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Still moving along folks. I haven't posed in a few dates. I rarely think of porn these days. Random sex thoughts are more of a problem at this point. With that said all still remains well.

be on your guard bro, remember all it takes is one urge + a set of circunstances to relapse, many times the relapse happens faster than we imagine. so be on your guard always. let´s go!!!
Just rolled over to Day 7. If i can reach Day 8 it will be my all time longest streak since starting NoFap.

But i guess that is very unremarkable on this forum when I see the numbers most of the other members have.

most members here did go exactly the same point that you´re now brother. years ago i couldn´t pass more than 2 days without my pmo. the reboot is a long process of defining your strategy, refining your strategy and improving your strategy to optimum results. it´s basically a huge process of trial and error. so don´t worry on what day you´re in, just care for this day to not collapse, that´s enough. if you collapse, learn with the fall and go again. let´s go!!!
well i turned 23 years old this month and i am a virgin , so i started watching porn and started fapping as soon as i can because i am from india and here if you get caught watching porn then its worse , you cannot even imagine how worse it is , so i think i have trained my mind to fap as soon as i can now i am afraid if i get indulge in real sex in the near future how would i perform ? like i dont want to be a party pooper for her , i cannot destroy my self respect . Can you give me some tips , i really want to cure myself :)

engage in nofap, do the reboot bro. it´s better to be a powerhouse virgin than a weak virgin with premature ejaculation. sex will suck in that conditions "what? it´s over already?!".

do the reboot bro!! plus, you´ll gather so much energy and confidence that girls will be atracted to you like a magnet. so it´s a great way to get laid ;). let´s go!!!
I want to take this challenge for coming 3 months . My motive no P M O . One day at a time . What to focus on in ds 3 month upto feb 2020
1) physical fitness
2) Job
3) study
4) partime Job
5) art work
6 )Travel
7) cooking
8) driving
9) new courses and other exams
10) praying for my future husband

Since i completed one time 45 days and another time 90 days i have confidence that by the grace of God i can make it . Count down begin now DAY 0 ...at 3.34 pm nov 16 th 2019

let´s go sister!!! you can do it :)
I wanna participate but where is this counter and how can i set it to 0? I just made this account so its probably on 0 already right?

yes, today is day 0. welcome brother, to set the counter go to the top of the forum, click on the "update day counter" button.

Best of luck bro!!! stay with us, commit yourself. only full commitment will give you the reboot you want.
yes, today is day 0. welcome brother, to set the counter go to the top of the forum, click on the "update day counter" button.

Best of luck bro!!! stay with us, commit yourself. only full commitment will give you the reboot you want.
Thank you for the replies and the positive energy you are spreading! I wish you a successful and a happy journey full of experience
Day 11: Significantly harder today. My messed up brain has been trying to make me fail but I ain't going to let it. Been trying to keep busy and focus on things worth thinking about. Onward and upward and restored.
"The great revolution in the history of man, past, present and future, is the revolution
of those determined to be free.”
- John F. Kennedy
I got c0rRUpT3d.
*Sigh* Resetting.
Dang, I was nearly halfway there. The urge arrived and lingered. I was not prepared. I need to devise a better long term plan. I also need a better emergency procedure or, Escape-from-myself-immediately plan. Well, not going to beat myself up about it. Thus, I begin anew.
2 days since the incident.