6 years clean: rebooting as the best remedy

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by HMHU, Oct 18, 2017.

  1. HMHU

    HMHU Fapstronaut

    Experience with success

    I’ve now stayed clean for over 2 years, this is owing thanks to the increased understanding. Previously I’ve failed countless times in trying to stay clean, at the time nobody was guiding me. Nobody was guiding me because I was unable to receive the guidance; I was ignorant in the knowledge of quitting masturbation, of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and of Buddhist teachings, All I knew was the brute force way. I thought that I could rely solely on willpower to stay clean. In reality, success is very hard to come by through relying on willpower alone. Instead, one must start by purifying the heart/mind, this will then tackle the root of the issue because the mind controls the hands as well as the action of masturbation. If there is a lot of filthy thoughts floating around in your subconscious mind, you will naturally gravitate towards masturbation. Therefore we must work on purifying our thoughts, through the repeated study of rebooting material, the repeated study will strengthen our virtue and over time the habit of masturbation will cease to exist.

    The first step of quitting masturbation: to change one’s thoughts. This is like quitting a drug addiction, upon entering a drug rehab center the first step is to introduce the patient with correct knowledge in understanding the harmful effect of drugs and cleansing the mind with all erroneous thoughts and beliefs. Many brothers have repeatedly failed to stay clean due to the failure to recondition their minds, relying on willpower alone to stay clean will only work in the short run which is quickly followed by failure. We must therefore always stay vigilant in our study of rebooting material. Although I’ve stayed clean for over 2 years, I still study rebooting material daily as well as TCM. This knowledge will act as a firewall and barrier towards masturbation, with the firewall in place we don’t have to be as fearful. Previously I had relied purely on my willpower to quit masturbation, my head was filled with dirty images. Nowadays through changing my thoughts, I would not harbor a dirty thought throughout the entire day, without the thought there can be no masturbation. Therefore I wish to point out a path for everyone so as to minimize the number of detours. I have studied many successful brothers, without except all of these people were adept at cleansing their thoughts. When you are conversing with these people, they will have lots of knowledge to share with you; while they are sharing this knowledge with you they are simultaneous reinforcing their own understanding which helps them in the process of staying clean. Final word: in order to become successful in quitting masturbation one must completely rewire the thoughts, otherwise failure is to follow.

    I have studied the process of masturbation addiction as well as in other areas such as addiction towards drugs, quitting drugs, smoking, gaming, shopping. The process of addiction is similar to that of being allergic in that there can be many stimulants, this is why it’s so important to surround oneself with a clean environment. Addiction can be grouped into two categories, physical addiction, and psychological addiction. The human addiction mechanism is closely related to dopamine. Dopamine being a neurotransmitter is responsible for communicating information between the cells, it is one of the fountainheads for the pleasure center of the brain. Because dopamine is mainly responsible for transmitting pleasure related signals, the secretion of dopamine is often out of balance for masturbation sufferers. Rebooting must correct this imbalance by getting rid of the addiction towards sex. Many people have a hard to stay clean because the psychological addiction is too deep where the subconscious is filled with filthy material. The only way to rid these filthy material is by a complete rewiring of our thoughts and deny that material which causes the addiction. If our first reaction by looking at a beautiful woman is arousal then we are finished. If our first reaction is indifference then that would be correct, in time our determination will strengthen. Beautiful women is like electricity, we must transform ourselves into insulators, beautiful women is like a magnet, we must turn ourselves into a wood. Remember, you are in control of your desires and not the other way around, you will not become the slave to your desires.

    The formula

    In my years of research I’ve arrived at the following formula: staying up at night + long time spent sitting down + masturbation = health is finished. If one only masturbation without the other elements one could end up with a waist pain and frequent urination at most. However, if we stay late throughout the night and throw long period of sitting into the equation we will be sure to catch neurasthenia related diseases. Another thing, if you love to exercise the physical symptoms will not be that serious and the time of recovery will be fairly quick. Staying up at night combined with debauchery is the two most essence hurting ways according to TCM. Long sitting damages the kidneys, the three mentioned factors combined will wreck havoc to a person’s health. I hope that everybody will commit the above formula into memories as it has been exchanged for with the painful experiences from both myself and my fellow brothers, not to mention the medical expenses in the tens of thousands that was spent in the process.

    Ways to recover

    From the above reading, everybody has probably gotten an idea of the ways to recover; regular exercise, healthy lifestyle. We need to choose a physical routine that fits our interests. In my research into neurasthenia, many brothers have found meditation and horse-stance (a Kungfu stance) to be helpful in their recovery, I have had personal experiences with this, the difficult part is to find the proper technique and persistence in training.

    Furthermore, replenishment via diet is also very important. The recommendations by doctor Peng Xin is good. One of the most important topics is how to replenish the health via diet. For the people that are aware of their weakened state of health, it is natural to inquire into the hows when it comes to dietary replenishments. I can make it very clear to everyone that the best replenishment is not to waste the essences, the best medicine is abstinence from masturbation. The scale of effectiveness for replenishment follows medicine < diet < exercise. We should therefore exercise regularly but take care not to overstrain ourselves.

    There is a general misunderstanding among brothers and that is to depend on the doctor, they think that by seeing a doctor everything will be fine. In reality this is a false notion; 30% treatment, 70% maintenance, if you are unaware of how to maintain a healthy lifestyle, the effectiveness of medical treatment will be severely limited. Suppose that you are taking medicine for replenishing the kidneys but at the same time you still masturbation, this will only have the opposite of the intended effect. Medicine will help you to recover the kidney vitality, but if you start to fool around as you recover your kidney vitality will never become full, we must therefore stop the “leakage” so to speak. For those brothers suffering from neurasthenia, if your symptoms are serious I would still recommend you to seek the doctor. However, take care to not become dependent on the medication because that is an evil spiral in itself, instead, focus on quitting masturbation and taking care of your body.

    Regarding nocturnal emissions

    Nocturnal emission does not count as masturbation, frequent nocturnal emission deserves attention however as it’s a sign that our “essence gate” is not secure, if that happens I would recommend seeking a Chinese traditional physician. I would recommend a stretching exercise found in the Eight Brocades yoga movements called “hands reaching feets strengthen kidney/waist”, you can Google it. The exercise is very simple and effective. Every day I would perform it several hundred times which helps to greatly reduce the number of nocturnal emissions. This exercise is mentioned in many Taoist health maintaining manuals and is known under many different names, however the principle remains the same; by stretching the bladder
    meridian line found at the back of the thigh, also the bladder line and the kidney affect one another.

