
  1. K

    Losing interest in things

    Hey guys,I can't feel joy like I used to feel.example:before 2 or 3 years I was excited to watch anime and I felt great joy watching it.nowadays I don't feel the same joy as I did earlier.i just try hard to enjoy it and in reality I cannot even concentrate on the anime scenes.The same goes for...
  2. Ūruz

    The Daily Meditation Challenge!

    (ॐ) Welcome to the Daily Meditation Challenge! (ॐ) "Urges are often accompanied with sexual imagery. Getting caught up in that sexual imagery, i.e. fantasizing, gives the urges power and makes them much stronger. But if you can prevent yourself from paying attention to that sexual imagery...
  3. J

    How to improve focus?

    I started nofap to focus on exams as I was spending too much time in watching porn. But I am realising that after starting nofap, I lost my focus. I am spendig hours doing nothing. Before, I start studying just after ejaculation. should I leave?:(
  4. Galaxy7777

    Loss of awarness, concentration, focus without Masturbation?

    I wanted to ask this because their could be others experimenting the same, i have been masturbating for many years now and have enjoyed it back then with porn, i had a problem with porn though after realizing it wasnt healthy actually for the brain in the sence that many of the scenes are just...
  5. Reaching_for_the_Stars

    An Online Tool that has Helped me to Focus on Tasks!

    An Online Tool that has Helped me to Focus on Tasks! I have been off PMO for a little other a month now. That means I am one third of the way through my reboot. I am so excited! In the early days, I found it extremely hard to focus on tasks. I found myself drifting and wasting time on social...
  6. D

    Only people with 30+ days can post here!

    What's up? If you're streak ia 30+ days, do this: - write us a piece of advice we people with shorter streaks can benefit from. - mention how many days it has been since your last relapse.
  7. S

    Failing since the last 8 years..

    I am not a porn addict. I just watch it occasionally. However, the main area of concern is masturbation. I have been trying to stop it since the past 8 years since the age of 20 that was when I began with it. Before that I never even tried doing it. After that day, life changed completely for...
  8. P

    What are the actual benefits of nofap? A few thoughts.

    Science says that constantly watching many Hours of porn while fapping might not be good for the function of the brain and cognitive functioning. Watching many porn movies distracts clarity of thought and concentration, but I think that's a Problem with Smartphones, Computers, and TV and...
  9. F

    Does PMO affects on concentration?

    Hello, guys! I am now on day 2 without PMO, my biggest streak was almost 17 days, but I will spend 90 days without PMO this time, I CAN do it! But there is a problem; when I study I can't concentrate on my studying for school, I don't have willpower and determination since last year, when I...
  10. D

    Trying to be a better person

    Hello everyone..... I am from India.....these days i've been addicted to porn soo much that. it has changed my lifestyle drastically.......i've started masturbating a 2-3 times a day.....i've started to objectify women around me......the one's i behaviour's changing...
  11. E

    A new one here :)

    I didn't know this site existed untill recently, after researching about masturbation bad effects(u know most of the media out there continue to insist that masturbation is totally healthy).... I recently suffer a lot from extreme lack of concentration and very poor memory(especially the...
  12. J

    Install, Keep, Improve

    Habits. The key to success and also the reason to not achieving it. In order to become the person we want to be, we HAVE TO develop the habits that will enable us to gradually start creating and becoming that Ideal/Perfect Self. Let's be frank, every one of us has at least some habit that...
  13. J

    No PMO— Summer 2018 Challenge

    Recently and in the past year or two I have come to reason that a lot of my anxiety is rooted in that of my addiction to porn and masterbation. Most days my body feels almost numb. When people say something funny, it really never sparks me, when I have a chance to do something sexually with a...
  14. F

    Does PMO'ing reduce my motivation to do things?

    How much does pmo reduce my motivation to do the things that I want to do?Does it completely prevent me from being productive?I've been an addict for 3 years now,Im 17.
  15. N

    The ultimate thread for benefits of "No Brain Fog"

    I started getting some days of semi clear mind without much brain fog.. It feels awesome!! It is much easier to get things done, like you can do something and keep doing it for more than an hour without being much distracted or bored. I could do multiple things at the same time without losing...
  16. Hopeful Egyptian

    Egyptian gay porn addict.

    Hi, I don't know how to start, but let's start by introducing myself. I am Amr, an Egyptian doctor (several lines are put under being Egyptian and being a doctor). 29 years old, single, muslim. My thread may be long but I like to write details as possible. Everything started when I was in...
  17. S


    Hi Folks, It's my 10th day of No fapping. I've tried it before, didn't last more than 14-16 days. This time I've made a goal to go all the way to a month, but I'm having a lot of trouble in that. My sexual desire is out of control, I'm filled with energy with no output (No Sex. I'm single...
  18. Tarfk

    It's impossible to study being addicted

    I spent my whole highschool with porn addiction and I didn't know I had It, so I tried to study but I didn't learn anything. After 60 days of streak, I was studying so fast, concentration super High. And now I relapsed and man, this is scary, cause I cant focus one page of my book. I imagine how...
  19. karanchapaneri

    Newbie on Nofap-Struggle against myself for myself

    Hi guys, I joined Nofap recently & I've had conversations with some of the members here. It's good to be here! So, going into hindsight,here's my story: I started when I was 18, late as compared to some of you, thanks to connectivity issues & good home atmosphere.Sweet Home Sweet! But,as I left...