New to this, I may need some support.

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by C04DR3D, Jul 9, 2020.

  1. C04DR3D

    C04DR3D Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone,

    I don’t normally post but nothing seems to help get my mind off of porn.

    I’m a 24 year old man living in Canada, I started watching porn at the age of 12 (somewhere around that time). I roughly mastubate about once a day, some days are worse than others.

    I was a very shy and nervous kid in high school, I wouldn’t talk to anyone, I had friends but rarely talked to them. I was scared to talk to any girl I had a chance with, I used to think a whole lot of negative things of what others thought of me. There were points where I would stay home from school because I simply didn’t want to go. I was an easy target, a lot of kids picked on me. It was not a great time in this point of my life.

    Right after I graduated from high school (I was 18 at this time obviously), I fell into a deep depression and I thought about suicide quite often, that’s when my mom got me to go to this counsellor. This is where I started training my mind to think of certain situations in a more positive way. This has helped me so much and I’m so glad that I got to do something like this.

    Fast forward a could years, I went to college and took Business Administration and graduated with an accounting degree.

    I recently started a relationship with my girlfriend about 7 months ago. I thought I would never get a girlfriend ever. But that’s because I never tried before. So as you can tell I’ve grown so much in the past 6 years!

    so that’s where I’m currently at in live now.

    Here’s where I need some help:

    1. I still watch porn to this day, and I feel like it’s negatively impacting my relationship with my girlfriend. I hate myself for saying this but sometimes I feel like I can do better, but I feel like my brain is hot wired to this mythical view of these adult performers I watch. Also I’m having difficulty finishing with my girlfriend. I kinda like masturbating more than having sex.

    If anyone can give any input that would be greatly appreciated.

    Sorry for the long story.
  2. MixerAwersome

    MixerAwersome Fapstronaut

    you need a total reboot man. you should check what porn is doing to your brain. you should visit and research.
    Keep NoFap hard mode streak (No Porn, No Masturbation, No orgasm without a partner during sex, No porn Substitute) of at least 90+ days to wire your brain to go back to normal mode. You must take serious action right now or you might get severe consequences in the future. Read about PIED as well.DO IT NOW.
    C04DR3D likes this.
  3. patato-starch

    patato-starch Fapstronaut

    just consume a lot of content about nofap daily(articles post on reddit and stuff) , once it is associated in your mind to something extremely negative, harmful to your mind and body you eventually reduce the faping frequency and maybe leave it behind you, find some other activities that will give you access to feel good chemical(focusing on hobby or carrier or health ), find the root reason why you are faping (the root reason the urge start) escapism ,stress, fear etc ... instead of faping find other ways to solve the problem...
    faping becomes a habit because it becomes a pattern in mind, the trigger being something and faping because you done it before in the same or similar situation
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2020
    C04DR3D likes this.