Does PMO'ing reduce my motivation to do things?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by faiz ahmed, May 20, 2018.

  1. faiz ahmed

    faiz ahmed Fapstronaut

    How much does pmo reduce my motivation to do the things that I want to do?Does it completely prevent me from being productive?I've been an addict for 3 years now,Im 17.
  2. Abstaining from pmo will save you immense time and energy for other things in your life. You will see.
    Ecco likes this.
  3. 94d33m

    94d33m Fapstronaut

    It is the complete opposite, you'll start realising the true pleasure in other activities. If you are an addict of pmo, then your pleasure bar has already been set high that other activities are much lower compared to that. The best you can do is experiment it yourself
    Ecco likes this.
  4. faiz ahmed

    faiz ahmed Fapstronaut

    Can you please tell me the science and the working of reward circuit under normal conditions and in porn addicts, which causes drop in motivation?
    Shahil likes this.
  5. Ecco

    Ecco Fapstronaut

    I would say search the words science and NoFap on YouTube and watch what happens.
  6. Ecco

    Ecco Fapstronaut

    Like this, describes in pictures very helpful,

  7. outwithold

    outwithold Fapstronaut

    I think theres a place for science in understanding the chemistry of my addiction but I do feel that alone this wont actually stop me.
    I personally decided I needed to learn about and understand myself and take a look at the evidence of my addiction..
    I have wilfully tried to stop many times and for me thats not enough, and its the same with drug use for me, ive stopped for long periods of time, ive avoided people that I used to use with, Ive tried to think it will all get better and go away after a period of time, and yes it did get better to a degree but I still went back to it time and time again.
    So should I give fully over to science and believe I just didnt hold out for long enough?
    Science doesnt seem to provide me with the personal information relevant to my situation if im honest. if it was a case of 90 days and every person was free'd from porn addiction and the mindset that fed that addiction then I couldnt really question it, however theres many variables involved and many differences in brain function from person to person so that tells me I have to also look at myself personally.

    I hope that makes sense and dont get my wrong im not saying that were all doomed, im saying I personally cant rely on holding out for a period of time to cure me.
    Ecco likes this.
  8. outwithold

    outwithold Fapstronaut

    And I would say that PMO has become your preferred activity in many respects, your motivation for other things has been blunted because you get a fix from PMO, PMO is basically a drug, and when we get addicted to a drug anything that doesnt give us as good a buzz or hit isnt going to motivate us.
    So we have to learn to enjoy normal things again when we stop our 'drug' use, and this can take time and isnt easy as fundamentally not many things will truly replace the 'drugs' effect.
    We must rein in our expectations to a more realistic level.
    faiz ahmed, Anonymous86 and Ecco like this.
  9. Ecco

    Ecco Fapstronaut

    Fitness is medicine in terms of boosting, bolstering, and balancing neurotransmitters.

    How someone could reboot without engaging in fitness is beyond me but we each live differently I guess and don't think the same.
    Anonymous86 likes this.
  10. Ecco

    Ecco Fapstronaut

    Science in my eyes, good science I mean no bias involved, is merely a tool.

    I do not view it as an end in itself rather it is a means to an end.
  11. Ecco

    Ecco Fapstronaut

    On that note, I feel what is just as important as science is developing a healthy psychological understanding of oneself and contributing in a beneficient manner to a community of some kind as we are all connected and are not really designed to live as hermits although many advanced homo sapiens have thrived doing so for example people living in caves for years without contact with the outside world.

  12. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    I have a question. Can it take a while for motivation to return after abstaining from PMO for some time, varying on how addicted you are and how severe your PIED is?
  13. outwithold

    outwithold Fapstronaut

    Its very personal id say Anonymous, nobody can truly answer, fundamentally its about what you do everyday. I often think like this..i cant expect to run a marathon if I don't train.
    If i sit down for a long time and do nothing, nothings going to happen. Or I'm going to try and run a marathon and fail.
    I believe if i work at myself, be honest with myself, treat myself well and live as true as i can i have a chance. There's no promise of tomorrow, so try and make today count. I could spend the rest of my life going through everything looking for answers, in truth action speaks louder than words.
    But this is my ideas my thoughts and and feelings and my motivation, we must find our own.
    Anonymous86 likes this.
  14. DarkSektur

    DarkSektur Fapstronaut

    Addiction causes a surge of dopamine in your reward and continous indulge causes a downregulation of dopamine. At these stage it difficult for the brain to feel the impact of dopamine and dopamine plays a role in motivation.