    Methods in reducing nocturnal emissions:
    1. Do not have too thick blankets
    2. Avoid diet that is too fatty or too meaty
    3. Do not stay up at night
    4. Do not overstrain yourself during the day
    5. Before bed, don’t drink too much water
    6. Don’t take alcohol
    7. Don’t meditate immediately prior to bed

    Regarding wet dreams

    Many brothers are bothered by wet dreams, this is due to filthy material in the subconscious. Sigmund Freud once said, dreams are the window to the subconscious. If your subconscious is not clean, this will then show up in the dreams and we will be unable to control ourselves. Therefore, the thorough cleansing of the subconscious is the key. We achieve this by the repeated reading of the rebooting material, this needs to be repeated incessantly until we flood our brain with it. The degree of purification will not be enough if we do not reach the mentioned level of saturation which will create opportunities for relapses.

    Regarding erectile difficulties

    Due to the deterioration of one’s sexual performance, many brothers have joined rebooting in hopes to recover quickly. First of all we must interpret and understand the signals that our bodies are sending to us, only be doing so will we make the correct choices. Erectile difficulties is a self-protection mechanism of the body, this is the body telling us to stop what we are doing and begin the process of recuperation. The mechanism is similar to when we are exposed to cold and our skin pores close. Erectile difficulties are the body telling us to stop the sexual debauchery. Many brothers do not understand this concept, instead, they go look for filthier material hoping for their bodies to respond, this will only make matters worse. According to my research, people suffering from impotence and premature ejaculation share a common experience; forceful masturbation or masturbation multiple times in close succession. It has been mentioned in the records of TCM and I will mention it in my own words, the most important reason for the decline of kidney essence; do not indulge too much, the more the indulgence the heavier the price. masturbation is like shopping, we spend our health in exchange for fleeting moments of pleasure. Many people due to their greed of indulgence have become impotent, due to their ignorance in medicine. I hope these words is able to strike a note with the reader.

    The final destination of rebooting

    The purpose of rebooting is not to make you into a monk but to make you in control of your own desires and increase the cultivation of ethics for the individual. The (Chinese) rebooting community promotes the view of no sex before marriage, sex in moderation after marriage, this is the correct path. This point of view is in line with the thoughts of TCM.

    The 10 stages of rebooting

    Stage 1: This is when we realize that masturbation is affecting our healthy negatively and we have a thought about quitting. However, after reading about the harmlessness theories of masturbation we are not so determined anymore, we think that masturbation in moderation should do us no harm. This is the very initial stage of rebooting which is characterized by ignorance and naivety. The result: failure!

    Stage 2: We gain a small understanding of the harmful effects of masturbation, but not a thorough understanding. The result: failure!

    Stage 3: We begin to study other peoples’ experience of rebooting and we try to break our rebooting record. Although we have managed to set a new record on the number of rebooting days we are still unable to break out of the vicious cycle. The result: failure!

    Stage 4: This is the confusion stage, after numerous failures, we start to doubt ourselves. At this stage, we are not putting in enough of a fight, no fight no victory! The result: failure.

    Stage 5: Our body gives out signals once again and it’s clear that our health has deteriorated. Once again we make up our minds to quit and rely helplessly on the brute force method without learning about the correct methods. The result: failure.

    Stage 6: We begin to see the harmlessness theory for what it is, that it only works to trick the “children”. This is when we experience a breakthrough in our way of thinking but we still fail to understand why we are unable to quit masturbation. The result: failure.

    Stage 7: This is the stage of understanding, gained from reading vast amounts of rebooting articles, we begin to acknowledge spiritual teachings (such as Buddhism) which helps to increase our determination tremendously, we break the 100-day streak. The result: still failure.

    Stage 8: The thorough cleansing stage, we are starting to cleanse ourselves both consciously and unconsciously. Once this idea has entered our subconscious we easily break the 200-day barrier. There may come one day when we are browsing the internet and have our guard down or we have been slack in our rebooting studies, we therefore stumble near the finishing line. The result: still failure.

    Stage 9: We are almost there now and have become even more careful, our understanding takes on another level. We are no longer affected by dirty thoughts, what we see do not enter our intentions, what other people sees and like we react with caution. We are steady in our heart even amidst rough winds of thoughts. We have discarded the habit of masturbation altogether.

    Stage 10: “Nothing to begin with, how can nothing stir the dust”. We have come to the highest stage where all things returns to simplicity, just as the “sweeping monk” from Jin Yong’s martial art novels. Great skill is hidden in plain site, this is only achieved by the Master.

    Tips: Everyone should be able to find their current stage in rebooting, just like in video games we have our levels, once we have reached that level success will come. If our level of understanding is not there we will have a hard time to quit masturbation, for a master there is no difficulty, while mastery is difficult to achieve for a layman. Hopefully, everyone will continue to study rebooting articles, the day when we find our “aha” moment is the day when we can walk away from masturbation for good. For the few bright people with keen minds, they are able to skip over stages just as a bright student is able to skip grades and the poor student will need to remain in the same grade.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2017
  2. Nasagy

    Nasagy Fapstronaut

    Well written story, thank you for this, I really needed it.
  3. freedom44

    freedom44 Fapstronaut

    Please keep them coming! Thank you sir
    adbread and lord_nelson like this.
  4. This seems to be the stage I am on. I need to study more rebooting methods and practice my spiritual transformation more. I will reboot successfully. I will NEVER give in.
  5. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    Simply best
    One of the best posts and journey I have read on nofap
  6. Ingeniusthinker

    Ingeniusthinker Fapstronaut

    following it. Its very much inspiring.
  7. HMHU

    HMHU Fapstronaut

    Thanks everyone for keeping up with the material this far and also for your encouraging comments! Before continuing with the translations I would like to point out a few things.

    It came to my attention that the author tends to repeat things every once in awhile. This makes the material rather tedious to read at times but I think it is the author’s intention to emphasize these passages in order to make them stick. In light of this, I will honor my original promise to translate the entire message regardless of how often things are being repeated.

    Now that we’ve moved passed the intro chapter the rest of the book will be divided into “seasons” or chapters. The chapters number to a total of 110 in the edition of the book that I own. New chapters are still being added on a regular basis to this day by the original author. It is therefore not a surprise that the oldest chapters were written years ago.

