17 yesterday
This is very recognisable. It's basically impossible to avoid stimulating material on the internet sometimes, and it's so hard not to click on it or get curious. I don't think we should be too hard on ourselves if we just come across something and look at it. It's about what you do with it. And I think what you did, is exactly right.Day 49, checking in. Minor setback yesterday: was searching for something work-related (checking my grammar, actually) and since those are sometimes just chunks of phrases, Google Pictures popped up with some erotic wallpapers. And I was searching for how to use a conjunction or something! Well, closed the damn tab, but probably looked at the thumbnails just a second longer than I should have. Still, no urge to relapse, going strong and motivated. F*** PMO, I don't want this stuff in my life anymore. Keep up the good fight, brothers!
A new movie trailer came out , i saw and suddenly my mind craved for some nudity, this night time is a real threat to me majority of my relapses occurred at this time , as per my promised i am not gonna intake any food for next 24 hours , starting now , this time let my mind suffer and get punished for what he has done to me . If i wont take some hard measures then i wont be able to get succeeded in my life and i will remain like this only .
I write my another post after my 24 hour punishment and i will let you know how it happened and what i have learnt from it . I ll drink water and max 1 glass of milk if necessary ( milk ).
The 10 stages of rebooting.
Stage 1: This is when we realize that masturbation is affecting our healthy negatively and we have a thought about quitting. However, after reading about the harmlessness theories of masturbation we are not so determined anymore, we think that masturbation in moderation should do us no harm. This is the very initial stage of rebooting which is characterized by ignorance and naivety. The result: failure!
Stage 2: We gain a small understanding of the harmful effects of masturbation, but not a thorough understanding. The result: failure!
Stage 3: We begin to study other peoples’ experience of rebooting and we try to break our rebooting record. Although we have managed to set a new record on the number of rebooting days we are still unable to break out of the vicious cycle. The result: failure!
Stage 4: This is the confusion stage, after numerous failures, we start to doubt ourselves. At this stage, we are not putting in enough of a fight, no fight no victory! The result: failure.
Stage 5: Our body gives out signals once again and it’s clear that our health has deteriorated. Once again we make up our minds to quit and rely helplessly on the brute force method without learning about the correct methods. The result: failure.
Stage 6: We begin to see the harmlessness theory for what it is, that it only works to trick the “children”. This is when we experience a breakthrough in our way of thinking but we still fail to understand why we are unable to quit masturbation. The result: failure.
Stage 7: This is the stage of understanding, gained from reading vast amounts of rebooting articles, we begin to acknowledge spiritual teachings (such as Buddhism) which helps to increase our determination tremendously, we break the 100-day streak. The result: still failure.
Stage 8: The thorough cleansing stage, we are starting to cleanse ourselves both consciously and unconsciously. Once this idea has entered our subconscious we easily break the 200-day barrier. There may come one day when we are browsing the internet and have our guard down or we have been slack in our rebooting studies, we therefore stumble near the finishing line. The result: still failure.
Stage 9: We are almost there now and have become even more careful, our understanding takes on another level. We are no longer affected by dirty thoughts, what we see do not enter our intentions, what other people sees and like we react with caution. We are steady in our heart even amidst rough winds of thoughts. We have discarded the habit of masturbation altogether.
Stage 10: “Nothing to begin with, how can nothing stir the dust”. We have come to the highest stage where all things returns to simplicity, just as the “sweeping monk” from Jin Yong’s martial art novels. Great skill is hidden in plain site, this is only achieved by the Master. Tips: Everyone should be able to find their current stage in rebooting, just like in video games we have our levels, once we have reached that level success will come. If our level of understanding is not there we will have a hard time to quit masturbation, for a master there is no difficulty, while mastery is difficult to achieve for a layman. Hopefully, everyone will continue to study rebooting articles, the day when we find our “aha” moment is the day when we can walk away from masturbation for good. For the few bright people with keen minds, they are able to skip over stages just as a bright student is able to skip grades and the poor student will need to remain in the same grade.
