I Can't Escape so I came to NoFap.

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Drykan, Mar 18, 2019.

  1. Drykan

    Drykan New Fapstronaut

    I started PMO in August of 2014 and it is one of my biggest regrets. I started noticing a lack of motivation after just 1 month of daily use. As the years progressed I watched myself loose friends, motivation, sleep, memory, sexual drive, and confidence. I became depressed. Confined myself indoors and starting gaining weight. I started truly noticing an issue when my P search categories became things I didn't even know existed and life felt bland and tasteless. When I use PMO now it feels like it sets me back a week before I feel normal again and even at that normal is not how I once felt. My biggest fear is the damage I am doing to my developing brain and how it will effect me later in life.

    For the sake of being honest, I found NoFap in August of 2018 and have tried numerous times to abstain from PMO for 90 days but the journey is slow and painful. It is a feeling I cannot even begin to explain because some days I feel great and gun ho while others I just want to watch PMO and waste my weekend with pointless tasks. I have failed to many times that it is making me rethink everything. Yes, It would be great if I could make it 90 days without PMO but what happens after the 90? I have found that as an 18 year old male this is almost impossible because of the power of my urges. So, I have developed a new plan. I am not happy that I have to do this if I am being honest but it is my only option to an effective recovery. I once admired the military before I lost all ambitions so I am conducting my plan in a military fashion.

    The main thing for me to keep in mind hear is that PMO altogether is to much of a challenge for myself. I salute all those who can abstain from PMO but that is just not me. So hear is the new plan...

    Project Spartan

    Quit Porn

    Goal: No Porn for 90 days

    Rules of Engagement: Do not look at pictures, videos, books, or audio while engaging in MO or at anytime. Internal fantasies are permitted.

    Intel: M & O are natural ways to release sexual tension and can be healthy in moderation. Tackling M & O will occur after the conclusion of the current goal. Currently, the main concern is Pornography which is causing a majority of the symptoms and health risks. By avoiding Porn while still allowing a release of sexual tension, you will teach the brain to disassociate with Porn significantly reducing symptoms. Based off of Intel 90 days should be enough to shake your porn addiction. After that we will reevaluate any continued action and update the current goal.
    Jerry120 likes this.
  2. Jerry120

    Jerry120 Fapstronaut

    Welcome to the forum! Thank you for sharing your story.

    First off, stopping P without stopping MO will be a challenge. Remember, the end result you're trying to negate is your body's desire to get a high from O. Have you ever watched P without the aim of reaching the O? Think! THINK. You are doing it for the O. So what will happen if you still continue with the MO? The habit cycle will be only partially disturbed. You want to shock your system and replace the bad habits with good habits. Ninety days without MO will not kill you. The best way to deal with this is hard mode.

    Sorry, for being so direct but we're also here to challenge you. Merely supporting you and patting you on the back will not be of service to you. I hope this makes sense bud. Internal fantasies will help you sustain your connection with P and that is something you want to avoid. The objective is to make this optimally frustrating for you. Something completely easy will not challenge you.

    Good luck!
    Judas Johnson likes this.
  3. Drykan

    Drykan New Fapstronaut


    Establishing uplink...

    Commander Drykan is now online...

    Jerry120, thank you for your insight into Project Spartan. We have absorbed and thought about your feedback. First, "the end result" of Project Spartan is to quit P. After intense research and active data analysis we have discovered that the "hardmode" strategy attempted by many is not efficient or successful. You must remember that M and O are natural human occurrences to strengthen fertility and prevent build up of semen. Now, the issue comes in when you add any form of P into that mix because it causes a high amount of dopamine to be released depleting it from other activities and rewarding ventures and causing many chronic health concerns. That my friend is not natural.

    After a trial run conducted of Project Spartan we have found it to be successful in actively rewiring ones brain to teach it to go back to natural M and O cycles that are healthy.

    Now, I know you will most likely be critical of this Project but I ask you, once you relapse, to attempt the project and get back to me on your results. You will find that normal masturbation is quite hard without P.

    Best of luck,

    Commander Drykan
    281 Rykx Battalion,
    Sector 3, Adromada Galaxy
  4. Jerry120

    Jerry120 Fapstronaut

    Good luck!