
  1. JustALearner

    Sexual Transmutation Guide: The Foundation Of Spiritual Development

    Transmuting sexual energy during semen retention involves redirecting the potent drive associated with sexual desire into constructive activities. Methods to achieve this include immersing oneself in intense physical exercise, pursuing creative endeavors, or dedicating time to studying and...
  2. Lucrative

    Quit Distracting Yourself

    Trust me, I’ve fallen for this trap. You’re faced with tremendous temptation to give in. The urges are so strong they pull you away mentally from focusing. You try your best to distract yourself by checking your phone or trying not to think about the urge, yet the advice to let it pass...
  3. N

    Intense Flames of energy

    I am 18 days into abstaining from porn. I've been in this position two times prior. I've gone through abstaining, but this flaming hot energy inside me begins burning inside me. I get volatile and angry, sometimes it's a triggering memory, sometimes it's thin air. I just start boiling inside. I...
  4. K

    Very often polutions

    I am currently in my third month of nofap. I have polutions almost every night now. Recently I had three polution in a row and after a few days I had another polution. I will add that after each such session I feel weak, so I would like to have them as few as possible, e.g. once a month. How do...
  5. Racco

    Expect, accept, surrender and the role of sexual energy retention

    I'm going to discuss about the importance of acceptance & surrender and how expectations make you weak & drift. Also, how the sexual energy's potential works in different levels and its link to your greatness.
  6. M

    [QUESTION] How to Transmute the ENERGY when doing semen retention?

    Hello everyone I'm 16, I have been doing full semen retention for 9-10 months now. In the first months I actually got a lot of energy but wasn't practising "transmutation exercises of any type". Currently with over 9+ months of semen retention (only had 1 wet dream like 2 months ago), I feel...
  7. BranchingOut

    How To Hold A Sexual Charge

    You are on a streak of maybe 5 days and you are feeling horny. At this point you can either, indulge it and begin with innocent pictures of beautiful women then allow the arousal escalate into porn with the beat off until release, or ignore it and don't let it grow and let it pass and distract...
  8. NewJohnQ

    Becoming Alpha

    I had an interesting experience this weekend. I’m on day 45 since my last orgasm. I was traveling this weekend and everywhere I went, men were deferring to me. Moving out of my way, letting me go in line in front of them. It’s like there was a sign above me saying I was the alpha. I have to...
  9. Ajar

    Semen Retention Quotes - Napolean Hill "Outwitting the Devil"

    If you guys get a chance to read this book, super insightful, and offers practical methods to improve yourself. The book is given as an insight between the Author, whom is Napolean Hill, and something he perceived within himself as an alternative identity whom he calls The Devil. Its somewhat in...
  10. MasturTainer

    How to Transmute In Three Steps

    The practice of transmutation is so powerful a force that I now believe it is not taught to people on purpose. These past 30 days have completely changed my life forever. I've never gone this far meditating and semen retaining. I've had a couple wet dreams (I reset the counter for wet dreams)...
  11. D

    67 Days : What freedom really means.

    My streak : 67 days Freedom actually means doing what you ought to do. What things you have to do? Grip the steer to self-control your life, obey the roadmark of your life, discipline, and detachment of any temporary pleasure. Let's just aim to the main point, i.e Nofap freedom. What is it...
  12. Brahmacharya_UK

    Clothing, Comfort, and desensitising

    This is a serious post... and this forum appears to be the most relevant to post it in... If I am wrong I'm very sorry and I will post it elsewhere. I tend to wear clothing that I feel comfortable in, however, I'm noticing a distinct trend that if, for example, the fabrics are too comfortable...
  13. A

    Causes of wet dreams and solutions

    The major causes of wet dream after 13 years of nofap are the following: 1) Emotional stress: you will be stressed emotionally and energetically when you are practicing nofap (semen retention) because not many people will be comfortable around your energy especially women and some men...
  14. layperson2022

    Nofap is a spiritual process that leads to something far beyond this world

    This is an ancient practice that blesses the sincere practitioner with the ability to perceive worlds beyond this one. To contemplate divinity. It Keys your mind up to a vibratory condition, conducive to receiving wisdom from places that I can’t explain. Your skin becomes soft, your mind pure...
  15. K


    yesterday on a dating app(a raunchy one tbh) I came across a woman who is really charming and pretty,she is really sweet and cute. funnily how it all started is a great story.i saw her profile and texted her a hello to which she responded with a 'hi' and then almost instantly she sent me a...
  16. N

    Understanding urges and how to react to it

    Understanding PMO urges, like any other urges (etc being hungry, angry, urge to punch your boss) will never go away. What I personally feel that goes away as you progress into nofap is the thought of fapping. At a point, when the sexual urges come, you just feel like having sex instead of...
  17. modern milarepa

    431 days no PMO, semen retention while having sex

    Current streak: 431 days no PMO, semen retention If you want I explain this in a more simple manner on this other thread: I’ve been sexually active while doing this streak. I only stopped...
  18. trowa159

