35 and older accountability, Group 2

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by persona2903, Nov 13, 2019.

  1. jw2021

    jw2021 Fapstronaut

    1 Year on the Forum

    Today is a very special day for me. It marks 1 year that I have been a part of this community. I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for the help and support you have provided me during this time. I want to write and recap some of my last year. I appreciate all of those who will take time to read.

    First of all, this day one year was one of the worst days of my life. I had went on a multi hour PMO binge. I felt positively awful, disgusted, and honestly wanted to just die. My PMO addiction had got to the point where I was having multi hour binges 3+ times per week. My business was wrecked, my health was wrecked, and I felt trapped. I guess I was. I was a full blown addict. My life had become a vicious cycle of addiction that was acting out, felling shame and guilt, determining I would never do it again, and then failing over and over. I was a very sick man!

    Through all of this, I learned what addiction was. PMO was fun for a little while. I remember the excitement the first time I viewed printed material, dial up internet, high speed internet, and the excitement of the first few occasions of PMO. It is not fun now. It is not exciting now. It is a ball and chain, an addiction, and a heavy weight I have been dragging around. I guess I viewed this material for 30+ years, PMO for 25+ years, and addicted for a time that I can not remember. Now instead of chasing dopamine highs on a computer screen I am chasing sobriety.

    I do not have many days on the counter. I intended to leave PMO behind the first day I started on this site. I underestimated what kind of a hold I allowed this to have on me. During my time on this forum, I have accomplished some very amazing things I have been grateful for.

    1 I typed out my NF rules that I believe will carry me through the rest of this life sober. You can read them by clicking the link in my signature.

    2 I decided exactly what I want to have out of life and how I want to live. I created a brand new mission statement for a life that was all but completely broken. BTW, you can do this too!

    3 I have healed greatly with my wife.

    4 I have got back on track with my work and business

    5 I have enjoyed more sobriety this year than I have in years.

    6 For the first time in my adult life, I have lived normal. Best I can remember, I started PMO about age 15 and it was frequent since. This is my first time living as an adult with any significant time without it.

    7 I realized there is a whole and better life out there waiting for me.

    8 I got back to bodybuilding. I thought I was finished but I actually achieved some personal best accomplishments during this last year.

    9 I have made friends on here that are more special than I could ever express. You guys (and a couple gals) have walked in my shoes. You understand. You have given me support and companionship. I did not have to walk this road alone. You have walked it with me and helped me. I teared up as I wrote these words.

    10 Most important, I feel closer to God than I ever have in my life!

    If you are reading this, I want to tell you one thing. Don't quit! It is hard to say you will never do it again and fail. This takes time and you have to learn about yourself and the addiction. It is hard to admit a reset or relapse. Every time I have, I have been met with nothing but compassion and support.

    Here is what I have ahead of me. I am setting out to have the whole next year completely clean. I am going to utilize my NF rules and plan to see my body completely normalized. If I reset, I will simply keep trying. I am in this fight for life. As I get more sobriety under my belt, I want to help others more. I want to do for others what others have done for me. I set out in the beginning of 2018 to quit PMO. Instead, I had 3 of the worst PMO years of my life. I honestly thought I was hopeless. Here I am today after 1 year on this forum. Again, I don't have a whole lot of days on the counter but I am a different person today. I want to first of all thank the good Lord in Heaven from the bottom of my heart for the progress I have made and I thank you each and every one of you as well. I want to tell you all; You can do it!
    nonfap, clark k, Cremuel and 4 others like this.
  2. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing this awesome post. It’s the best thing I’ve ever read on addiction.
    jw2021 and IntenselyOrdinary like this.
  3. IntenselyOrdinary

    IntenselyOrdinary Fapstronaut

    You’re absolutely welcome.
    Icewarrior, persona2903 and jw2021 like this.
  4. I-Y-T

    I-Y-T Fapstronaut

    Congratulations @jw2021 . I read much of your journal the other day and appreciate how open you've been, and how you use your experiences to support us
    jw2021 and IntenselyOrdinary like this.
  5. jw2021

    jw2021 Fapstronaut

    Thank you for saying that. I am glad my experiences and journey can help others. I want nothing more than to be clean and help others be clean.
    ANewFocus and I-Y-T like this.
  6. LotusPbraun

    LotusPbraun Fapstronaut

    Starting tomorrow evening, I will be away for a 10 days silent retreat. There we have no access to phone or internet. So I will post here again on 9th(Sunday).
    ANewFocus, persona2903, I-Y-T and 2 others like this.
  7. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    “I set out to quit pmo in 2018, then had 3 of the worst years of my life.” I can relate to this experience. It seems when we make a decision to do our utmost to quit pmo then the addiction comes at us full force, all guns blazing.
    persona2903 and jw2021 like this.
  8. jw2021

    jw2021 Fapstronaut

    I never thought of it that way but you are exactly right. There is a little more to my story though. I once had a period where I was 15 months clean. That was several years ago but I suffered a major relapse. In 2018 I started down the road to recovery again. I had a couple good streaks and then suffered the worse relapse yet. Both of those times I was trying to do it alone. Being on this forum and sharing each others experiences has been a real game changer for me.
    ANewFocus, Icewarrior and persona2903 like this.
  9. IntenselyOrdinary

    IntenselyOrdinary Fapstronaut

    I'm not sure I have a right to a place in this group anymore. Since speaking with my therapist last week, I've pretty much fallen off the wagon entirely, and I'm okay with that.

