The head of my penis is completely desensitized. But the shaft is still sensitive. It's all about masturbation by rubbing the head of the penis. Ejaculation in sex is still normal - I started to cum in 2 minutes, because barely the shaft gives pleasure. But the feeling of orgasm is very weak...
Hello everyone. I am a 23 yo man. I have been masturbating and watching erotic videos almost every day since I was 14. I have an inflation fetish and almost always I watch videos related to it. My current sexual partner is my first one, we started having sex about 3 month ago, and, since then, I...
Hiie im 26 years old watching porn and masterbating in prone mode since 12 after i masterbating in with my hand till now my highest nofap streak was 76 days hardmode.
Im suffeeing from sever ed and 0 libido where i cant feel anything while kissing n having sex no pleasure no sensation nothing i...
This post is probably not for many people on this site but for anyone suffering from delayed ejaculation I would implore you to give it a read.
One of my main reasons for coming to NoFap was concern about the fact that I could never orgasm during sex... like NEVER. Oftentimes I could not even...
Basically I remember I started masturbating with lube when I was 16 but for the pas few years almost 7, i have been masturbating dry.
Yesterday I relapsed after 15 days Nofap and I tried to use Lube after using dry in the first round and I realized it didn't feel grippy or pleasurable like my...
Hi everyone. So I recently discovered NoFap fully and have decided to give a 90 day PMO stoppage a shot. I am currently suffering from a lack of sensation during sex, delayed orgasms, not being able to become fully erect, as well as porn addiction and a host of mental health issues that may be...
Haven't made a post in months but I'll make this quick, it's actually more community oriented than my other posts.
I've started watching porn since I was 11 or 12 years old and throughout the years, I've slowly been diving into various genres of porn. I started with feet because (that's my OG...
To cut a long story short, for as long as I could remember vanilla things never turned me on.
When I was growing up, the sight of breasts or other things that would typically arouse a pubescent boy never did anything for me. The only things that got me going were femdom and lesbians.
This was...
Hi all hope you are all well :)
I've been searching google for answers but nothing. I'm curious to know if watching porn gifs is worse for the brain and desensitization than videos? Surely it would have a bigger impact as there are loads of them on one page so the novelty seems even more...
Hi guys! I recently found NoFap and I am now on my 11th day. I am trying to do a hard reboot for at least around 60 days. But I feel my situation is kind of weird and wanted some advice on what might be best for me. I have tried to describe my situation below as succinctly as possible.
I don't know how to start my story and I hope I will be able to find some help here.
Since one year, I have extreme pain, in the back and front of my abdomen and pelvis. I masturbated a lot lot of time since 2011, before I was also masturbating, but I didn't had too much time because I was...
Ok, I am a noob here so still trying to figure out things. I have noticed that whenever I try stroking with my left hand, I wouldn't get any erection. Works with my right hand though. I have been vigorously using my right hand in one particular technique for over 10 years now (2-5 times daily)...
I've had a form of OCD, commonly known as Pure "O" for several years now and dealt with harm and violent thoughts a long with religious and blasphemous thoughts, and I've been a steady user of porn since I was 13 years old, I'm 22 now. Like most us, I started out with vanilla, "normal"...
Hi! I am a 29 year old male from the middle east. I found this group just yesterday after watching professor gary wilson's ted talk on porn & its damaging effect on some men. I have been doing PMO for more than a decade. Recently i have been married & i was virgin before that with zero...
Hi everybody!!
As you can read from the title masturbating has led to my penisn so desensitized that when my gf comes I always say excuses to get out of having sex. When I masturbate I edge out and don't ejaculate while masturbating, also porn is a minor problem but still not to be...
Hello all, my name is Igor, i'm currently going through something extremely hard in my life, i'm conflicted about a lot of things, i've been a porn "user" since i was 8 years old, but i became truly addict when i was 15, but now i have reached the point where i need to have it, i wake up and i...
So I must have started masturbating when I was around 14 years of age, the usual age with testosterone just surging through my teenage body. I probably masturbated (on average) around once a day until I got into a relationship with a girl at 19. As far as I was aware, masturbation was only...
I'm a 20 year old guy and I've been fapping since the age of 12. I found out I had a problem two and a half years ago, when I met my current girlfriend. I found out because I couldn't enjoy sex at all. Mentally and physically. I had major erectile dysfunction and almost didn't feel a...
Hello guys, I am new here, been off the PMO for 16 days, still going and all is fine.
Now be advised, I would like to discuss the science behind all of the NoFap. If you are prone to relapses, I guess it is better you abstain from reading or contributing to this post. I really like...