Get educated, get tools, and learn to love withdrawals

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by William, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. Justquit

    Justquit Fapstronaut

    This is such an informative and thoughtful/factual thread. Thanks William. I feel so lucky to find this forum. I've been educating myself for the past 6 months - reading books on the subject. I was getting educated and completely convinced myself I AM AN ADDICT. but that wasn't enough. I've been missing this community of fellow addicts for not only support but also expressing my thoughts. Just sharing helps.
    1 book that is very good with tips on how to deal with withdrawls is "Breaking the Cycle: Free Yourself from Sex Addiction, Porn Obsession, and Shame" by George Collins. Has anyone else read this book?
  2. shamrocknroll

    shamrocknroll Fapstronaut

    No but I will look into that thanks a lot.
  3. TheSuperman007

    TheSuperman007 Fapstronaut

    Thank you very much for this post William, i relate point to point to Gabe's story and like him i will fight until i succeed...:)
  4. Grace

    Grace Fapstronaut

    I totally agree with every word in this post! Number one rule to fix the problem, is to REALLY know the problem, then know how to tackle it!

    Thanks a lot William for this post...
  5. nobuddnomadd

    nobuddnomadd New Fapstronaut

  6. vik17

    vik17 Fapstronaut

    Hey William, thanks for your help! I've been able to abstain from pmo for two whole weeks but then kept relapsing over and over. Reading your post helped me in better understanding my issues. Also Gabe's struggle is a level in addiction I've not yet experienced, i.e ed and all that, but I must try hard so as to never ever reach this state. Just got one question though: does talking and looking at attractive girls be considered as porn? Cause, being still a teenager, I cannot abstain from talking to girls and simply thinking that a girl I see in real life is cute.
    El_Basilanacni likes this.
  7. William

    William Fapstronaut

    Hi vik, Dude, talking and looking at attractive girls is what you are supposed to be doing. Especially at your age. You are not supposed to be looking at porn, and by that, I mean, looking at porn is totally bad for you and distracts you from the real deal, aka, real girls. Do your self a favor and quit looking at porn completely. If you want to get infatuated with reality, THAT is OK!

    El_Basilanacni likes this.
  8. William

    William Fapstronaut

    11 Months Clean. No porn. No PMO. No MO.

    In one month I will be one year free.

    One of the hardest things for people quitting is the concept "I am quitting." It is terribly difficult for any of us with the problem to look ourselves in the eye and state, I am quitting porn, and I an never using it again, ever again. To be honest, most of us have a hard time wrapping out hearts and heads around the concept that we will, by our own choice, never watch porn again. Many here do not even believe it is possible, and many look at porn only as an annoying little habit, that they wish to control, but keep in their lives. It is inconceivable to some to live a porn-free life, they feel that porn in moderation is not only acceptable, but a good thing, that it is insane to quit completely, and unnecessary. I have had discussions, in this forum, with men, who are clearly porn addicts, on the benefits of porn. Friend, there is no benefit to watching porn, unless you believe that getting a dopamine high is a benefit. I ask anyone reading this to ask yourself one question: in what way does watching porn benefit me? Ask yourself how your life is bettered by being on a 24/7 dopamine buzz, so much so that if you don't fix every day, sometime multiple times, you feel like you are going to climb the walls. Porn does not help, it hurts. I am here to tell you that, if you have the problem, there is no grey, middle ground; if porn is a problem in your life the only solution to the problem is sending the problem away, as in good bye forever, and not until next time.

    That is hard to do. Once we have, by porn use, conditioned ourselves to love the dopamine buzz it gives us, we don't want to give it up. I could say the same thing about heroine addicts and heroine. For a lot of us, porn becomes our comfort zone, our comfort food, it is an escape that is always there, quick and easy. In reality it is just a button we push to get our dopamine fix, but that has only been understood recently. We are not taught that in school. And, culturally, porn is accepted. It is simply accepted that at a certain age we are going to become very interested in sex. Well, becoming interested in sex is one thing, basically a good thing, but living your life in a closed dark room, behind a locked door, with just you, your computer, and the pixels that set off a dopamine fix is not sex. Becoming that infatuated with the screen is just...pathetic.

