Accountability for All

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by corylife, Dec 22, 2019.

  1. blacktea

    blacktea Fapstronaut

  2. acab6

    acab6 New Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone i just found this site from reddit's nofap community, i am on day 32 feeling great and full of energy i had a couple of good streaks (best was 80 days) but i struggled a lot after september 2021. When the new year came i said i am done because it affects my football performance and now day by day i am getting to full reboot.
    Hope everyone is doing well and wishing you all good luck.
    corylife, keplerb, One1One and 2 others like this.
  3. Fortitude42

    Fortitude42 Fapstronaut

    Day 0 ( Relapsed / Binged ) : Well, the chaser effect is a real thing
    I did exercised yesterday and i overexerted myself which almost make me faint
    Other productive stuff i did was reading, but not a lot

    For distractions / leisure, playing games doesn't work well anymore.
    Usually, the one that make me go to a long streak is by having fun, while slowly being productive, but games is slowly losing it's effect
    My overall mood everyday is stressed out by the upcoming College life, which may indirectly cause me to PMO and prevent doing something productive
    corylife, keplerb, On_The_Way and 2 others like this.

    OMINI MAN Fapstronaut

  5. AD amazing

    AD amazing Fapstronaut

    Day 10 in the list!! A good day yesterday I was sick but today I got well and I did my work. Usually when I am sick I relapsed but this time I was focused instead of relapsing I did my study as much as I can in that situation.
  6. Day 34 of no PMO
    A day well spent.
    How are you guys doing?
    corylife, On_The_Way and TheBluePrint like this.
  7. Spreadlove

    Spreadlove Fapstronaut

    In the past 103 days I have:

    * PMO'd 6 times but not fully relapsed
    * MO'd 1 time but not fully relapsed
    * Averaging 17.2 days on strict PMO nofap
    * 6 days straight nofap streak so far
    corylife and TheBluePrint like this.
  8. TheBluePrint

    TheBluePrint Fapstronaut

    21 days in the books!! Finished reading The Miserable Mill and The Austere Academy!!!
    corylife, AD amazing and On_The_Way like this.
  9. ThisSideThatSide

    ThisSideThatSide Fapstronaut

  10. Spreadlove

    Spreadlove Fapstronaut

    In the past 104 days I have:

    * PMO'd 6 times but not fully relapsed
    * MO'd 1 time but not fully relapsed
    * Averaging 17.3 days on strict PMO nofap
    * 7 days straight nofap streak so far
    corylife and TheBluePrint like this.
  11. Jitser

    Jitser Fapstronaut

    Hello guys!
    I was doing nofap for 2 years and it helped me a lot in all spheres of my life. Even though I didn't get rid of PMO-addiction yet. I had different streaks, but the longest was 56 days and I felt amazing at this point. I think, there is no need to tell which benefits there were, because you know it already.
    So 2 days ago I found out about my biggest mistake: every time I was just going for big streaks and in my subconsious mind didn't believe that I can beat this addiction and live without it for the rest of my life. In another words, I was subconsiosly believing that I will relapse again.
    So I decided to not PMO ever again and it's my 2nd day. Wish you all good luck in your journeys, let's beat this and become people who we are really supposed to be!
    (If somebody know, could you give some advices how to control the urges? Maybe you have some systems or plans what to do in different level of urges which gives you confidence that you won't slip again. It definetly will help me and others a lot, thanks)
  12. blacktea

    blacktea Fapstronaut

  13. WalktheLine

    WalktheLine Fapstronaut

    Fucked up some more. ... so the only way I'm going to get through this if I really take responsibility for how f***** up I am..? this means I really have to review my yellow book even though I'm tired at night after work. The Yellowbook reminds me of my history and all the f*** ups and it breaks me out of my kind of complacency and just presumption of whatever. ... no more tired blank. .... be cause If i am tired blank with no intention or plan, .....then I lose...
  14. On_The_Way

    On_The_Way Fapstronaut

    and/or read "deep" and "valuable" books
    (use your own meter to measure the "depth" and the "value"),
    eat healthy food,
    sleeping early and waking up early,
    take baby steps everyday towards your goals/dream projects

    these two are important:

    abstain from wandering over the internet (FB, YT, Twitter, .. etc) aimlessly without a purpose or time limit .. this is a killer !!

    avoid getting tired, sleepless, drunk, .. , anything that takes you to a state that you lose control over yourself

    at least that helped me a lot

    Last edited: Feb 3, 2022
  15. On_The_Way

    On_The_Way Fapstronaut

    Day 46

    #total_new_habits = 8
    #days_of_new_habits = 17/40

    I was not around for 4 days ?!! .. I did not feel them at all .. I was working at sth and I got consumed in it .. It was pretty emotional these past days .. I do not know what to say anymore .. I think (I am not sure) I am approaching my "anchor" that keeps me firm no matter what .. it won't leave me emotionless .. actually on the opposite .. I am more emotional than ever .. but it keeps me firm with my actions .. that is what I have control over .. I do not for anything else .. for emotions .. I do not .. for people actions .. no way .. environment and conditions .. absolutely no .. still I can control my response to all of that .. and if sth matters, it is my actions .. well , I am getting used to write less it seems .. :))

    "Come, come, whoever you are. Wanderer, worshiper, lover of leaving. It doesn't matter. Ours is not a caravan of despair"

    corylife, TheBluePrint and One1One like this.
  16. WantsToQuit2021

    WantsToQuit2021 Fapstronaut

    Got the flu.
    Can't relapse if I'm in agony

    OMINI MAN Fapstronaut

  18. 5 weeks of no PMO
    Happy and grateful:)
    Thank you everyone
  19. AD amazing

    AD amazing Fapstronaut

    Day 11 in the list!! It was a good day, I learned something about myself that when things get tough and troubling I got panick and my behavior is not good at that moment. So I need to work on it.
    corylife, blacktea, keplerb and 2 others like this.
  20. keplerb

    keplerb Fapstronaut

    Checkin' - 1 relapse so far.