Reality: Achievable?

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Sensex, Mar 21, 2017.

  1. Sensex

    Sensex Fapstronaut

    Dear Fapstronauts,

    I got informed about this website after I read a blog written by one of us. It was about the success, peace and change within himself he encountered after taking this path. This platform, which connects like mindsets, will be helpful for me to know where I am. As of now, with all the delusions and masturbation, I think I have been led into a virtual world. I think coming out of that world is the only suitable solution for me to lead a normal (mentally balanced) life. With the help of this platform, I would like to set small targets and move towards a life without masturbation. Meanwhile, whenever there is an urge, I would like to control myself and use this platform to describe how it feels and what I should do. I would like to affix all the negative terminologies(it being a sin, it only for jobless,etc.) against the term or thought of masturbation. I would be needing your help in reaching the goal of no masturbation.
    NF SINCE BIRTH, Astrofac and D . J . like this.
  2. Headspace

    Headspace Fapstronaut

    That's what this site is here for. Welcome! Sharing the secrets you kept hidden once helps enormously; it is liberating and motivating. Wish you all the best.
    NF SINCE BIRTH, I Free I and Sensex like this.
  3. Sensex

    Sensex Fapstronaut

  4. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

    The website is a gift . The stories are true, this will evolve you .
    NF SINCE BIRTH and Sensex like this.
  5. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    Welcome to NoFap where you are amongst friends who are here to encourage you and sometimes challenge you but not judge you.

    How are you progressing today?

    What are your current strategies for combating the enemy called PMO?
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  6. Sensex

    Sensex Fapstronaut

    Hey D.J. Nice meeting you here.

    I got detached from porn. It seems very unreal. My only addiction was Maturbation and the pleasure of orgasm. Now that i have been to this site, it's challenging me to be away from such means which seem to attract you at first but you repent them later. As I have confessed here, I have a long term plan of leaving it. I have tried it before but never confessed. I was unsuccessful then. Today is my fourth day and I am doing well. I have thought about posting my threads in the age 25-30 forum.

    Following is the link of my first post.

    In short, I am looking for a distraction to overcome that urge. I know that mind plays a major role in such situations. To control a mind is meditation. But, apart from that, if you try to think of that urge and categorize it in your mind and then control it (your ego will, come once the quantity and nature of the urge gets pictured, help you do it). If the urge is too high, I figured out that you can always try to move out of your zone and go for a walk (to a public place). It might help you overcome the urges in your inner world and think about something real.

    Also, like most Indians here, I love to say that the traditions help us overcome this urge. We But, when you don't have sex until you are married (it's my view) and you don't masturbate, I think it becomes difficult to get yourself relieved off stress. I don't smoke and drink. But, it's not impossible. I don't know how I can keep myself calm and meditate. Therefore,I think reading some devotional books on self control or books on emotional quotient might be of help in near future. What is your say on this?

    How are you doing to control PMO and what stage are you in? I see in your posts that you generally give advise to people like us. What is your way of relieving stress?
    D . J ., NF SINCE BIRTH and Astrofac like this.
  7. I just want to jump on this thread as well and wish you welcome to this site. I can give you my own answer on your question. I am currently at day 47 which is my longest streak to date. I think it is important to decide that PMO is no longer an option in order to succeed. Delete it from your mind. It doesn't serve any purpose. Getting some fresh air every day, enough sleep, proper food, less sugar, meditate regularly, working out are all ways to make your reboot easier. Also reading is a good way to use your time. Stay out of your bedroom as much as possible and do productive stuff and soon the days will be accumulating.
    Sensex likes this.
  8. Sensex

    Sensex Fapstronaut

    Thank you Nofapsincebirth for your input. It's true that staying out of boredom or never allowing your mind to feel boredom is primary to have the streak which you are experiencing. However, I will congratulate you once you cross 365 days. Let's be strong and truthful to ourselves. It will help us in being pure and healthy. This also seems to have a positive impact on our attitude and behavior towards others. I am very much willing to experience all such things in near future. Hopefully, this anxiety will keep our minds awake and kicking. Let's be in touch and help ourselves by pulling out all the unwanted and virtual thoughts.
  9. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    It is possible and was possible to relieve stress without porn or masturbation. Here is the irony in all of this, in order to control your addiction you are about to live the very life your traditions called for you to do in the first place: live without sex until marriage and live without porn or masturbation. The only difference is now you are doing it with an addiction to fight as opposed to not having one prior to you choosing porn/ masturbation.

    Currently my sobriety is as follows:

    485 days MO sober
    223 days P sober

    Check out In Case You Didn't Know for strategies and tips to help you along your journey.
    Sensex likes this.
  10. Sensex

    Sensex Fapstronaut

    That's some number. Will look upto it. Congrats though.

    I think it feels like just any other number for you at this point. Your mind might not even be caring about this pmo anymore. (y)
    D . J . likes this.
  11. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    The desire is still there to MO. P was the means I chose to reach MO so leaving P is less of an issue.
    The difference for me now than when I began is, I know better and therefore I do better. I don't fall for the lies of my head and heart. I know I have been triggered and even when I don't realize it, I am wise enough not to listen.

    Please do no get me wrong, the desire can get strong at times, especially being single and celibate but that's when my faith kicks in and eases the desire or distracts me focusing on me and what I want.

    The more you give of you and the less you focus on you, the easier this process becomes. P causes us to focus entirely on us and what we want now, disregarding others (wives, SO, friends, jobs, etc.). That's the endless loop trap. Urge --> me --> PMO--> repeat.

    Denying self and replace self with others and that will help move "all about me" mentality.
    Sensex likes this.
  12. Sensex

    Sensex Fapstronaut

    Rightly said.
    Today I am back to Day Zero after ending my first streak of 5 days. The urge was not that strong but there few things because of which I had to MO. I used to MO very frequently (sometimes 6-10 times a day). This made me very vulnerable. Before thinking of joining this site, I had faced few problems. 1)Erectile dysfunction. 2) Premature Ejaculation. All this due to high frequency of MO. The momentary pleasure took me in and I became it's slave.

    These are self diagnosed problems. I got worried and had to experiment again to confirm them. With the urge I had, I tried to MO (yesterday night and today) and got to know that the problems might be temporary. I still don't know for sure but am comforting myself. If you have any idea about the prevalence of such problems at my age, please let me know. Also, the nature of the problem. Permanent or temporary? And, in future, when the time comes, will the problem still persist? Will I have to wait for few days for such things to become normal? How does it work?
  13. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    From those that have posted on the site, often times those conditions can be temporary. How long temporary is may vary. If you really want to be certain, you will have to see your doctor.

    This process can be like cooking in that you can't place something in the oven and test it soon after you have placed it in the oven and expect a thoroughly cooked dish. "Checking to see it it still works" or "checking to see if the problem still exists" soon after beginning will not yield notable results. Give yourself some time to heal. One can't abuse One's body repeatedly for years and expect full recovery in days. It's possible but not necessarily probable.
  14. Sensex

    Sensex Fapstronaut

    Yeah sure. Thanks for the advise.
    D . J . likes this.