morning erections

  1. N

    Morning wood when I jerk off

    Hey guys I did a 230 days streak and relapsed a month ago Since then I get morning wood only if I jerk off the night before sleeping This seems very weird to me Why is this happening? Can anyone please lmk?
  2. N

    Lost hardest MW within seconds

    Hey guys I’m on day 151 of NoFap currently On day 149 I had my second wet dream Today on day 152 I had the hardest morning wood since a long time I realised it because my phone rang and had to wake up When I woke up I realised I had the hardest erection I’ve had in a while But here comes the...
  3. G

    Very peculiar case of ED

    I don't have morning wood at all and I can't masturbate due to being unable to get an erection with thoughts alone. Yet sometimes I can get hard enough for sex with my girlfriend. Erections are only like 80% hard, never fully erect. I've noticed soft glans. The shaft can get hard enough but...
  4. B

    Greetings & Morning Glory Gambits

    My name is not Geralt & scribing this post goes against all my sensibilities as a lurker on social platforms. I have a propensity to over-explain so I'll try to succinctly describe why I'm here, then ask for your help! Warning in case you're not into these porn categories: I will be writing...
  5. Chimii

    Morning Wood

    Atm I’m in a flatline & im not getting any morning wood, before flatline I was. Is it normal to not get morning wood during flatline?
  6. Xanup

    Erection and help in general

    So I’m definitely having a very rough time with Nofap especially with the quarantine as it hasn’t been easy trying to not PMO. I feel like I’m back at square 1 and that I’ve literally made no progress. Part of the reason for that is that every time I have a boner, I immediately think about PMO...
  7. stayHard

    Day 36 Felling Unamused,Anxiety and Dizziness

    Hi, today i had completed 36 days of but there are several problems still exists could you please help me out. 1. Dead dick. 2. No Morning Wood (no random erection). 3. No wet dreams. 4. Felling tired and sleepy all day. 5. Felling unhappy. i am trying hard these days but when i woke up in...
  8. HardWorkOnly

    no morning wood on rebooting

    hello guys this is my first post and i would like to ask you if you experienced the same thing as me, i am really worried of my morning wood,since i started the nofap i dont get morning wood, i dont know why, i searched for it and they say that this may be a serious problem like a heart desease...
  9. G

    Injury causes me to relapse.

    Hi everyone, this is my first post. I am writing you all while lying on my bedroom floor. This is how I have had to do all my work for school and anything else on my computer. I injured my back about a year ago working. I am 20 and now have sciatica running down my right leg. I am doing...
  10. P

    9 months without PMO

    Hi, I have posted in this website one time introducing myself ( making this one the second post here. First of all I have to tell you, doing no pmo was one of the best decision in my life. I never thought I would survive this...
  11. ConquerorNF

    Dealing with morningwood

    Hi everyone. Just over three weeks of the reboot and it has been going quite well, lots of urges, but in control. The last couple of days I have been having trouble sleeping as I would wake up at around 4am with massive morningwood and then struggle to fall back to sleep. Obviously this is a...
  12. A

    owning my erections

    I do not want to be passive when it comes to my arousal. I want to become aroused and erect responsibly, when the time is right. I hope this does not sound too weird, but I want to be able to control my erections and to some extent my arousal. Has anyone managed to do this? I feel that it...
  13. Newlife157

    morning erections! Help me

    I would like to know how long these are returning, can they take months? Is it normal to have erections at night and that these are a little weak? Please help me