    The power of sexual transmutation

    Every time when I feel horny, there is stuck energy circulating around my groin area. with proper breathing work, I am able to bring it upwards through my spine into my brain. This way, I care less about sex but focus more on the things that I need to work on. Have you tried this before? How...
  19. cresyhorse

    Write tips on solving the growing urge to O

    You know how while your streak grows, your libido grows too and more things start arousing you.. Lets find solutions to not allow that volcano of energy to erupt. My 1 cent is that I should avoid looking at all women on the street and in public sexually and cut all sexual thoughts as soon as...
  20. 4:30am

    Still Life with Nofap

    Hey everyone, I have lost something in my life. Today, I just realised, that I lost it to PMO. I used to be a career artist. A painter, photographer and sculptor. I would focus primarily on still life, nudes and the confluence of animals and humans on monochrome (using willow charcoal on...
  21. D

    Only people with 30+ days can post here!

    What's up? If you're streak ia 30+ days, do this: - write us a piece of advice we people with shorter streaks can benefit from. - mention how many days it has been since your last relapse.
  22. Smiling_Kitsune100

    Almost 3 Mouth(2 Mouth And 1 Week) In Seminal Retention, Nofap And Sexual Transmutation

    Lets Me Tell My History: In late-2018 and late-2019 i heared about a challage called "NoFap setember" and "no nut november" and in these time i was a very frequent porn consumer and mastubartion praticer, I tried but i failed in these challages, But i lived tranquily my life, and some point of...
  23. D

    P.A.W.S., Stress, Reboot, Biology and Energy (this may save your reboot) - my experience

    UPDATED 30.04.2021 If you feel that your reboot is too difficult for you and you suffer from PAWS long enough, seek help outside in form of professional therapy ! You may not be able to cope on your own and external help may be necessary ! Addiction is serious thing, don't miss your opportunity...
  24. BrandNewChiEnergy

    Supernatural Sexuality and Transmutation

    I have been slowly weening off sex. It creating problematic behavior. It was a get away. I stopped having casual sex last February. I find myself very attractive. It was not hard to pull men. I was using men for sex because I had back/neck pain. I actually like back massages as much as sex. It...
  25. Honey_Singh_420

    Why does an urge rise out of nowhere in mind?

    I'm in middle of doing my office wok or learning a new skill, didn't even come across a stimulating ad or even thought. Then all of a sudden, an urge pops up in my mind. Why does this happen and what should i do?
  26. A

    Hard pivot to regular mode tips

    hey everyone, first post on here. I discovered nofap late this Jan coming out of a faithful 10-year LTR in Dec. I moved long distance & with covid and strong lack of rebound desire, I landed on hardmode. Tried w/ MO relapse 3-4 times lasting a week or 2 at a time. Finally, was able to hold...
  27. D

    Lack of Motivation and Severe Urges Impeding my Ability to Focus

    I have been on NoFap for 17 days now, and I have been having almost constant urges to masturbate, to the point where I can no longer focus on my day-to-day work. To provide some context, I started NoFap because I hoped it would allow me to better concentrate on my top hobby, computer...
  28. O

    Dedicate your life to something greater than yourself

    This could be a set of beliefs, a hobby or an enjoyable occupation. There are a few reasons for this: it will heighten your attraction to the opposite sex (if that's what you desire out of NoFap), it'll lower your reaction to rejection- which contributes massively to relapses in my opinion, it...
  29. A

    Relapsed, created a NoFap account.

    I've suffered two relapses today, both about half an hour ago and they both involved PMO. I've decided that this time I'm going to approach the situation a little differently. Instead of shutting myself away from society out of the guilt, embarrassment and whatever labels I decide to put on...
  30. K

    Get rid of wet dreams

    Hey, I read lots of people saying that wet dreams are natural and we can't avoid them. Then, how to explain I already spent two streaks of more than 6 months each without wet dream for the first and only one for the second ? I'm not alone in this case and my body is working fine. During both...
  31. R

    How to successfull on nofap??

    Remmember it's my opinion. Guys! The simplest answer is Transmutation Sexual energy. You have to use sexual energy in creative or productive way.. Etc To use, sexual energy you have to create something.Sexual energy goes high and high day by day so simply if you wanna use it, use it on your...
  32. Karnakavach555

    Techniques(Chakra, Meditation or taoist or any other) to transmute sexual energy

    hi, If anybody come across any Chakra, meditation, taoist or any other technique to transmute sexual energy , please share. It would be great help for many people. 1. Mantak chia's 'sharpen your knife' technique was useful for me to pass 60 days 2. After 60 days, i find that i am able to do...
  33. YOGI from South

    Sexual Transmutation Magic works...? Daily Journal

    I have decided to check whether Sexual Transmutation Magic works or not on my self. I will post all the magic stuff that, if happens during this NOFAP journey starting today i.e. 13th March 2020. Earlier I was in PMO for long streaks 200+ days, But relapsed. Anyways Today is my Day1 and I am...
  34. J