    Season 2 that you will find below is a chapter that I find to be especially useful, it deals with Why we chose to reboot. I hope you guys will benefit from it as I have. Now onto the translations!


    Season 1 [Soaring Eagle experience: The reason to repeated defeat - slack in cleansing the mind]

    I’ve seen many cases of failure during my year in the rebooting community, many brothers vow to reboot and not long afterward they would fail in their attempt. People that relapse becomes despondent, self-doubting and even decadent, some people may also give up. Many brothers choose to flee, believing that rebooting is not possible for them.

    The reason for rebooting is almost always due to deteriorating health, however, the attraction towards masturbation is strong and it binds us firmly. We are the puppet controlled by a puppet master, masturbation is like the enemy to which we suffer great casualties every time we fight him.

    After a relapse, many brothers would blame it on the lack of willpower and self-restraint, this reveals an inadequacy in our understanding. According to my experiences, relying solely on willpower and perseverance is extremely difficult, unless the person is some kind of rebooting hero who would rather die than to masturbate, these people are very few in number.

    Seeing people failing time and again, I’d like to point out a clear way for everyone, this method has helped me to free myself of the control that masturbation had over my life. There is a good saying: “Success has its ways, lest you have not yet found one.” When you fail it’s important to consider in depth on why we fail and not to carelessly blame it on the lack of willpower, if we act this way we will fail again in the future and thus being unable to free ourselves from this vicious cycle.

    I would like to spread a very important concept for everybody: brainwash! Everybody has probably heard of this term before. Those brothers who managed to stay clean were all thoroughly brainwashed.

    Many people may be biased towards the term brainwash and think that it’s no good. Actually brainwash is a neutral term that is faultless by itself, what matters is to apply it correctly. Depending on your own understanding, brainwashing can be understood as the purification of thoughts or the rewiring of thoughts. Many people have been looking at lots of porn, some people have been doing this for over a decade, these people are actually brainwashing themselves with filthy material and turning their minds into x-rated minds. Many people have read about the harmlessness theories with regards to masturbation, this is also a form of brainwashing where we allow erroneous beliefs to occupy our brain and render ourselves unable to distinguish right from wrong.

    Through brainwashing, a person may be totally transformed to another person, we need to make good use of this “brainwashing” tool in order to systematically cleanse the dirt from our minds and restore purity. People may have questions as to how to brainwash and with what. In our daily lives, we are subjected to many forms of brainwashing regularly, only this happens without us being aware of it; where we are fed with notions and values. According to principles in psychologies, when we are being fed a notion for long enough, we will naturally come to accept it. This is seen in advertising where we might dislike a certain advertisement from the beginning but as time passes we come to dislike it less and slowly to accept it over time. This process is a process of brainwashing.

    We need to apply brainwashing upon ourselves, as for materials we need to look no further than the rebooting material is posted by myself and other brothers, this will serve the basis for the material used for brainwashing. We must purposely engage in brainwashing by constant repetition, again and again until our brain is completely filled with brainwashing material. We need to do this from the moment we wake up in the morning, during our spare time during the day and in the evening. After a while, you will notice that your thoughts and ideology will undergo certain changes where the old filthy you have already vanished and it is replaced by a brand new sense of you. Having only a “brainwashing awareness” is not enough, we also need the intensity. Many brothers are aware of rebooting knowledge, what they lack is “brainwashing intensity”, if the intensity is inadequate the dosage will come out short and the results cannot be guaranteed. The reason to why the author is able to stay clean is because he is collecting rebooting material and thinking about rebooting every day. His mind is saturated with rebooting material and these material act as a firewall which separates PMO from himself.

    Everybody have washed their clothes before, the principle of clothes washing and brain washing is very similar, when the thoughts are dirty our actions become tainted. Since the brain controls the hands we should therefore not chop off our hands, we need to recognize that our thoughts have become contaminated, the only way to become clean again is through brainwashing. High dosage brainwashing, repeated brainwashing, and thorough brainwashing! We must thoroughly rinse away the x-rated material and return the brain to its former state similar to a filthy shirt that needs washing. To achieve a thorough result we must increase the intensity through repeated efforts when the intensity has been reached the results will surely follow. By then we will have conquered PMO and reached a stage of complete transformation, forever departing from that vile self.

    For those brothers who repeatedly fail, I hope that you can pick up the psychological weapon of “brainwashing” to thoroughly cleanse your minds. When your minds are clean your patterns of behavior will change naturally and victory will be assured. After you have used rebooting material to brainwash yourselves, you should also take what you have learned and impart it to other brothers, in doing this your own process of brainwashing will strengthen. The more you repeat this process the clearer will the results become and with time PMO will naturally disappear.

    Season 2 [Soaring Eagle experience: The misconception in repeated failure lies with the incorrect motive of restoring one’s sexual performance]

    Here we will talk about motives behind rebooting. When I logged on today to answer questions I met 2 brothers that are unable to escape from their vicious cycles due to incorrect motives in rebooting. Previously I would run into similar cases every day. This is a serious question that deserves its own topic.

    To reboot in order to recover one’s sexual performance seems quite natural when first hearing about it. Many brothers have suffered a decline in their sexual function due to long-term masturbation, some even have developed premature ejaculation symptoms and impotence, others are on their way to the said symptoms. The worst part is that these people have not realized the seriousness of the problem and act like those frogs in a boiling pot, swimming at ease in the slowly heated up pot.

    According to the [Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperor]: “Illness is due to overuse!” Our body is like a piece of machinery if we only use it and ignore maintenance, the parts will quickly wear out and even become useless. Our body is capable of a certain degree of self-repair, this is why after a period of rebooting we will experience certain improvement in our sexual functions. This is the stage that is most susceptible to breaking our reboot; as our kidney essence recovers there will certainly be reactions down there, evil thought will begin to flourish, those brothers undergoing reboot with the desire to recover their sexual function will begin to feel restless, the thought to “test” will arise in wanting to see the degree of recovery. It is this thought that sinks them once again into the vicious cycle of PMO, once released it’s released and we may even see a deterioration in our condition.

    This is a typical case of incorrect motives, the root is incorrect and therefore the fruit is also incorrect. This motive is incorrect from the very beginning and must result in failure. This is because the reason for rebooting is to enjoy further indulgences in the future, to further satisfy their own cravings, this motive is wrong from the very beginning. The wrong cause will surely result in the wrong result, this will aggravate the vicious cycle making us incapable of escaping from it.

