35 and Older Accountability Group

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by artifact, Nov 24, 2018.

  1. artifact

    artifact Moderator Assistant Staff Member Moderator Assistant NoFap Defender

    I'm doing well at the moment, bracing myself for the trials and temptations. Not wanting to let you guys down and that will hopefully keep me on track this month.
    discovery, Jerky, JJ_Kino and 3 others like this.
  2. artifact

    artifact Moderator Assistant Staff Member Moderator Assistant NoFap Defender

    @Jerky - Congrats on reaching 60 days! Hang with us for the rest of October and you will have a shiny 90 day trophy in November.

    @emanuel_free - Looking good up there with triple digits! You're doing something right, that's for sure.

    @Hopeful2205 - We have an opening in the group for you. Reply to this comment if you are still interested in joining.
  3. WorldWanderer

    WorldWanderer Fapstronaut

    Checking in. A personal best at 24 days (or is it more?) Flatlining is freaking me out. Feels like I will never get an erection again, or feel horny. I know that's not the case. Just feels like it right now.
    discovery, Jerky, Timber and 5 others like this.
  4. GottaBFree

    GottaBFree Fapstronaut

    Yeah. Weird stuff.

    Be vigilant, cause the desire to PM will be really strong when it comes. I hate that lol.

    I had to read up on PAWS to realize it's possible not to give in lol.
  5. JJ_Kino

    JJ_Kino Fapstronaut

    Checking in. Day 8 feeling good at the moment.
    Jerky, GottaBFree and artifact like this.
  6. eric9000k

    eric9000k Fapstronaut

    It's Sunday night boys and you know what that means

    no fapping!
    Jerky, Timber, WorldWanderer and 2 others like this.
  7. GottaBFree

    GottaBFree Fapstronaut

    Nice! Congrats!
    artifact, Jerky and JJ_Kino like this.
  8. JJ_Kino

    JJ_Kino Fapstronaut

    Thank you bro, look at you too you're flying!...

    Congratulations too!!
  9. magvor

    magvor Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Checking in. Feeling some slight urges cruising around, but managing to keep on top of them for now.

    I love the idea of Noctober. I'm in!
    discovery, JJ_Kino, artifact and 3 others like this.
  10. Jerky

    Jerky Fapstronaut

    Urges are happening more and more lately. That's ok though, it just means that my energy bank is full. Through exercise, i release a portion of this energy, and enough remains for tomorrow so that the reservoir remains full. I wish to keep this energy stored as i rely on it for strength. If i were to give in to temptation, my entire energy stores would be depleted in less than 20 seconds. Holding on affords me a constant level of resources that will never run out so long as i don't drain the bank all at once. Today i remain strong and will remain stronger than any urge that is upon me.
  11. Timber

    Timber Fapstronaut

    Day 5 of 31 of the sober October challenge.

    I pulled my lower back a couple of days ago and am in constant pain. There are no urges of sexual nature. That’s the beauty of physical pain!

    I have had some sugary treats. In my defence, when your wife goes to the best bakery in town and brings a butter tart just for you, you eat it! :)

    I had to go on social media for some info I couldn’t get anywhere. I did not get sucked in. That stuff miraculously is no longer interesting.

    And no booze, of course!
    discovery, JJ_Kino, artifact and 3 others like this.
  12. tonyk1982

    tonyk1982 Fapstronaut

    Day 20 - Chaser effect on high alert. Am creating a plan for the next couple of days to keep myself busy to avoid getting drawn to thoughts as I used to my entire life after intimacy IRL. This is my test. Stay strong all.
    JJ_Kino, artifact, GottaBFree and 2 others like this.
  13. GottaBFree

    GottaBFree Fapstronaut

    Day 5 of sober October

    Havent gotten to the diet part yet

    Going to be a struggle on PM. Feeling that worn down feeling that has spelled doom in the past withing 48 hours. Good. I need to defeat these things to get where I need to be. (Not really good but fake it till I make it lol)
    JJ_Kino and magvor like this.
  14. artifact

    artifact Moderator Assistant Staff Member Moderator Assistant NoFap Defender

    What has helped me in moments like that is saying "It's an addiction, not a necessity." It will pass eventually if you don't act on it. Easier said than done, of course.
    JJ_Kino, magvor and GottaBFree like this.
  15. artifact

    artifact Moderator Assistant Staff Member Moderator Assistant NoFap Defender

    @gearboxwhine - if you're out there somewhere, congrats on your 60 days yesterday!
    JJ_Kino likes this.
  16. artifact

    artifact Moderator Assistant Staff Member Moderator Assistant NoFap Defender

    @Nash78 and @YHH - We have openings in the group for both of you. Please reply to this comment if you are still interested in joining.
    JJ_Kino and GottaBFree like this.
  17. GottaBFree

    GottaBFree Fapstronaut

    Thank you. It's so easy. And so difficult.

    Yeah. I'm not even triggered or anything. Just feel crappy and it's like I'm looking for a reason to fail. I hate PM. Sometimes I hate reality and want to escape - but it's temporary and not fulfilling.

    If I can get through this for a few weeks my brain will heal and I'll feel better. I see I need a kind of faith to push through. I hate that a moment of weakness would crush me. No small resets for me.

    Just gotta get to the morning. Another night clean will feel better - eventually.
    discovery, tonyk1982, JJ_Kino and 3 others like this.
  18. artifact

    artifact Moderator Assistant Staff Member Moderator Assistant NoFap Defender

    That's the spirit. It might not be fun for a day or two but your PM addiction will finally give up. Persona's urge chart proved this to be true. My last relapse was very unpleasant and left me feeling disgusted, and I think remembering those negative consequences can also be a good way of motivating yourself.
    discovery and GottaBFree like this.
  19. Nash78

    Nash78 Fapstronaut

    Yes, I am interested. Thanks.
  20. Timber

    Timber Fapstronaut

    Hey, @GottaBFree, you are 6 days into a 31 day challenge. You did not commit to stay PMO free for the rest of your life. It’s just 31 days.

    you know the stories we tell ourselves right before we PMO? “Starting tomorrow (or on Monday, or January 1, etc) I am going to clean up my act.”

    Well, this is the opposite. “I can fall apart on the first of November, if I want to. But not today.”

    And just watch what happens.