help me out

  1. whysaad

    Caught up in a never ending circle- Please help

    I'm an 18yo Male, I've known about NoFap since 2017 but I hadn't taken it seriously. I've been trying to beat my PMO addiction for about a year now(since 1st Jan 2020), turns out it ain't easy. I've watched copious amount of NoFap content on YouTube, have done a lot of research, have educated...
  2. D

    Help me out fapstronauts!

    I have been a porn addict for 4 years and my addiction got more severe over the course of time and i cannot resist the urge to watch porn my longest streak was 8 days but after that was not able to be porn free even for 3 days I'm just 15 years old i have lot of my life to spend i got a dream of...
  3. R

    I dont know how to start my reboot

    I think I need to go to the mental. I can't stop doing PMO. It's been a month now, and my mental health is not in a good state. I don't know where should I seek help and fortunately ended up here in NoFap. I've been trying my best to stop PMO but I really can't. There's this one time when I'm...
  4. R

    Please help me plan my Reboot!

    Help me Reboot PLEASE! Please tell me what to do and help me tailor a reboot program based on my profile. I have written almost all the details I think are relevant for a analysis of my problem. I have opened up about the most fucked details about my life. Please don't judge and just help me. I...
  5. D


    Hey guy I am new here. I am a 18 year old with great ambitions but I am trapped in this PMO cycle and I regret after every PMO that I could use that time to do more productive things. So if you guy can share some practical tips that I can apply in my daily routine to avoid PMO. Tips that you...
  6. Srikarthick

    NoFap flatline

    After i started nofap 1st 15 days are awesome i had lots of energy and clear mind more humorous with everyone but after it i felt less energy less humorous but no brain fog no anxiety now i am in day 25 how to deal with this? Will i get back my high energy level again?
  7. S

    nEW BeGinnings

    Hey guys, So my name is Sham and I've just committed to becoming a fapstronaut. I feel like porn has limited my success and my creative ability and how I see women. I honestly feel like a hypocrite. Although I agree with gender equality and respect towards women my attitude displays the...
  8. D

    What Happens After Watching The Same Genre Of Porn?

    Hello everyone! I'm really sorry about my constant questions, but I'm just so curious about these questions I have. So anyway, here we go! What would happen if someone was to watch the same genre of porn (that they never got hard to) over and over again for months? Maybe even fantasing about...
  9. A

    Getting dragged back in

    Hi I’m new to this forum but decided I need to talk or discus this issue with someone as I have tried so many times but just keep going back to square 1. Every time I try stopping I see some sexy babe walking down the street with shorts riding up I just get thinking about it again. This hot...
  10. E

    Well lads!

    Let me start by saying how pleased I am to join! I've been reading bits and pieces every night before I went to sleep for the past week until I finally decider to grow some balls and do it!! Thanks to ye Let me introduce my self, I'm a 28 years old this August, based in Ireland. I have been in...
  11. foreshadowingmemes

    This has to work

    Hello everyone I am new here and I want to stop my addiction to porn for GOOD. I’ve been doing it for about 2 years now and I’ve seen the troubles that masturbation can create through people’s lives. Might as well start now before it gets worse. Anyone got any tips to help me succeed goal?
  12. H

    I feel like I'm losing my mind. Any Advice?!

    Hi everyone. I'm so glad that I found this forum. It makes me feel a little less alone. Everyday my heart breaks a little bit more. I don't know what to do. If anyone can offer me any advice (especially the men) I'd really appreciate it. It's a bit of a long story.. but I will try and keep it...
  13. glitch2021

    Committing to NoFap.

    Hi friends, I am not very good with typing so please excuse me in case of any errors.I never thought I would visit this site ever again, But I guess I was wrong. I had a great streak of 188 days, It was really fuckin awesome, I felt great ,looked great and every thing was great. That was the...
  14. thinkinglavender

    Would it be easier...

    Does anyone think that it would be easier.. on a "newbie" maybe start with just no PM instead of PMO.. or maybe just P... Or am I just trying to give in and get a cop out? Is it normal to "wean" off of PMO slowly? Or is this really how to do it? It's only like day 2, and this kind of feels...
  15. C

    my life struggle

    I always do fap almost everyday since I was a kid. And I always want to stop it since I was in high school. I never have a girlfriend, and I never have sex in my life. And because I always do fap everyday I never experienced wet dream in my life. I want to stop this bad habit so that when I'm...
  16. Andrew Reagan

    A degenerate fall into sexual deviancy

    Hello, my name is Andrew I'm 24 years old and from Manchester. When I was about 18-19 I was introduced to the Furry fandom, a community fascinated with anthropomorphic animals. Although mainly built on art, music and shared experiences; the sub-culture has sexualised overtones and produces vast...
  17. C

    Never gone more than 2 days since I started

    I started watching and masterbating on March 12, 2016. Everyday I think I can do it, and when i break, I feel like I get a pass for that day and keep doing it before 12 am strikes. Guys, I have a big problem. I do not have a clue how you guys go more than 3 days, as my record is 2 and I always...
  18. LowKeeKee

    My story

    I have a problem with porn, it's taken me years to admit it, even to myself. I always thought that it was just a normal thing to do to just go online watch a few videos, I'd subscribed to and paid for pornstars snapchat accounts, surfed cam sites, and looked up inappropriate photos online almost...
  19. T

    I'm new here

    my name is Tobi, I have problem with masturbation and I have been trying to quit but I always end up going back to it. I really do wanna quit and I hope I can get help here. Thanks.
  20. supermanreturns

    Male 26, Need help to come out of PMO habit.

    Hi members, I am a 26 years old make from India. Was introduced to porn late but it has destroyed my life over the years. I was exceptional student in my school days and have done my degree from a top college in India. But, the PMO habit over years has brought a lot of negative changes... A...
  21. K

    I'm new here.Please help

    I'm new to NoFap. I'm badly addicted to porn and Masturbation since age of 12 years now I'm 19. It's all due to a friend who said watching porn and doing Masturbation gives pleasure. Now I just want to stop it here. In the last month I controlled my self for almost 20 days, suddenly I don't...
  22. L

    Need advice about 90 day reboot.New member of site nofap for year & a half.

    I've been doing nofap for about a year and a half now. I remember hearing about it from my brother one day. I had no idea that porn could cause negative effects. Heck I remember masturbating at least every day for years because I was told it was good for you! I used to constantly watch porn...
  23. T

    Porn ruined my holiday, has overall ruined self-esteem

    Hi there NoFappers, I'd like to share my story about porn ruining my perfect chance to relax and also porn affecting my mental health. This is my first time posting here so please be easy on me :) also, I'm 18 not 37 as my profile says. So I've been fapping and watching porn very actively ever...
  24. PeBe

    Its about fucking time

    Fuck. Over and over, its happening over and over. Why cant I stay true to myself and keep my own promises to myself. I keep trying every day in and out, but at the end of the day, it all collapses. I want to control my own body and mind, but its hard and my brain doesnt want to do the hard...
  25. D

    Zero though i am hero

    Porn and mastrubation ruined my life . I am new to nofap . I hope this community helps me achieve nofap for 7 days ( i will be realistic) and bare my thoughts . My academia, social interaction, talking skills . Please be in touch with me and make me feel that i have friends who will help whole...
  26. T

    Day 1

    I have been struggling with porn and masturbation. I keep relapsing and can't quit. I'm fucking pissed at myself and can stop in need help to quit porn and masturbation some tips will help anything helps.