Something like that. But of course, we both know that in the next few days I'm chasing my wife around the house like a horny teenager, or I'm building up fantasies that lead me to some porn to get it out of my head. " THE RABBIT HOLE"

    I'm very weak guys. I feel like I have next to zero discipline or sexual self mastery as Mark Q calls it. That's why I'm here, hosting THIS challenge.

    I want to become The master of my domain.
    dharana, tonyk1982 and Ainz like this.
  20. Ainz

    Ainz Fapstronaut

    I get your point, but an immediate achievement makes people more excited. I am in a challenge where there are power levels, which starts from day 15 and posting those achievements makes me very happy and motivates me to do more. So that was my idea.
    On the other hand, there are too many threads like that so making something like that will be useless I guess. So you can ignore that idea.
    BrohkenCompass and dharana like this.