
  1. mentorr

    Here are 55 "PIED Cured" posts to keep you going.

    PIED cured after 120+ days PIED CURED after 73 days! After 87 days of Nofap, PIED is cured Success Story, Finally Headed from PIED!! How I cured my pied, and got my brain and libido back! PIED CURED. 1 year nofap PIED CURED AFTER 3 MONTHS!!! 90 days. PIED cured [26m] One Year NoFap - Severe PIED...
  2. D

    Month Completed (ez guide for everyone, MUST read)

    G'day fellow brothers. Background: Close to 30M, 10+y of extra ordinary stimuli. Categories: Exposure to the worst most addictive categories is not good to your receptors. One can recover from all the categories, No matter the amount of time you spent with them.Well that doesn't mean that you...
  3. mentorr

    The Flatline Explained (finally)

    The flatline is and has been a commodity that not many of us truly understand. We dip in and out of it throughout our reboot, and it can last anything from a few days to months. It is essentially an emotional rollercoaster that we not only fear but struggle to understand. In this post I will...
  4. V

    Problem with missionary

    Hi All , Hope you are doing fine. I have been staying away from PMO for one year and have seen improvement like morning wood , able to masturbate without pic or fantasy. But can't say am 100 % cured as have never tried sex yet. I discovered my porn problem when tried to have sex with a female...
  5. N

    An update, 2 years on from 'recovery'.

    Here we are then, 2 years on from what sounded like a 'happily ever after' ending from my last past. I have to admit, it's a good feeling looking back at my younger self enjoying the fruits of a porn-free life for the first time. You get a thrilling high when you fall for a girl for the first...
  6. W

    I’ve Returned To Tell of My Success (ED and DE)

    Hello, so I’m back. I have been gone for many months, enjoying my relationship strangely which I never thought I’d say. In the months that have passed, I solely have been relying on my partner and PIV to give me my O’s which by depriving myself of P has worked a dream. All functionality is...
  7. V

    Not a cure but dam near helped cure my porn addiction!

    If you're anything like me seeing or been able to map out your progress helps immensely I discovered "Colour Your Progress" which is a website that has templates for just that I personally used the "Rewire yourself" brain which I managed to complete by taping to my wall as a poster so every...
  8. D

    If you genuinely want to quit I'll give you the answer without any bs or pseudoscience

    Hello to anyone that is viewing this, clicking here on this post is already a showcase of sincerity to quitting, so don't lazily skip through the entire post or half ass it. Background: 6-7 years of porn usage, I started to attempt to quit after the first two years. So I've been attempting to...
  9. R

    How I cured my PE and PIED issues...

    Before I go into the factors that I believe may have helped cure my PE and PIED, I am going to give a background as to why and how I think I developed it in the first place. From around the age of 8 I began masturbating, but in the form of tugging my foreskin. (Before I could ejaculate) As I...
  10. winningover

    PIED cured after 8 months!

    My dear friends and brothers here. I always wondered if there will ever come a day where I will be posting under the "success stories" forum. The day has come and I can't believe it. This is my first post under "success stories" forum. 2019 was by far the most difficult year of my life and one...
  11. B

    Day 31: Random erection with my gf. Am i getting better (Pied 20 years old)

    hey guys, so i’m currently on day 31 of hard mode, and my goal was to get to 30 and try to have sex but i’m still a bit nervous i won’t be able to get a strong erection again. i’ve been getting erections (small and big) when i’m doing something that includes touching with my girl, which i...
  12. T

    HOCD beaten?

    Here I stand. I think I have beaten the HOCD ... altho ... it left me ... quite empty inside.(I think thats a good thing) You see ... it has been part of my life for 2 months straight. Every day. Every single day for 65 days straight I was like: "Am I gay? Do I feel aroused? I want to be...
  13. GettingAGrip

    FINALLY CURED! Simple solution (Part 2)

    So I posted a threat 3 days ago about being finally cured of PIED and how amazing it feels, etc. Many of you are probably wondering if I did anything else during the recovery period that helped speed it up and show better results so I thought I'd get into it, simple and straight to the point...
  14. GettingAGrip

    FINALLY CURED! Simple solution

    I never thought I would be writing this as my flatline was horrible. I was so depressed and hopeless. My ex broke up with me and things were just not going well. I was at around 60 days and my PIED was still bad. I could barely stay hard for 30 seconds (semi hard I would say) and then O and go...
  15. GettingAGrip

    Only a few people show up everyday

    So I've been porn-free for 61 days now and I've had ups and downs, as most of us have during reboot. Sports and working out, especially boxing and MMA have helped me a lot and health in general, physical and mental. I'm a very committed person, I go to training everyday and whatever tasks I've...
  16. F

    Am i close to success?

    Sup guys, day 67 for me and i wanna say I’m improved a lot so far. From having very erect morning wood, erections from passionately making out with my gf, and sometimes from seeing her naked or fingering her and seeing her turned on makes me hard. I was just curious am i basically cured now? I...
  17. F

    Jizzed my pants.. (hands free) Advice needed

    so last night my girlfriend and i were playing around a lot and started kissing and touching and i started eating her out. It went very well, even made her cum a few times. Her being turned on so much and just seeing her face and body made me very turned on to where i jizzed in my Pants. Not...
  18. S

    Success story (point form)

    Intro: First of all, my hearty thanks to this very supportive and caring community of nofap. This info, since i found out about it a year ago changed my life and sex performance. I now want to share my success story. I will write in point form and make it as short as i can. I know there is a lot...
  19. Bullarrd

    Hard Flaccid Shrinkage (Useful Info) TRIGGERS!!

    Disclaimer: I am NOT a doctor, not do I claim to be. Any techniques, stretches and exercises mentioned and or recommended are meant to be tried at your own risk. Please, don't be a dumba**. So for my whole nofap journey and even before then I've been dealing with hard flaccid shrinkage. My...
  20. BlakeUnchained

    Am I ready? Should this mean I'm cured? NEXT TIME ON DRAGONBALL Z

    I'm 69 days porn free, went 30 days hardmode, got head at day 34 and day 64 I relapse but, it wasn't to porn and I feel great till this day. I get random boners, morning erections, hard when cuddling and thinking about sex but, am I ready for intercourse? Does this means I'm cured? Im looking to...
  21. L

    Possible Triggers - Porn makes you a perv?

    Hi, since im doing nofap im watching porn monthly,(cuz im really curious, i just check the new stuff on my favorite sites and thats it) but i realised, when i used to watch porn i searched for kinda weird kind of porn. Since im doing nofap and check my sites monthly im less interested about this...
  22. Roberteleanin

    14 days no PMO. Small victory in the bedroom!

    Been 2 weeks with no PMO. Tough at the beginning and still get urges from time to time. The darker part of my mind started conjuring up thoughts of this being justification to allow myself to use PMO but that will not be the case. I will not be fapping or using erotic imagery of any kind...
  23. K

    If I can do this so can you 100 percent rebooted.

    I had attempted reboots several times and have failed many times because I went about it the wrong time. Marking Xs on your calendar day by day and waiting for your penis to return to glory is not a roadmap to success. Honestly, who gives a shit about some dumb 90 day milestone. Gentleman...