    When I first started this thread it was to help me stay clean, and it still does, but now I keep it mostly to help the ones who are here quitting porn, the newbies who are here, some of whom do not really know why they are here, but are here because porn has become a problem in their lives, and on some level they know they do not want that problem anymore. Now, if that is you I could say the obvious: in order to fix your porn problem you must quit watching porn. But, if it was just that simple, it would not be a problem, would it? When I first began dealing with the problem I was not certain it was even possible to quit, and on some level I really did not want to give up that comfort zone. If you are trying to quit I promise you, you can quit. Take a look around here. In addition to me, at 11 months (and never going back) you will find a number of us who have quit. They are not shooting for some goal a few days out, just so they can relapse as a reward, they are quitting. Completely. But you have to know, it is going to be difficult. You are going to have to get out of your comfort zone. It is not enough to know that you are going to suffer or even know what the suffering is; you have to want it.

    Many ask: what is the point? The point is, I am free. I am on a trip now. I was alone in my hotel room last night, with my lap top and high speed internet. You know what I did not do? I did not watch porn, did not PMO, did not MO, did not edge, and never was tempted. I wake up in the mornings and I feel great; I don't feel like I have to plan to fix. Back in the addiction I did not call it a fix, I called it relaxing, a reward for a hard day, a distraction, a diversion. Porn was an amusement park ride that made all my problems seem miles away, for a moment, until the moments became hours and what once was a comfort became a disease.

    Porn is a chain we wrap ourselves up in one link at a time. If you are a slave to porn I have something to say to you, and I say it with love and with hope:


    If I don't post before, I will be back here in one month announcing one year clean. I have absolute confidence you can get clean too, but you have to want it. Don't be a slave. Get free. Like anything worth having, freedom will cost you, but you can do it, it can be done, I promise you.

    Much love.

    Will I AM.

    PS: If you read this and take anything positive from it, leave a positive comment at the end. It is how the thread stays relevant, and it helps. How do we help ourselves? We help ourselves by helping others. Thanks for all the kind posts and thanks also to the men and women here who have taught me by your example. You know who you are.
  9. Fuck.

    This is exactly how I feel. I'll forever be 5 months behind you I guess :p Thank you Master. You say what I think, in better words.

    You're the hugest inspiration. I'm so grateful you exist.
  10. Curtly

    Curtly New Fapstronaut

    Spot on. I agree. I tend to relapse when i think I can control my porn use
  11. Justquit

    Justquit Fapstronaut

    William, you are a real inspiration. At this point in the process I can't imagine 11 months... I've never felt more than a few days 'sober' since I was 12.
    I love your determination. To just quit. There is nothing else. I absolutely agree with that but you know how addict mind tries so hard to rationalize and downplay a cheat pmo... I felt a major urge today in a circumstance that I would have definitely pmo'd and chose to just get up and leave the house. I look back at that and feel so grateful for that choice. I am looking forward to being in those situations and not even thinking about porn, much like your experience alone in the hotel room.
    I'm looking forward to hearing about 1 year abstaining from pmo!
    El_Basilanacni likes this.
  12. FAPioneer

    FAPioneer New Fapstronaut

    Hi guys. Just wanted to pass along my appreciation to all of you for having the courage to discuss publicly something of such critical importance to your self-esteem without fear of embarrassment or discovery. I started in my teens and am now in my early 40's. I saw many urologists in my twenties and actually asked them at the time (pre high speed internet) if it was possible to M too much. Their conclusion then was that it was not possible and they would not entertain the thought of themselves being wrong. I always suspected OI was doing it too often and that was impacting my ability to perform.

    It always seemed to be a problem that I thought I only had. No idea the problem was of this magnitude but I definitely understand. As previously mentioned with the proliferation of porn and the advent of high speed internet, it is no wonder this issue has proliferated for so many men. What concerns me is younger men who want or are looking to marry. Please read this forum and other similar postings and take action to reboot to normalize your sexuality. No question this behavior is a direct cause of my sadness, feelings of inadequacy and a primary contributor to why I have never married nor have children.

