The Lord of the Rings Challenge

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by RiseToGreatness, Sep 22, 2019.

Should the Thread Title be extended?

Poll closed Jun 21, 2020.
  1. No, leave like that: "The Lord of the Rings Challenge"

    18 vote(s)
  2. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: The Fellowship of Nofap"

    15 vote(s)
  3. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: Rising Fellowship of Eärendil"

    0 vote(s)
  4. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: The Journey to Mount Doom"

    5 vote(s)
  5. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: The Quest of the Ring-bearer"

    6 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. RiseToGreatness

    RiseToGreatness Fapstronaut

    Checking in Fellowship :)

    Lot´s of upgrades among the Companion today. Congratulations!!! ;)

    @Silverwolf - Hobbit / Hobbiton (the adventure begins now my brother. Good luck!!! :) )

    @Chakra_Serpent - Buckleberry Ferry / Shire

    @princess.01 - Lothlórien / Wilderland

    @kingsmokepoof - Gates of Argonath / Anduin River

    @crazyhorse11 - Dead Marshes / Emyn Muil

    Have a great day my brothers and sisters!!! :). Checking out ;)


    "We tend to think of porn as a tug-of-war, on one side is fear: “It’s unhealthy, filthy and enslaving.” On the
    other side, the positives: “It’s my pleasure, my friend, my crutch.” It never seems to occur to us this side is
    also fear; it’s not that we enjoy porn, it’s that we tend to be miserable without it. Heroin addicts deprived of
    heroin go through misery, but picture the utter joy when they’re finally allowed to plunge a needle into their
    vein and end that terrible craving. Try to imagine how anyone could actually believe they get pleasure from
    sticking a hypodermic syringe into a vein. Non-heroin addicts don’t suffer that panic feeling and heroin doesn’t
    relieve the feeling, it causes it.

    Non-users don’t feel miserable if they aren’t allowed to use porn – it’s only users that suffer that feeling.
    Internet porn doesn’t relieve the feeling, it causes it. The fear of the negative consequences doesn’t help users
    quit, likening the feeling to walking through a minefield. If you get away with it, fine, but if you were unlucky
    you stepped on a mine and faced the consequences. If you knew the risks and were prepared to take them, what
    did it have to do with anyone else? Addicts in this state typically develop the following evasive tactics.

    “You’ll eventually get old and lose your sexually prowess anyway. . . ”

    Of course you do, but sexual prowess isn’t the point – we’re talking slavery here. Even if that’s the case, is that
    a logical reason for deliberately cutting yourself short?"

    “Quality of life is more important than just living.”

    Precisely! Are you suggesting that the quality of life of an addict is greater than someone who isn’t addicted?
    Do you really believe the quality of a users life is better than a non-users. A life spent covering their head in
    the sand and being miserable doesn’t sound like a pleasant one.

    “I’m single and not planning to settle down in the future, so why not?”

    Even if that were true, is that a logical reason for playing with neurological impulse control mechanisms? Can
    you possibly conceive of anyone being stupid enough to strip naked whenever they’re alone, regardless of how
    sure they aren’t expecting anyone? That’s what porn users effectively do!
    Progressive gunging-up of our reward circuits with excessive stimulation, and making them incapable of handling
    normal stresses of life doesn’t help in enjoying your life with enthusiasm and vigour. Porn and masturbation
    has replaced the natural sexual appetite, like a chocolate bar replacing real food. Unsurprisingly, many doctors
    and psychologists are now relating various mental health problems to physiological causes. The mainstream
    medical community has laboured that porn has never been scientifically proven to be the direct cause of the
    issues reported by self-confessing individuals, but admitting one’s sexual inability in public is such a shame
    triggering event, why would anyone do this unless they were really concerned – having found the cause and
    eliminating it from their own lives?

    Easy_Peasy will help you rid yourself of porn and become a happy ex-user. No porn, porn aided masturbation
    or unnecessary orgasms. The only aid will be the touch, smell and scent of your partner. Like wholegrain bread
    after a well developed appetite, you’ll no longer want the high-fructose corn syrup of internet porn. Evidence
    so overwhelming, as to not need proof; when I bang my thumb with a hammer it hurts, it need not be proven.
    The stress of internet porn has flow on effects onto other aspects of the users life, predisposing many to turn to
    drugs such as cigarettes and alcohol to cope, in some instances even turning the host to consider suicide.
    Users also suffer illusions that the ill-effects of porn are overstated. The reverse is the case, there’s no doubt
    that internet porn is the major cause of sexual dysfunction and many other problems. How many divorces
    have been caused by porn? There are no reliable ways to know, but searches of online communities suggest the
    number is growing exponentially.

    There’s an episode of Friends where the guys, who were receiving continuous free porn on TV, started to wonder
    why the pizza delivery girl didn’t ask to check out their ’big bedroom’. When you’re addicted, you invariably
    project porn fantasies on real women. Imagine what careless or even accidental porn exposure on the darker
    sides of the internet might do to someone already at a tipping point in their life. Fighting against these porn
    induced thoughts will be a major drain on their mental health.