    Want to reset

    Hey guys, so, it's been 143 days since I've started NoFap (hardmode). It's been life changing, and pretty much life saving as well. However, from the start really, I've been suppressing my urges. Whenever I had sexual urges, I'd think of something else. I would try my hardest to make erections...
  35. Aquablue

    Transmutation of Sexual Energy

    For those wanting to learn how to do this, the best tool to start the process of transmuting sexual energy the "Mool bandha" practice. This is very simple and helps to raise energy from lower chakras to higher ones. Build up of creative energy (which has its origin in the base chakra and builds...
  36. S

    Looking to share success

    Hey everyone, I came onto the forum to share a bit about my story and I'm glad to say also my transformation and success over a long journey. I struggled with an addiction to masturbation and porn that started to take hold in my early 20's. By my late 20's this had become more of an issue as...
  37. D

    Transmutation and techniques to liberate chi energy

    I have been reading quite a bit about chi energy and the transmutation of energy and I am reaching out to others. Who are fairly familiar. Have you had any luck transmuting YOur energy into other focuses In life?
  38. D

    Using sexual energy for manifestation?

    Ok, so according to the Law of Attraction everything is energy and frequency. Thoughts become things. All we have to do is imagine things we want as if we would already have them. The universe will deliver them to us. If we combine that visual image with feelings then it is so much more...
  39. Dogen in Suburbia

    Evidence for transmutation

    I am interested in the possibility of physical, emotional and psychological benefits from abstinence. I know such things are often claimed by eastern religions. But does anyone know of scientific verification of these. I have a suspicion that such claims are rooted in a negative view of sex.
  40. Bretto

    The power of Moola Bandha

    Hey NF’rs, From the Yogi book ‘Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha’ Moola Bandha Benefits: “Moola Bandha bestows many physical, mental and spiritual benefits. It stimulates the pelvic nerves and tones the uro-genital and excretory systems. It is helpful in psychosomatic and degenerative illnesses...
  41. Brahmachari2.0

    Cultivating Jing: The key to sexual transmutation

    Today I figured it all out. For years I've been wondering how sex transmutation worked, I even published a book on the topic last year. But still, something was missing. How exactly did one go beyond the base nature of sex or its substitute activities (a.k.a transcend or transmute)? How did one...
  42. I

    Taking a deeper look at sexual transmutation

    As a preface to the following discussion I just want to say I am struggling in a sexless marriage and am not yet willing to seek a divorce. As such, sexual transmutation has become a focus for me both to avoid PMO and also to find a new way to focus this sexual energy. As I'm sure many of...
  43. C

    Sexual Kung Fu

    I've been practicing the art of "ejaculating up the spine" to rejuvenate myself with my sexual energy rather than waste it (David Deida - The Way of the Superior Man). Today I felt a tight buzzing all over my body during the practice, but then I had tightness in both my asshole & my lips for...
  44. jest

    In need of expert advice

    My posts are always long and there's tons of information here, apologies, but it's my situation and I could use some help from people in a similar one. I went for 115 days no PMO last year and I got out of the P cycle, I've also taken out videogames (41 days free), violent/horror tv shows and...
  45. Samuel11

    Luck and fapping

    Im starting to think that not fapping brings you good luck, because of ur energy. What do you think?
  46. M

    Using Porn without Masturbation to Motivate Yourself?

    I tried it 3 times transmuting energy that I got from porn, it works in start, but after few days I end up masturbating it doesn't work for long the energy( or the urges) become too high, I was curious about transmuting that sexual energy into my work. As I heard about this transmutation in...
  47. S

    You're probably coming off of something

    Hey guys, I don't really post much but I figured I might as well share some stuff I've learned from practicing NoFap and how its helped me. I embraced the idea of NoFap not so much to combat porn addiction so much as to change my energy levels and work on myself. Not that I never watched...
  48. C

    Sex energy & creative drive?

    Hey all. I'm a lapsed musician trying to get back into playing, recording and gigging after ten years of depression. I'm realizing PMO has a huge impact on my mood, motivation and energy level and I'm finding it hard to stay the nofap course. What I want is to transmute my sex energy (the...
  49. Αλληγορία Κοσμο

    Sex Desire Transmutation into Goals, any insights?

    Have any of you heard about Sex Desire Transmutation into Goals. Such as, most of you have this PMO addiction, and you are doing so well with your 3 or 4 weeks steak and you relapse a couple of days before you reach your 40th days without PMO, because of that thought and desire is so strong that...
  50. Abraxas

    10 years of not losing sexual energy during intercourse nor masturbation using Gnostic Techniques

    Dear people, Short introduction: I abstained from masturbation, porn and the orgasm 10 years ago with the help of the teachings of Samael Aun Weor who teaches how sexual energy can be used for spiritual purposes. Just want to share my findings and understanding on the concept of not losing...
  51. F

    If You're Sex-Starved, Won't You Eventually Break and Become a Sex Fiend?

    Whenever I go on particularly long streaks (10+ days), I tend to notice I become increasingly sexually interested in women I otherwise wouldn't be and for all intents and purposes, shouldn't be. This is problematic because I'm not one to go through the hoops to have casual sex. I'm in it for the...