    Therefore, to establish the correct rebooting motive is the key and also the foundation. This is comparable to the foundations of a skyscraper, the foundations must be solid and correct or else we are building castles of sand, prone to collapse at any moment.

    I advocate the following motives:
    1. To restore health to the body and mind: This is the very first motive for many brothers due to the deterioration of their health.
    2. To maintain a healthy way of living according to TCM: in TCM it is recommended to protect and cherish the essence. Studying a little TCM will further benefit our rebooting process.
    3. Religious beliefs: for example, Buddhism is against sexual debauchery and premarital sex as well as moderation of sex post marriage.
    Naturally, there are other commendable motives, such as to not let one’s family down and to realize one’s dreams in life.

    We must not adopt the motive of “reboot in order to recovery sexual functions”. Once we have adopted the correct motive our sexual function will naturally recover. But if your motive is to merely improve the sexual functions you will once again fall into the trap, this will happen by default and has been made known from the experiences of thousands of brothers.

    Hopefully, through these writings I have brought everybody beneficial food for thought, and also a clearer understanding towards rebooting.

    Feel free to contact me for any questions and I will answer them with the backing of extensive experiences. I hope to have helped brothers to overcome their vicious cycles and in rediscovering that bright and healthy self.

    Season 3 [Soaring Eagle experience: Teach you how to rid the problem of frequent nocturnal emissions]

    In this article, we will discuss the topic of nocturnal emission in depth in hopes to point out a clear path for everyone. For those readers with a keen understanding, I believe they will no longer be bothered with the worry of nocturnal emission after reading this article. Please read the following passages thoroughly.

    Out of all the hundreds of questions that I have answered, the topic of nocturnal emission makes up a big share of the count. As long as you have begun to reboot, you will likely have been troubled by nocturnal emissions. I come across this topic daily from fellow brothers, no fewer than 3 per day, the most I have received 10 per day on this issue. It could even be said that large portions of brothers are deeply troubled by nocturnal emissions, they have searched far and wide to no avail and are unable to reduce the frequency of nocturnal emissions. To have built up the kidney essence only to have them dispelled one night via nocturnal emissions is very disheartening and troubling.

    Like everyone else I’ve once made up my mind to reboot, yet I was deeply troubled by nocturnal emission. Nocturnal emission itself does not count as breaking the reboot, but my body would noticeably feel weakened. This especially applies to those brothers whose had their kidney essences greatly weakened, if you add nocturnal emission to their already weakened state is like adding frost on top of the snow. The day after nocturnal emission is when the body will feel not up to par, some people even describes the experience of their bodies falling apart. Although the manner that we lose our essences and qi through nocturnal emission differs from that of masturbation, the results are more or less the same, once essences and qi have been lost the body will feel weakened. If your body is very healthy and your kidney qi is plentiful, an occasional nocturnal emission will not be felt. However, if the kidney qi has already been weakened, once we have a nocturnal emission, the effect will become very apparent. As we age the discomfort we feel following nocturnal emission will become more apparent. Furthermore, nocturnal emission will adversely impact our determination in rebooting, although it does not count as breaking the reboot, following nocturnal emission our stamina will noticeably decrease like an inflated ball. TCM (Chinese Traditional Medicine) advocates “accumulation of essence and qi” where the leakage of essence and qi is frowned upon.

    In Taoism the leakage of essence is called “the leaving of the pellet”, if we take away the essence how are we to transform it into qi? There is a saying that it takes 100 days in order to build up the foundation during which time there can be no leakage of essences. 100 day without leakage is a feat that is achieved by extremely few people, only those that have acquired the way of the Tao is able to achieve this feat. Actually, breaking the 100 days is like breaking the paper on papered tapered windows, if you know the method it is very easy, but if you don’t know the method, it’s very hard to decrease the frequency of essence leakage, let alone the excessive expectation of breaking the 100-day barrier. According to my research, many people due to that they have masturbated long-term suffers from a great deficiency in their kidney qi. It would take from half a year to 8 months before they experience nocturnal emission during their reboot. The 100-day barrier that I had mentioned is addressed towards the second stage of the reboot.

    I was once troubled by nocturnal emission for the better part of a year, during that time I would experience nocturnal emission about 3-5 times each month, sometimes I would experience it two nights in a row. Although the number of times is not that great, it is, however, a great deal for an already weakened body where we simply cannot afford to leak so to speak. I remember a time when I had been recovering very well only to experience a marked decline in my physical well being after a nocturnal emission. During this time period, I took care to record the times of my leakages, the dates, the time, whether or not dreams were present, I had it recorded down in detail. After a nocturnal emission, I would go on the internet to look for ways to combat it. I’ve come across a countless number of articles and posts; medicine was mentioned as well as different forms of physical exercise, also suggestive healing was mentioned, however, there were no ways to decrease the frequency of the leakage. There was a time when I perplexed over the question of whether or not the leakage is due to the “overflowing of essences”, this was then dismissed after I discovered that there are people who are able to greatly decrease or even to halt altogether, nocturnal emission through meditation. At the time I was thinking of how wonderful it would be to have a master to guide me into this matter. According to my understanding, those who have opened their small circulatory cycles according to Qigong are able to stop the leakage. However this requires the guidance of a proper tutor, one should not attempt this on their own due to the risk running into issues, therefore I didn’t attempt this exercise on my own. In Qigong, by holding the horse stance one is also able to decrease the frequency of nocturnal emissions, but to achieve 100 days of no leakage is very difficult. Nocturnal emission in Taoism is a “hard threshold”, many people have difficulty in passing this barrier. If this barrier cannot be passed, a substantial improvement (Translator’s note: I believe the author isn’t referring to a normal improvement upon an already weakened body, instead, it is the total transformation above and beyond a normal constitution, like becoming a superman in terms of health. Therefore, the 100 days threshold should not be viewed as a prerequisite to improving one’s health, it’s the threshold towards unlocking one’s latent powers) in one’s constitution is very difficult, because whatever we put in is leaked away like a leaking water tank where the tank is never to be full.