    Here’s another thought experiment, let’s say someone comes to you and says they don’t necessarily want an
    orgasm but very much want to make love, even penetrative. They want to do it for as long and as far as you
    can go without an orgasm – but if it happens then it’s fine. I assure you of a phenomenal new sexual experience
    far better than any other, if you even get that offer. Try it.

    Effects of the brainwashing make us tend to think like the man who, having fallen off a 100 storey building, is
    quoted saying as he whizzes past the fiftieth floor, “So far, so good!” We think that as we’ve gotten away with
    it so far, one more porn session won’t make the difference. See it another way, the ’habit’ is a continuous chain
    for life with each session creating the need for the next. When you start the habit, you light a fuse. The trouble
    is, you don’t know how long the fuse is. Every time you give in to a porn session you’re one step closer to the
    bomb exploding. HOW WILL YOU KNOW IF IT’S THE NEXT ONE?

    9.1 Sinister Black Shadows

    Users find it very difficult to believe that internet porn actually causes those insecure feelings when you’re out
    late at night after a contentious day at home or work. Non-users don’t suffer from that feeling, it’s porn that
    causes it.
    Another of the great joys of quitting porn is the freedom from the sinister black shadows at the back of our
    minds. All users know they’re fools to close their minds from the ill-effects of pornography. For most of our
    lives it’s automatic, but the black shadows are always lurking in our subconscious minds, just below the surface.
    Several of the marvellous benefits of quitting are conscious, such as the waste of time and the sheer stupidity
    of making love to a two-dimensional image.

    The last chapters have dealt with the considerable advantages of being a non-user, but in the interests of fairness
    it’s necessary to give a balanced account. Therefore, the next page lists the advantages of being a user."
  2. Prophet Moonstruck

    Prophet Moonstruck Fapstronaut

    Day 93! I wanted to post first but I delayed myself to do a little reading first as to not get lost in the lights of the screen, postponing reading until it's the last thing on the daily list.
    Since I reached day 90 I started slacking of on my habits, it has been, and maybe, it still is a habit of mine to quit or or delay the progress of some path right before reaching the goal. Now with the NoFap journey, I started actually finishing projects big or small (the 90 days of NoFap being one of my goals ) and somehow I feel like I'm slowing down, though one of the reasons must be, now that I write and think about it, the fact that goals are shifting their importance and time frames.
    Now I have this information from above, yet I am not quite sure how to use it... Any thoughts?
  3. MyGodandMyAll27

    MyGodandMyAll27 Fapstronaut

    Day 20. With rain and fog I entered to the old village of Bree
  4. Prophet Moonstruck

    Prophet Moonstruck Fapstronaut

    Thank you man! I'm sorry I did not see this earlier! But your thoughts are appreciated no matter the time!
    Silverwolf and RiseToGreatness like this.
  5. Prophet Moonstruck

    Prophet Moonstruck Fapstronaut

    And entered you did.
    Silverwolf and RiseToGreatness like this.
  6. Prophet Moonstruck

    Prophet Moonstruck Fapstronaut

    Baby steps indeed!
  7. Prophet Moonstruck

    Prophet Moonstruck Fapstronaut

    And the check has been "Inned"!
  8. Prophet Moonstruck

    Prophet Moonstruck Fapstronaut

    Lothlórien welcomes you, traveler!
  9. 12ove

    12ove Fapstronaut

    Day 6 trod on
  10. Prophet Moonstruck

    Prophet Moonstruck Fapstronaut

    And the trod is on!
  11. C12345

    C12345 Fapstronaut

  12. kaerhal

    kaerhal Fapstronaut

    Day 41

    Apologies for missing my day 40 check-in yesterday! I’ve had a draining time with work and it hasn’t helped my battle, I spent a good amount of time fishing on social media today - I honestly think a combination of work stress and lack of sleep are contributing to this lust, so it’s time to get an early night!
  13. Cartographer

    Cartographer Fapstronaut

    27 Days,

    Onwards and Upwards Fellowship!
  14. ULYSS3S

    ULYSS3S Fapstronaut

    Checking in on day 23!
    Meditation 30 minutes:emoji_ballot_box_with_check:
    Trigger prevention plan:emoji_ballot_box_with_check:

    Have a good night everyone!
  15. Slider8

    Slider8 Fapstronaut

    I think that there is a redistribution of available energy, for you now save a lot of time and bodily resources that were previously wasted by indulging in lust, so different other pursuits can consume more time than they did before and not only positive ones. Invest more time in getting to know and further improving yourself because it sounds like a light boredom due to 90 days goal was accomplished. You need to set yourself a new goal the one which is both challenging and exciting!
  16. HE^MAN

    HE^MAN Distinguished Fapstronaut

  17. jaberwaki

    jaberwaki Fapstronaut

    Day 26 checking in. Stay in the light fellow travelers!
  18. Day 15 complete! I decide to destroy the porn ring! I'm a Hobbit now. I must take the ring to the place where it was made, Mount Doom, so I leave Hobbiton heading for Bree.

    Thank you for sharing this message; I needed to hear it. Lately I've been slipping a bit in my cold shower habits, telling myself that I'm doing well, I don't need them, and they don't really help anyway. Some of those things may be true, but it's the wrong mentality! I need to continue accumulating reboot capital.