Blaming and Hating porn will help you quitting it


Porn is totally free and available at any time 24/7.
It's like getting heroine for free all the time. who's gonna hate this? it's a big pleasure (big dopamine) = big happiness!
No one right? BUT if you see its effects on your life, then you must hate it.

I'm reading about the effects of porn, and I tell you that I'm really shocked. [I'm f***ing shoooocked for real] I used to blame myself for all problems I had in the past especially social anxiety, depression, no attraction to girls (believing I'm Asexual), overthinking about people, can't speak with strangers, can't do eyes contact, lack of confidence, a panic attack in social situations ... and a lot.

and that's only the beginning, I'm still reading about this, and maybe I'll be shocked more and more.

Yesterday, I realized that my thought about being an Asexual was wrong, I can't imagine that I was in a big illusion I've created because of porn, and I used to believe that way for a long time, I even used to wear purple and tell people that I'm Asexual, and I joined Asexual groups ... (really F**K)

So, what I want to say is that reading about those effects is making me angry about myself, and about porn of course. This angry only should be a big push to quit porn forever.

Think about a situation when you used to blame yourself, and see if porn was the problem, if so, blame it and hate it, and make it a powerful reason to f***ing quit it forever.

I'm 23 years old, and I've never had a relationship with a girl before. because of what? not me as I used to believe, no ... it's f***ing PORN!
1-how can you even have believed you were asexual whilst watching porn?
2-real addict know porn is not free.
3-to be united by hatred is a fragile alliance at best.
4-accepting responsibility is the first step to recovery.