    I’ve now finally fumbled my way to the method, one can also say that I’ve reached an understanding (Translator’s note: in Chinese, understanding literally translates to “knowing the Tao”. In this context, understanding should be interpreted as having the defining “aha moment” and piercing into the truth) . Previously I came across articles dealing with similar topics but was unable to comprehend them, this is also owing the complexity of the articles where the contents becomes more difficult the more you read them, and if I did what was prescribed in those articles it was easy to miss the essence and not hit the mark, and so the issue of nocturnal emission was not resolved. An article with several thousands of words in it can often be summarized in the last sentence. The saying goes “Falseness may spread across a thousand books, the truth is contained in one sentence”, if we are able to truly comprehend this then there is no need to read many articles lest we become even more confused. If we are not able to reach the understanding then the paper thin veil becomes like a mountain, if understanding is reached, breaking the veil is like breaking through a sheet of paper.

    Ever since I have arrived at the understanding, I have not had a nocturnal emission for 3 months. I could feel that my kidney qi is becoming ever more abundant and my overall vitality is very good. Today I will pierce this paper thin veil, hopefully, everybody could pay close attention to the below writings.

    Listen, understand, and you will save money, there will be no need to take medicine and hospital expenses could be saved.

    First of all, let’s familiarize us with the concept of the “essence gate”. The essence gate is like a dam if the dam is sturdy enough it will not become overwhelmed by the flood of water. If not, nocturnal emissions will be frequent. If your gate is very sturdy, even if you have Ying deficiency in the kidney & liver, the dam will still hold firm. The relationship can be described the analogy of the spear and the shield if your shield is strong the spear will not be able to penetrate it despite its sharpness. Therefore, the question of how to reinforce the essence gate, to reinforce the “shield” is the problem that we must solve. I was able to cast off the trouble of nocturnal emission thanks to a rhyme that I have discovered which originated from the Eight Brocade exercise, called “Hands climbing feet sturdies the kidney and the waist”. This movement has a very simple form, stand with both legs straight and use the hands to touch the ground. In broadcast gymnastics (Translator’s note: kids in Chinese schools do simple gymnastics movements during school, these movements are basically like stretching and is guided by broadcasts from loud speakers) there is a similar movement, actually, these movements are born out of the traditional Chinese Eight Brocade Qigong exercises. Whatever you do, do not underestimate these movements as they contain “great mysterious principles”. The said movement, through stretching the bladder meridian line found at the backside of the thighs have the function of strengthening the essence gates. The principle is the following: the kidney meridian line and the bladder meridian line is reflected off each other, their functions are connected together, qi and blood are interconnected, therefore by stretching the bladder meridian line we are also working the kidney meridian line. Thus we are able to reinforce our essence gate, executing the said movement is like tightening screws to the gate, once the gate is secured, the issue of nocturnal emission is resolved. In the past I’ve encountered numerous articles, the Eight Brocade is also mentioned in them but at the time the contents did not stick in my mind due to my lack of understanding, I didn’t comprehend the essence of the teachings and hence did not fully grasp the power of the movement. Now I’ve come to fully understand the battle-tested effectiveness of the movement which far surpasses the efficiency of any medicine! Furthermore, the exercise is very easy to execute and to repeat over time. Those with an adequate understanding will come to treasure the movement as the most valuable asset while those with an inadequate understanding will tend to ignore and dismiss it.

    Detailed how-to

    The method that I would teach everyone is: just do one of the movement from the Eight Brocade exercises, the one that targets nocturnal emissions “Hands climbing feet sturdies the kidney and the waist”. Persist in executing this movement properly, which means to find that stretchy feeling, it’s important to have that correct feeling. When we are doing this movement we should feel the bladder meridian line being stretched tighter, straightened and lengthened like a rubber band. Once we have found this feeling we need to intensify it like tightening the screws of the essence gate. Every day I would perform this movement 500 times, before I go to bed I would do it 200 times. I would strongly recommend doing this exercise before bed which is likened to putting a lock on the essence gate. If you do not do this before going to bed then we might experience nocturnal emissions, this is because the essence gate might not be properly secured which can only be secured by performing this movement. However we must take care to not overstrain ourselves while doing this exercise, otherwise, the overtraining may lead to nocturnal emission, we should pay close attention to this. In the beginning, many people lack the foundations, other people may have a poor physical condition, therefore we do not need to do many repetitions in the beginning. We could, for example, start from 30 repetitions, or do them in sets, 60 repetitions may be divided into 3 sets with 20 per set and a minute of rest between the sets. The second day we do this we may experience pain or discomfort in the body, we only need to rest for a couple days to return to normal and then continue from where we left off and we will not experience further discomfort in the body.


    Lastly, I would like to elaborate on the characteristics of the essence. Essence is a mysterious substance, if given is able to grant life and if saved is able to preserve life. There is one characteristic of the essence and that is essence is able to become “internalized”, through meditational practices the essence may be transformed into qi, essence can then be returned to nourish the brain. (Translator’s note: in English, this may be called sexual transmutation and has been expounded upon by authors such as Napoleon Hill). The saying that “Once essences are full it will overflow” is a theory that is only applicable to the layman. Because the layman is not cultivated in meditational practices he will be limited on the plane of “Once essences are full it will overflow”. This is like a person believing there are only white swans in the world just because he has only seen white swans, in reality, there are black swans as well only that they have not yet been seen by that person.


    Once a brother has reached a certain stage in the rebooting process he will likely be bothered with the issue of nocturnal emissions. We must learn to control the frequency of these leakages and try to limit the frequency to no more than 3 times per month. Hopefully, I have been able to provide guidance for those who are deeply troubled by nocturnal emissions, I hope one day the issue will no longer come to bother you.

    Success case feedback

    Case 1: Previously I saw in your thread the “Hands climbing feet sturdies the kidney and the waist” movement, this is truly a remarkable move! I have kept doing this exercise for 200 times before bed every day and I have not experienced nocturnal emission for over 40 days. Before I learned about this exercise I would experience nocturnal emission twice a week, what a powerful exercise this is. However, I did fall short and broke the reboot after 44 days. I can now guarantee to quit PMO completely and I’m full confidence.

    Case 2: The first month of reboot I had nocturnal emissions 8 times which almost frightened me to death, after reading Soaring Eagle’s article my determination is renewed. In addition, I’ve started to practice the Eight Brocade exercises, in the second month I’ve yet to experience a single nocturnal emission. My state of mind is pretty good now! I’m very grateful for Soaring Eagle and the rebooting forums. I hope everybody can do as I did and walk on the path of righteousness, together we will build a bright future.