    I only wish these types of forums existed in my younger years but I am going to reboot and hopefuly normalize myself, through the help of this site and others like it.
    El_Basilanacni and goodnice 3.0 like this.
  13. mijereah

    mijereah Fapstronaut


    So true! Lately I have tried to "dodge" porn..maybe by looking at cute girls on Facebook or watching videos on Youtube. But this is all porn too! Don't deny it for sure. I believe anything that really gets your mind back on porn..even if it is just listening to a porno and not watching the video is still relapsing. It's still filling your mind with all things porn b/c afterall you are just looking for a dopamine fix. Thanks for posting!! We need to just lay off all the stuff that we know for sure gets our brains fixated on porn whether it be Youtube, facebook, listening to porn, etc etc.
  14. IWillPower

    IWillPower Fapstronaut

    The best porn blocker bar none is K9 Web Protection This blocks almost all avenues to porn and gives you a better chance of not relapsing. There are a few weak points and it's best to customise the settings and also to create a new email address and password that you will forget so you aren't tempted to go back to porn.
  15. jasonaut

    jasonaut Fapstronaut

    Thank you William for your helpful words and this thread. My computer is clean, K9 is installed, I'm researching everything I can find on porn addiction and also inspiring stories of successful Fapstronauts. This is a great go-to thread for newbs like me who are ready to seriously commit to changing their lives. Thanks again.
  16. Shai_Halud

    Shai_Halud Fapstronaut

    William, could you comment on how long you started a streak, relapsed, and repeated before this current streak took hold? I know a lot of guys say it takes a few tries, and god knows I've been stopping and starting for a while now. After my last relapse I took that next hard step of deleting about 30 gbs of pictures of my trigger girl off my external hard drive. That took quite a bit of effort.
  17. William

    William Fapstronaut

    Shai, great question. The answer is: I NEVER relapsed. Now, let me explain that.

    In the midst of the addiction, I would PMO 10 times a week. Some days, if I was alone, I might PMO 4 times a day. PMO, watch television. PMO, play game. PMO, study. PMO, work out. That was when I was an active user.

    About 14 months before I quit I decided I had a problem. I decided to control the problem. I was where you are now, I had decided to "take control." With what I know now, that is laughable. This was before I had ever heard of Gary Wilson and yourbrainonporn. What I did not understand, then, was that porn addiction cannot be "controlled." The addiction can be fed or the addiction can be starved to death, but feeding it, even just a little, permitted it to stay alive and as long as it was alive, it controlled me. Whether I wanted to admit it or not, it controlled me. In that phase I pulled way back on PMO. In that phase I eventually pulled back to PMOing; let's say once a month. I still looked at porn daily however, not as much as before; minutes versus hours. But, I was still totally ignorant that looking at porn is, for those with the problem, the same as PMOing; it is a means, unwittingly for some of us, to raise our dopamine level. Looking at porn causes the same brain reaction as PMO, no difference.

    Then, about 11 months ago I saw the Gary Wilson TED talk, and the light came on. I realized, finally, the chemical changes that were happening in the brain.

    Shai, the difference between you and I is very simple: I am not on a "streak"; I am not trying to control my porn use, I have completely abandoned porn. I am no longer "seeing how long I can go without it", and I have completely deleted it from my life. Now, that was a process because when I was where you are, my dopamine was still high, and my brain did not want it to come back down. But now, 11 months clean, my brain does not crave it anymore, does not punish me with withdrawals for not feeding the addiction. Shai, if you really want to fix your problem, you need to quit thinking about how long your streak can be, and you need to own the concept of "quitting it completely."

    You cannot starve your pornography addiction to death if you are feeding it, even if you are only feeding it a little. There is no way to beat pornography addiction and keep porn in your life; to beat the addiction porn has to go completely, meaning you have to quit looking for a good streak and embrace the concept that you are giving porn up completely and never using it again.

    I hope this answers your question.

    Sven Pellegrain likes this.
  18. Laxcaleb

    Laxcaleb New Fapstronaut

    Such a motivating and encouraging post. I've found that sometimes my mind starts to slip and I find myself starting think "oh porn is not that bad" or "I mean it's not that big of a deal" and the simple truth is that I'm lying to myself when I think those things.I find you have to remind yourself why you're quitting and how PMO is ruining your life. PMO is terrible and the withdrawals that come with quitting just make it worse. I haven't achieved my goal of 30 days PMO free yet, but I'm not giving up. Articles like this really help to remind me what I'm trying to do and why it's worth it, and I think that's a large chunk of the battle. Thank you very much!
  19. Great insights into the withdrawal symptoms...will be of immense help for beginners...thank you!
  20. 05Mag

    05Mag Fapstronaut

    Really inspiring, and very informative.

    Thank you!