A few more good exercises for your mind are Trataka. Place a candle at head level in front of you. Concentrate on the flame as long as you can. Do it as many times as you wish. It increases mental capacity and guides focussed thought process. It also increases your sixth sense and psychic powers. Nostradamus used to do an alternate version of this where he concentrated on the throat of his reflection at night. Saints in India do it a lot, they perform a better difficult version of it called chayapurusha lakshanam (concentrating on the shadow). For
our cause Trataka is really good.
For the suggestion above Triphala is not good with alcohol. Trust me you would want to avoid eating Triphala after alcohol consumption. Just have half a teaspoon everynight. And a quarter of teaspoon in the morning. Also gives you good sleep.
Also once you reach 12 years of NoFap as the Bhramacharis( in India) do, you will achieve supreme superpowers of the mind, knowing everything around you, your wisdom will become ten fold. And your words will be powerful and impactful.
Learn from your relapse and get back on track again. You can do it.
Congratz with day 30!
Day 0:
I will never forgive!
exactly, a drop in motivation, yeah. almost like i was in pre-relapse stage. nofap become second in priority and some days later here´s the outcome![]()
i´m still a bit shaken. still need to reflect and learn from this event or i will be bounded to repeat this mistake again. but the drop in motivation played a part on this, no doubt. thanks bro![]()
Day 32. Looking at the process be like......
No pmo is not the priority, Lifestyle is the priority.
Daily Checking In.
“The Soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind” .
Some dirty thoughts in the morning, but I didn't feel anything. I'm in flatline maybe?
Day 30 in the books. Still taking things one day at a time. I know this, no more porn ever again. At this point I don’t plan on ejaculating until I’m ready to create. So I’ll move forward with this this was my long term goal. Have a great day everyone.
For past weeks I been falling but I am not binging it's only once all it takes for me to realize what have done. Today I didn't relapse out of urge but I did. I am ready now for war.
New day new beginning.
Checking in, 3 days (almost 4). I always seem to struggle in this range with insomnia, anxiety etc...
Daily Checking In,
What are 20 things that are not worth it ?
- Instagram - fake people everywhere
- Arguing - conserve your energy
- Gossiping - mind your business
- Getting an iPhone - Androids have better battery and good camera
- Bleaching your skin - might lose your identity
- Overthinking - you change nothing
- Trying to impress people - might die before your time
- Chasing money - solve problems
- Not exercising - obesity, heart disease winking at you
- Talking ill of the government/politicians - vote wisely instead
- Trying to fall in love - you don't try, it just happens
- Drugs - thrilling yourself to death
- Keeping boyfriend/girlfriend at 13 - have you done your assignment?
- Living in the past - this is present, the past is past
- Working at sleep hours - unless you're a vigilante
- Keeping grudges - poisoning your mind
- Chasing women - make more money and have a good life
- Forfeiting your career/education for love - no insurance…no assurance!
- Living a fake life - doing yourself a disservice
- Watching PORN - Believe me it will only fuck your mind and nothing else .
Day 33
Day 4/90
7 days my brothers
"Let today be the day you love yourself enough to no longer just dream of a better life, let it be the day you act upon it" S. Maraboli
Completed Day 7![]()
30 days.
Thanks everyone for your encouragement, helping me achieve this first month. Let's all keep going!
Day 0 it is.
Sorry brother! If there is hope in the world for Fuck-ups like me, there is hope for you too.Day 37 and i relapsed. Fck man.
Today i went searching foe girls for chat for sext. I was not in control. But i am afraid did videochat with a guy because couldn't get girl.... Am i a gay? I hope not. I am afraid.
Day 73 / 90
Still on track. Life has been difficult recently, a lot on my plate and a long difficult road to reach my goals. Stressed out. Work life is 24/7 and extremely challenging. I'm also trying to move my partner and children to my country so we can be together. Injury has kept me from the gym for the last 2 weeks. I'm tired and depressed and my daily self-help routines have slipped. But still maintaining my Nofap streak, the only positive right now. Onward and Upward brothers and sisters. Keep up the fight.