    Case 3: Masturbated for 8 years! Short, ugly and poor (Translator’s note: Chinese slang for loser basically). The girl of my dreams sleeps in the arms of another man, very hurtful indeed. After having read Soaring Eagle’s posts I’ve come to realize that I have wasted valuable years. Today is the 31st day of my reboot, at day 7 I had a nocturnal emission, afterward, I did in according to Soaring Eagle’s methods and successfully controlled by leakage. Ever since the 7th day until today I have yet to have another nocturnal emission, my dreams are peaceful and I no longer have erotic dreams. My body clearly feels more vital, my legs are no longer soft, waist and back ache have disappeared. My appearance has become clearer and no longer carry the wretched look! My thoughts are clear now and my courage has returned. Now I do the things I enjoy doing and make money towards my freedom. I finally understand this is what is called real living. The sad and inferior days of self-rubbing is now forever behind me.

    Case 4: I began rebooting after reading in rebooting forums. Afterwards, I often had nocturnal emissions which irritated me a lot. I remember when it was the most serious, I leaked 7 times within a month. When it was cold during the night I would have an emission. My body was very irritated and felt weak overall. Even during my midday naps, I experienced emission. At that time I just wanted to die, but the will to live was very strong, so I gathered my courage and told my mom about rebooting and the frequent nocturnal emissions. I told her that I felt very week so my mom took me to see an old traditional Chinese doctor. I knew that doctor from a very young age, now he is maybe 80 years old but is still working. The head of the clinic told him to come by and sit for a while and treat some patients every day until noon. I told the old doctor about my condition and was given medicine, the doctor told me not to be nervous and that I would recover. Just like that, after taking his medicine I felt much better. I would have nocturnal emission twice every month and so I no longer felt the need to do any kidney strengthening exercises and stopped taking the medicine. After stopping the medicine the symptoms rebounded and once again I experienced frequent nocturnal emissions. At the time I was thinking to myself how nice it would be to no longer take any medicine and so I continued to do the exercises provided by Soaring Eagle. Now I do it every day whereas before I was not persistent and would have nocturnal emission every couple of days. Now I do them every day and have not leaked for about a month or two. Hehe. Though I feel that I have a small advantage which allowed my body to start recovering and that is ever since I started rebooting I have not broken the reboot. The physical as well as the mental act of masturbation no longer exist in my head. To those brother who experience frequent nocturnal emissions please hold out, your bodies will be able to sense it. If you are good to your body it will know it. Please continue with the kidney strengthening exercise forever.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2017
    adbread, theFounder, Puretim and 36 others like this.
  8. Satchi

    Satchi Fapstronaut

    Thanks so much for doing this, looking forward to more.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. Hell. Yes. I'm on it.
    adbread, mmuk2002 and DIYAS1 like this.
  10. And this because of the combination of qiqong practice and positive brainwashing? I'm ready to practice more qiqong now...Thank you.
    adbread, RAW99 and DIYAS1 like this.
  11. HMHU

    HMHU Fapstronaut

    I believe it's mostly due to positive brainwashing. Qigong helps to reconstitute the body and to lower the frequency of nocturnal emission.
    adbread and Empty Red Cloud like this.
  12. Sanny maxwell

    Sanny maxwell Fapstronaut

  13. Iamworthit

    Iamworthit Fapstronaut

    Keep up the great work! This is all so incredibly valuable.
  14. SeriousPanda

    SeriousPanda Fapstronaut

    i have now reached the 1st 100 days barrier and aim to a 200 days streak,
    my goals is to strengthen my health (mental and pscyhcolgical) but i wish to experience nocturnal emissions i feel they are normal and part of the healing process, but this book is strongly pointing that any leakage is bad for recovery
    i still didnt have any nocturnal emissions during these 105 days.
    i feel my mind is still clouded and i need more time perhaps 6-8 months as u mentioned above.
    overall i thank you for your time and efforts to translate this book, and i will continue to read it.
    warrior on the road to mastery (ihope)
  15. TurnedOff

    TurnedOff Fapstronaut

    This is incredible material! Wow
    adbread and (deleted member) like this.
  16. Aizen-sama

    Aizen-sama New Fapstronaut

    Thank for that job
    adbread and (deleted member) like this.
  17. HMHU

    HMHU Fapstronaut

    Good job on the 100 days streak! I believe the author is influenced by the Taoist school of health maintenance and subscribes to the belief that the fewer nocturnal emissions the better. Although nocturnal emissions is a natural physical process, I do not think it needs to take place for the body to heal itself. If it does take place and we feel weak the next day then we should look to reduce its frequency, especially when we are bothered by it.
  18. SeriousPanda

    SeriousPanda Fapstronaut

    i do feel weak somedays , and i still didn't have a nocturnal emission.
    anyway its time for my dose of your book
    any new updates?!
    adbread likes this.
  19. HMHU

    HMHU Fapstronaut

    You bet! Proofreading atm, will post another 2 seasons before the weekend is over, stay tuned!
  20. HMHU

    HMHU Fapstronaut

    Season 4 [Soaring Eagle experience: Be vigilant during the flatline period and of the fed up mood]

    Every day we have many brothers breaking their reboot, the annoyance and the disappointment that we experience following a relapse is not hard to understand, I believe every brother have had this experience repeatedly. From vowing to stay clean to being defeated time and again to finally staying clean for good is a long and slow process. To change our awareness is a process of learning, it’s a process of ever-increasing our level of awareness. In this season we will elaborate on the flatlining period and of the fed up mood during the rebooting process.

    For the brothers that repeatedly relapse, if you are familiar with TCM you will notice that there is a pattern to the relapses. The pattern of the relapse and the “value of kidney qi” is intricately interconnected. When you feel that your body is weak you will instinctively want to reboot. Once you have been rebooting for a while and kidney qi will have started to recover somewhat, this is when it’s very easy to relapse. In the beginning of the reboot, we will experience a period of flatlining with regards to our desires, many people during this stage do not experience strong cravings and are able to control themselves. But during the flatlining period, it’s very easy to let our guard down and think that we have succeeded, in reality, our desires are only temporarily in dormant. Once our kidney qi has recovered to a certain degree that is when the desires are awakened. During this stage the relapse is often accompanied by vigorous masturbation, all our previous efforts have gone down the drain. The period of flatline varies from person to person, for some people that period is 3 days, for others, it can be 20 days or 60 days. According to my understanding, the average duration of the flatline period is around 3 weeks or 21 days. Following the flatlining period is the peak period for relapses after the relapse is the period of regret, the feeling of doubt and regret will be quite strong at this stage.

