Question for the ladies: how do you feel about guys masturbating in moderation? (w/o porn)

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Aaron_0, Feb 18, 2016.

In what situation is it alright for men to masturbate? (without porn)

  1. It is always alright, provided it doesn't affect his normal sexual function

    12 vote(s)
  2. It is alright if he's horny, but she's unavailable (on vacation, tired, etc.)

    4 vote(s)
  3. It's alright only in a completely sexless relationship

    3 vote(s)
  4. It's alright only if he is single

    3 vote(s)
  5. It's never ok.

    24 vote(s)
  1. You're welcome kindly!

    Wise man! You know yourself well. That's a great thing to have in life. I totes respect all of those reasons, for sure.

    Hm... could be. Defense mechanisms are generally rather subconscious, so you probably wouldn't notice if that was the case. Perhaps something to work on, but given your previous statements, it seems like it's not something that is negatively effecting you too much right now anyway. Also, nothing wrong with having standards for yourself and knowing what you're worth.

    Lol ah, gotcha. Well I kind of replied at ninja-like speed (a ninja who has nothing better to do than scroll through forums until the little alert bubble pops up) as well, so that explains why I didn't see it.
    Aaron_0 likes this.
  2. The Eleven

    The Eleven Fapstronaut

    That's brilliantly put. Thanks.
    TakingTheSteps likes this.
  3. SheShallBeCalledWoman

    SheShallBeCalledWoman Fapstronaut

    Someone gets me. I didn't want to explain that one, either, in case it messed someone up. I wouldn't say it's a trigger for me, exactly, but er... I'll just say I like it very much without explaining why, ha ha ha. Like you said, that's a conversation for PMs.
    theGECK and TakingTheSteps like this.
  4. SheShallBeCalledWoman

    SheShallBeCalledWoman Fapstronaut

    I love that you just compared it to nose picking. :p I hear you. There's definitely a reason why so many people feel a sense of shame after the act, even if they haven't viewed porn.
    theGECK and Sursum Corda like this.
  5. :eek: really?? Haha well that's encouraging. I feel slightly less insane now. Just slightly. ;)
  6. Aaron_0

    Aaron_0 Fapstronaut

    You gals should not feel less insane about this. If anything, you should feel more insane.

    I will say that you've come to the right place, however. Those of us in the middle of a hard-mode reboot would... well, I'm sure y'all know how it is. :p
    SheShallBeCalledWoman likes this.
  7. You could argue that we've come to the WRONG place, actually. Lol but my APs always seem to have their eye on me and what threads I've been viewing... Those pesky little ninjas.
  8. Aaron_0

    Aaron_0 Fapstronaut

    We are all ninjas on nofap.

    sexy little porn addicted ninjas.
    Judicious 7 and TakingTheSteps like this.
  9. Also, seriously, dude, your avatar is just the best. haha your personality makes me feel like I'm actually talking to Andy Samberg, which is. The. Dream.
  10. Aaron_0

    Aaron_0 Fapstronaut

    If I got to meet Andy Samberg, I think my avatar would come true! :D

    I've thought about changing my avatar, but I get so many comments on it. I don't know how I could hope to top this one! I'd been binging on Lonely Island videos at the time I joined, and I made some PE-related joke about being a 31 yr. old virgin somewhere, and, like a bolt from heaven, I knew what I had to do (... in terms of avatars, at least...)
  11. haha that's amazing. He is the best! Assuming you watch Brooklyn 99? One of my favorite new shows.

    I don't want to hijack your thread, though I think for Andy Samberg related conversation, that's probably a good exception.
    Aaron_0 likes this.
  12. Aaron_0

    Aaron_0 Fapstronaut

    I hadn't heard about it, but I shall certainly illegally obtain the episodes this very minute!
    TakingTheSteps likes this.
  13. Great plan! Or, you know, Hulu is a thing.
  14. I voted for the always ok option provided that it doesn't interfere with normal functions. I view masturbation as a completely healthy outlet, so long as it doesn't become an addiction or coping mechanism. I also acknowledge that this is relative to everyone, just like most things in life. What might be ok for me isn't for you, and vice versa. In a vacuum, I don't see it as selfish or morally/ethically wrong.

    Ironically, I am trying to quit masturbation in spite of my view on it because it's become a crutch in my own life. I don't begrudge anyone else doing it so long as it doesn't hurt or affect them, but I'm not in that boat. I would not expect my partner to stop if she didn't have an addiction to it or used it as a replacement for intimacy with me.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 25, 2016
    Aaron_0 likes this.
  15. Aaron_0

    Aaron_0 Fapstronaut

    Still doing 100% on people who are more or less ok with it commenting on the thread. Only 20% of those women who are opposed are speaking up.

    That is weird. Still feeling consiracy-theory-y about this particular wrinkle in the data.
  16. I will say, for me, speaking up about being 100% against MOing was difficult because it's not considered to be a very normal view. It's a lot easier to click an anonymous button in a poll than it is to actually explain your reasoning to strangers who might misunderstand you, subjecting you to criticism.
    Sursum Corda and Aaron_0 like this.
  17. Aaron_0

    Aaron_0 Fapstronaut

    SheShallBeCalledWoman likes this.
  18. Well apparently not on this particular poll, but there are certainly a lot of people here who disagree. Also, a lot of people might have chosen that option, as you suggested in your OP, for religious reasons, which is something that's kind of difficult to explain to people who have differing beliefs.

    Either that or people are just lazy and only read the actual poll :)
    Sursum Corda likes this.
  19. Aaron_0

    Aaron_0 Fapstronaut

    That is certainly possible, but if that is the case, then it appears all the lazy people who only read the actually poll are against all masturbation. It may be, but it would be quit a coincidence!

    As to the possible fear of criticism, I also think that could go both ways on this board, where there are many vocal members who are in sympathy with the majority of voters in the poll.

    You are probably correct that some people do not speak up for this reason, but you have to admit the lopsidedness of the comments vs. votes is remarkable to say the least.

    But I do very much appreciate that you and @wildwood had the courage to speak up for your position!

    (As well as all the other women who spoke up in the thread, of course.)
    TakingTheSteps and wildwood like this.