
  1. tawwab1

    Tip: Disable images in your browser

    Complete rebooting is based on 2 pillars: Learning how to say "no". Minimizing triggers. Most of the discussions on this site center around the first pillar, because it's clearly the more important one. But let's not forget the second, either! We have to get our intentions correct first. We...
  2. P

    Are sexy images a danger as well?

    Hey. Day 14 for me with my nofap adventure and it really have been 2 weeks where i was really happy since i have slept very well since the journey which wasnt the case for years. I know 2 weeks arent a big period of time but i really can feel the energy inside me and i also can talk with random...
  3. D

    THE TIME STRIP. Create a chart of your progress.

    A picture is worth a thousand words. As a graphic designer I wanted to see my progress at a glance and in one single image. A chart should show my past progress, where I am today and how many days are left to my goal. The following chart has turned out to be the best for me, so far. Feel free to...
  4. D

    image porn vs video porn

    does anybody here feel a difference between m'ing to porn images and m'ing to video porn ? i dont feel as bad after m'ing to pictures of a girl as when i do after m'ing to a video. i think porn images dont cause as much of a dopamine spike as a video. i must make it clear that i am not...
  5. J

    New person

    It used to just be porn but has grown to (or should I say degenerated) to prostitutes. Whereas I used to be damaging myself through everything I read about, now I'm putting myself at risk for STDs and harming my finances. In short, I'm in a pretty bad way. True, I am on a streak, but the...