    The purpose of this article is to let everyone become aware of the flatline period. During this period we need to increase our alertness and maintain our vigilance, we must not slack in our rebooting studies. Only through the unceasing study of rebooting material can we increase our understanding and our level of determination. The level of determination is comparable to when we grind for levels in an internet game, in the beginning, our level is low and succumbs to the temptations of the heart, once we have continuously studied rebooting material and our level of determination have risen, the heart can no longer tempt us. If you don’t study rebooting knowledge, no understanding will take place, the level of determination will forever remain at a low level. And when we encounter a temptation the result is obvious; every encounter will result in failure, when we see x-rated material we will not have any determination, once we see it our heart begins to flutter and we click on the material, without immunity and resistance we are finished.

    [Vow to reboot] -> [flatline period] -> [kidney qi recovers somewhat] -> [peak period for relapse] -> [period for regret]

    This is the process of relapse, also known as the vicious circle. Many people cannot escape from this circle for years or even decades. Once I was stuck in this vicious circle for well over a decade because at the time I didn’t reach understanding, I didn’t study rebooting material nor was I aware of how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I only knew the brute force way and the blind way. With regards to the brute force way, I thought that I will be able to quit masturbation by relying on willpower. In reality, the brute force way will surely result in failure because we have not raised our state of awareness. The blind way is trying to reboot without the knowledge of rebooting, the blind way will also surely fail for the same reason.

    The contamination of the brain by x-rated material is similar to when a computer is infected by a virus. When a computer is struck by a virus it will affect how the systems operate, similarly, when the human brain is contaminated our health will have problems. Normally the areas where problems first appear is in the urinary system, mainly in the form of prostatitis. Afterwards once the kidneys are weakened, many illnesses will result from weakened kidneys, any illness might appear, the decrease in our mental faculties is also very common. TCM: in the above, kidneys are connected to the brain. Masturbation injures the kidneys and hence must also injure our mental power, memory and concentration will both decrease. If our mental power is lacking our studies and career will invariably suffer.

    Let’s now talk about the fed up mood with regards to rebooting.

    The mood of being fed up is very common during reboot, this is like being fed up with a piece of clothing, a food dish or a cell phone. Studying rebooting material a lot can also make us feel fed up, once we experience this state our rebooting efforts will be halved, this is why it’s important to learn to adjust our attitude and state of mind. We need to manage our mood well, as soon as we begin to feel fed up we need to make adjustments. Cultivate the habit of reading and studying, study rebooting material daily without slacking, once the habit is established we will not easily become fed up anymore. This is like a toothbrush, once a habit forms it becomes natural if we don’t brush our teeth one day we might feel uncomfortable. Similarly, we need to find this state of mind with our rebooting studies. Of course, we don’t have to study the topic of rebooting exclusively, cultivating a healthy lifestyle can also be a good topic due to the similarity it shares with rebooting. In addition, a rebooting article can be read numerous times, through reinforcement comes new learning, the more you read the deeper the understanding will become as opposed to dabbling into something and then stopping and forgetting.

    Concluding remarks: Sun Tzu - If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. To reboot we need to understand how to the reboot is broken and why we cannot escape the vicious circle, every brother should think deeply about these questions. When you have understood our state of awareness will be raised. If we remain in our initial level of understanding, the brute force way and the blind way till both lead to failure. Only through continuous efforts in our studies can we arrive at that “aha moment”, once there our state of awareness will be different, our level of determination will be raised, the distance to ridding PMO for good will be within reach. Keep on fighting brothers!

    Season 5 [Soaring Eagle experience: How to supplement the health the right way]

    Today let’s discuss the topic of “supplementing” (Translator’s note: the word supplementation in this context can also be interpreted as to repair or to mend). Just like the question of how to quit PMO, supplementing is a popular question that many brothers pay a great deal of attention to. There is a good amount of misconceptions surrounding this topic, this article will now dig into the issue in detail, hopefully, it’s of help to everyone.

    Supplementing is a big topic with a deep depth of knowledge, it is not as simple as one would think it to be. Many brothers due to their long-term habit of PMO, has their bodies greatly weakened, their first reaction is naturally to take supplements. They tend to want to ingest something as a supplement but because they do not know what to ingest, they will go to a traditional Chinese doctor and then take herbal medicine to supplement their kidney qi. To supplement is necessary, but one has to learn how to supplement with high efficiency and not with low efficiency, it requires careful attention. No matter if we look for dietary or medical supplementation on our own, or have a doctor prescribe medicine for us, the foremost prerequisite to supplementing is this: the cultivation of heart/mind must be in place. This is because once you have taken the supplements your kidney qi will start to recover, once it has recovered then desires will appear, this is when it’s very easy to relapse. Relapsing is equivalent to losing kidney qi, this will greater hamper the results of the supplements. Therefore, if you are not aware of the importance in cultivating the heart/mind and go ahead with the supplements anyway, the result will be sporadic with a mix of both good and bad periods, the body will not have greatly recovered. We may even experience adverse side effects due to a large number of supplements we have taken, making us worse off. Furthermore, there will be diminishing returns in taking supplements, this is apparent once we have taken lots of supplements where the effect is most noticeable in the beginning. And so this is the first misconception of the topic of the supplement: only knowing how to supplement but not the cultivation of heart/mind. Everyone should, therefore, emphasize the cultivation of the heart/mind and the study of rebooting material. Raise the effort in heart/mind cultivation, only through reboot studies may we increase the level of determination, with the determination we will naturally fantasize less and even achieve no fantasizing. If we apply supplements on top of this state of mind we will multiply the efficiency. Otherwise what we put in from above will only be leaked from below thus preventing kidney qi from ever becoming full.

    The second misconception regarding supplementation: ignoring the importance of rice in the diet

    Actually the most beneficial supplements for the essence and qi is not ginseng, deer antlers, yam, black beans or any of the supplemental medicines, instead, we find in rice! If we imagine the supplementation process to building a house, rice is then the foundation. If you don’t properly eat your rice, then no matter how much other supplements you take you will not see great results, this is because the foundation is not solid.

    There are many ways to prepare rice, I would approve congee.

    A masterpiece within the topic of health maintenance [Lao Lao Heng Yan] states: “Ingesting a diluted bowl of congee every day on empty stomach is able to rejuvenate, give birth to saliva and quicken digestion, the benefits is not trifling” In [Shi Zhou], the great Song dynasty poet Lou You (1125-1210) wrote: “People far and wide studies longevity, not knowing what they study lies right before their eyes, to obtain longevity one has only to offer congee to the Gods”. The benefit of congee is clearly observed in the fact that Lou You has lived for over 80 years. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that congee is able to make semen flourish, cultivate the stomach qi, help with the digestion and nourish the entire existence.

