My 90 day nofap (not using porn) experience

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by rick_47099, Jun 1, 2020.

  1. rick_47099

    rick_47099 Fapstronaut

    Rather than drafting this one in a lengthy paragraph, I am going to break it down in relevant metrics, and touch upon all the advantages,
    1. Energy - Definitely I have much more energy than before. I have seen increased motivation to get things done. Earlier I used to be lethargic all the time, just wanting to be in my bed.
    2. Productivity - If I plot my productivity through these 90 days on a graph, it will come out to be a U-shaped parabola. It kept on decreasing more and more as I got hornier. I could not concentrate on anything else other than sex. It fluctuated for a bit. But then as I gained more control over my thoughts my days started to get more productive. And the last two weeks were extremely productive.
    3. Wet dreams - I had a total of 4 nightfalls during this period. One thing common in all 4 nights was that a girl I was texting kept sending me nudes. I got a boner before sleeping. Had nightfall thereafter. If you don't think about sex before sleep it doesn't happen
    4. More attractive to the opposite sex - well I can't comment about this one, I didn't get out of my house often so didn't encounter many females. I did have one interesting conversation with a female whom I never spoke before, and I was pretty confident while talking to her, and we had a fun chat.
    5. Weight gain - I was exercising through this time and eating well. So I gained a few pounds. Which is a good thing for me as I have been really skinny all my life.
    6. Sleep - There were days especially in the latter part of the period when I used to sleep only for 6 hours but still had a productive day. I felt my body needs relatively less sleep to get charged than before.
    7. Time - Definitely had more of it, as I stopped wasting time exploring porn.
    8. Self-control - Initially I missed masturbating, but now I don't feel like doing it at all. Earlier if I used to get a boner I felt like masturbating. Now I just don't feel like doing it.
    9. Elevated sensitivity - I don't watch porn now, but if I come across a hot pic (which is really hard to avoid these days especially if you use Instagram) that gives me a boner, I feel much more sensitive on my the tip of my penis, meaning whenever I will have sex I will get more pleasure than before.
    10. Anxiety - I wouldn't say it fixed all my anxiety issues, but it sure did help me tackle it. earlier my heartrate used to increase at an abnormal rate even in small situations, not so much now. I am still working on this one though.

    This is all I could think of now. If you need to know more about any other specific things, let me know, I am here to help.

    Also, this is not the end of my 90-day journey, it's just the beginning, last few weeks I really started to see the productivity, and I am going to take it forward and extract maximum out of it.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2020
  2. rick_47099

    rick_47099 Fapstronaut

    Thank you! :) @Gmork
    I wish more ppl get a chance to experience what I am feeling today.
    pitme and Gmork like this.
  3. pitme

    pitme Fapstronaut

    Good one man, you’re doing great . Please be very careful with those sexy pictures on instagram. Avoid them completely as much as you can.
    rick_47099 likes this.
  4. BigDaawg

    BigDaawg Fapstronaut

    Thanks @rick_47099 . This was good reading and relevant to me.
    rick_47099 likes this.
  5. ForwardEver

    ForwardEver Fapstronaut

  6. dandausa

    dandausa Fapstronaut

    Thanks for including this. This is what I have been noticing. I start to get to 10-14 days of no pmo and I feel like my productivity is dropping because I'm so horny and then I relapse, and if I don't bing, I am actually more productive the days following. Thanks for sharing this with me. It gives me hope that I can get past this period of time.
    BigDaawg likes this.
  7. Edwards

    Edwards Fapstronaut

    Hey pals ,, should I deny myself sex with my girlfriend while doing nofap
  8. rick_47099

    rick_47099 Fapstronaut

    I mentioned this especially coz I know people might think that nofap isn't working coz of the initial decrease in productivity that comes from being horny, which may cause them to relapse. When I was on 77th day I had two back to back nightfalls, and all I could think was putting my semen inside everything that I could see walking outside my window while trying to focus on my work desk. At one point, I got so much obsessed with sexual thoughts that my roommate came to me and said this 'nofap' thing is shit, it is working against you, he said I would rather go and ejaculate real quick and come back and work with more focus, and his words felt true to me then, thought why am I doing this if it isn't helping me, still, I decided to complete the 90-day streak coz I already came a long way, but around 90-day mark I realized that he couldn't be more wrong.

    as @Gmork said it will start to get more progressive.
    @dandausa you will get through this buddy

    good luck to you both.
    BigDaawg, Psalm27:1my light and Gmork like this.
  9. rick_47099

    rick_47099 Fapstronaut

    @Edwards I am a single guy, tbh I haven't explored how nofap works when you are in a relationship. I came across a forum specifically for that, I recommend you check it.
  10. Patillitas

    Patillitas Fapstronaut

    @rick_47099 thans por the post. Really nice.
    Please can you tell more about two specific things: increase in your producitivity and the weight gain. They are two things that I've been following for so long time, and I didn't have that relation with PMO. Please explain me more since your experience!
  11. RedPhoenix93

    RedPhoenix93 Fapstronaut

    Big like mate.
    Keep it going.
    rick_47099 likes this.
  12. Klenton

    Klenton Fapstronaut

    Good Read! thanks for sharing.
    rick_47099 likes this.
  13. BigDaawg

    BigDaawg Fapstronaut

    I am at that super horny stage right now. I am glad to hear that there is light at the end of the tunnel.
  14. rick_47099

    rick_47099 Fapstronaut

    @Patillitas I wrote at length on productivity on my earlier comments do you have any specific questions on productivity that I can answer, for weight gain, I was consuming the right amount of calories (around 2500 per day) and macros keeping track of it on my "fitness pal app", I was exercising at home to shift my focus, nothing fancy just things like dips, exercises that use your own body weight.
  15. rick_47099

    rick_47099 Fapstronaut

    @BigDaawg I totally understand what you must be feeling now when I was going through that time, the natural lubrication of my body increased to the point that a slight thought in my mind would wet my dick. Please don't give in. Stay focused. We are here to help buddy. I hope you get through this time and then later share your 90-day experience I would love to read it.
  16. Edwards

    Edwards Fapstronaut

    @ Rick ,,Which forum pliz !?
  17. rick_47099

    rick_47099 Fapstronaut

  18. Powerous

    Powerous Fapstronaut

    Congrats bro, keep it up
    rick_47099 likes this.
  19. Edwards

    Edwards Fapstronaut

    Guy's I totally messed up ,,was currently at my 21st day and I relapsed feeling awful
  20. Did you do anything else to increase productivity? aside from the hornie thing.