    My life situation is beyond stressful and out into a whole new category, and I don't have the space to deal with such a huge change as this. My plan is to continue to work with my therapist, stay connected to the community here, and keep dropping this addiction in mind.

    I like being part of this group and supporting others, but if you think my place is more suited to someone else I'll completely understand.

    Wishing all of you strength, peace and love in your journeys.
    persona2903 and jw2021 like this.
  10. jw2021

    jw2021 Fapstronaut

    I know exactly how you feel. When you first begin the journey of trying to quit it seems impossible. I think back to my beginnings and I reset over and over. If you really want freedom from this, you have to stay the course, stay connected, and continue to learn from everything that happens good or bad. It takes time.
    ANewFocus and persona2903 like this.
  11. IntenselyOrdinary

    IntenselyOrdinary Fapstronaut

    What I’m really saying is that this isn’t my first priority right now, and I don’t really have the energy to divert towards it.
    persona2903 likes this.
  12. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    Yes, sharing experiences with others is key to recovery. We can’t do it alone.
    persona2903 and jw2021 like this.
  13. I-Y-T

    I-Y-T Fapstronaut

    Could you make it you priority, in order to increase your energy levels and mental wellbeing to help you manage the difficulties and stress in the rest of your life?
    jw2021 likes this.
  14. I-Y-T

    I-Y-T Fapstronaut

    Day 14. Great achivement in days (given that my first attempt on joining was 1.5 days) but, actually, this has becoming a peaceful, natural state for me, not one that needs achieving, which is perhaps the biggest achievement of all. Worth recognising for if/when this state passes as it's where I want to come back to.
    Have noticed a few fantasies creeping back the last couple of days. They are super light, like the introduction to a story. Seem very harmless and i've enjoyed allowing them to come and go naturally without clamping down on them or avoiding them. But also could be my addicted brain trying to lure me back in for a dopamine hit so one to watch.
    Feeling hugely sexually charged today and am enjoying it. As in, enjoying the powerful feeling of my sexual energy, recognising it as the fundamental part of me that it is, and sitting with it without acting on it or avoiding it.
    As ever, am grateful to be part of the community of this forum, and for those that are sharing on here.
  15. IntenselyOrdinary

    IntenselyOrdinary Fapstronaut

    No. My priority is always knowing who I am. I'm at peace with this decision to work in a different way.
    RightEffort and I-Y-T like this.
  16. amazing!

  17. bro for me is always these are signs to check in with myself to see what i may need. sometimes it is more sleep and time off (self love, like massage, nature, more sleep) other times I may be I am going through a peroid of growth like at times during my work i go through challenging phases which to seem like pushin beyond my comfort level.

    So if you check in with your self, what do you intuitively think can bring you into more balance? more water? nature? massage? sleep? or may be a simple dinner with a friend and talking about what you love? just some thoughts bro check in and let us know if you like.
    jw2021 and IntenselyOrdinary like this.
  18. Cremuel

    Cremuel Fapstronaut

    Two weeks into the reboot and checking in. The good news is: I feel like I’m already back to a place of self-control, almost as strong as I was before I relapsed. I was worried that the first few days and weeks after a slip would be horrendous, but it was a little easier to get back into the swing of things. There’s a lot to do here. We’re having another kid sometime today, and so with all the things to focus on, there’s not much room to think lustful thoughts or other kinds of temptation. Other than that, I’m just glad that what I’m calling my sexual sobriety has continued like this for a while. I am moving downstairs into the basement, so that one of us can get some sleep while the baby is in our room upstairs. Being alone down there hasn’t been too much of a trigger in the past. I’m not too worried about it this time, but it’s something to watch out for. Today, what I’m feeling more than usual is that letting go of any and all associations with out-of-control impulses and replacing them with positive/useful/helpful activities is key to getting past bad habits. My day is filled with exercise, praying, reading, writing, working, and spending time with friends and family—there isn’t really room for much else anymore… and it’s in this groove that distractions seem to have little to no effect on me.
    I-Y-T likes this.
  19. Cremuel

    Cremuel Fapstronaut

    Glad you're here too!
  20. Cremuel

    Cremuel Fapstronaut

    In AA they say "all that is required is a desire to stop drinking." The emphasis is on "desire," not necessarily on doing it. I think if you're open to stopping something, but can't manage it right now, then you should definitely stick around.
    I-Y-T and IntenselyOrdinary like this.