    The Tang dynasty doctor Sun Simiao (581−682) suffered from many ailments as a child and hence took up to study medicine, combines Buddhism and Taoism wisdom in health maintenance and lived to be over 100 years. He also advocated the intake of congee in the morning. In addition, use Chinese medicine in making congee, using the “rice qi” and water moisture as “medicine enhancers” and administer according to the “biological timing” of the five viscera and six bowels to nurse one’s body and cure diseases.

    Therefore, do not focus on the trees and lose sight of the forest, in other words, do not ignore the importance of congee as the most effective means of supplementing the essence. Eat your rice is more important than anything else.

    The third misconception regarding the supplementation: blindly supplement without consulting a traditional Chinese doctor

    This misconception is very common among brothers. Some people think it’s a hassle to go to the doctor, others are afraid of embarrassment and so on and so forth. These people may end up looking up supplements on the internet by comparing their own symptoms against a suitable supplement, they then go to the drugstore to buy the supplement. In reality, this method is biased, kidney deficiency is not like catching the flu where one can just solve the problem by picking up flu medicine at the drugstore. Kidney deficiency requires correct diagnosis, according to TCM: Same disease, different treatment. Different treatment, same disease. Even with the same symptoms, because we all have different physiology, the recipe might not be the same, only after the four diagnostic methods (Translator’s note: as in looking, listening, asking and feeling the pulse) may a correct judgment be made. Therefore, the preferred way is to go to a well-known clinic and seek an old and experienced Chinese traditional doctor. Also, do not put all hope in the doctor and the medicine, 30% treatment, 70% maintenance (Translator’s note: 70% of the recovery consists of maintaining a proper diet and healthy lifestyle. This is much more gradual compared to taking medicines). If you do not study how to maintain a good health and have not mastered the way of good health maintenance, the effectiveness of medicine will be severely limited. For example, if you are taking supplemental medicine but at the same time stays up at nights and have a long period of sitting, then the effectiveness of the medicine will be very low. In addition, strong supplementation is not suitable for many people in the weakened state. This is because a weakened body cannot handle a strong tonic. For example, if we administer a strong tonic for kidney and spleen yang deficiency, the body will not be able to absorb the tonic which will result in extra burden for the stomach and intestines. Therefore, it is best to seek an experienced traditional Chinese doctor for diagnosis and not blindly supplement on one’s own initiative.

    The fourth misconception regarding the supplementation: no exercise.

    When talking about supplementing the first reaction is what to ingest. Actually, the most brilliant supplement is not in eating but in moving! Medicine supplement is not as good as a dietary supplement, a dietary supplement is not as good as moving supplement. Moving supplement is a very good word, exercise may help your body to recover which surpasses the healing effect of a medicine.

    Traditional Chinese medicine states that 3 Yang opens up good fortune; kindness, delight, and exercise. Also stated is that strong yang leads to longevity, “The one strong with Yang energy is like the sky and the sun, to lose it results in discounted longevity and brightness is lost”. Therefore, exercise as a supplement is very effective, as long as we do not overstrain ourselves, exercise is very beneficial for the recovery of the body. The misconception that people have is not to exercise, people complain about their slow pace of their recovery, you only need to ask yourself if you are exercising and whether or not you have learned how to maintain the health? To cut out PMO alone is far from enough, exercise must be added, we must learn the way to maintain a good health if we do all this recovery will be quick. The 3 Yang includes “kindness raises Yang” in this is contained deep health maintaining philosophy. By doing deeds of kindness including the release of wild animals according to Buddhism, is very beneficial to the body’s recovery. Do kind deeds and have a merciful heart, the Yang energy will naturally supplement itself to fullness.

    The optimal supplemental method that I recommend: to sit in meditation and doing standing exercise.

    I have previously tried out many supplemental medicines, none of them equals to sitting in meditation and doing standing exercises. Sitting meditation and standing exercises not only replenishes vital energy and benefits the cultivation of the heart, two birds in one stone. It doesn’t cost money nor has any side effects. Many people may think that one can run into issues (Translator’s notes: by issues the author is referring to the adverse side effects that a Qigong practitioner may encounter during meditation. These side effects may manifest physically or psychologically and is not a part of the normal manifestations that occur with regards to Qigong practice) by practicing Qigong, this does indeed occur, however, the form that I advocate is not the form that is likely to run into issues. I’m talking about the sitting meditation and standing exercise that is related to health maintenance, in this no issues will occur.

    The biggest supplemental medicine: no PMO! This is the best way of supplementation. If you take strong tonics for a few fortnights, two consecutive nights of nocturnal emissions will bring you back to square one. Therefore, having the proper supplement in place involves working towards reducing the number of nocturnal emissions to a minimum, put an end to all factors that may contribute towards having these emissions, combine this with proactive physical exercises and the body will enjoy a rather quick recovery. For brothers with a long history of PMO whose kidney qi have been overdrafted and are showing many physical symptoms, the question of how to reduce the frequency of nocturnal emission is of paramount importance. One must take this question into consideration and research into it.

    Lastly, I would like to fill in on the problem of prostatitis, this is one of the most commonly occurring issues with brothers, almost everyone has encountered it. Many brothers carry misconceptions in their minds thinking that having prostatitis is like catching a cold, that one can simply take some medicine and hope to get well. In reality, this is completely false, there are many brothers who has visited countless doctors and spent tens of thousands in medical bills but are still not cured, what is the reason? In fact, if one is familiar with TCM then it is understood that masturbation hurts kidney qi and when kidney qi has been injured then prostatitis will appear. The doctor may heal you and help you to recover your kidney qi, prostatitis might go away temporarily, but you continue to masturbation and hurt your kidney qi once more, therefore, prostatitis is very likely to return. The relapse rate for prostatitis is over 90%. This happens because we have not grasped medical knowledge, the problem is in our understanding. Only if we cut off PMO completely is there the hope of making a full recovery from prostatitis. This form of full recovery corresponds to a leap in understanding where the root of the problem has been understood. In paying attention to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and using the kidney qi sparingly, prostatitis is unlikely to relapse. If we have not deeply understood the problem we will have to visit the hospital frequently and spend ever more money in diagnosing and medical expenses.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2017