I feel like all my hard work has gone to shits . I had 49 days of clean time . I jacked Off this morning and my d1ck wasn’t even hard . I had an orgasm with a soft one . What led me to this was I was seeing someone , we hadn’t attempted sex yet but she left me last week to go back to her Pentecostal religion . I got bummed and sad and I got in my head and I fapped. Guys , it’s hard dealing with pied/Ed since I was 20, I’m now 31. I remember when I was 20, I’ll never forget that night . I spent all night drinking and edging till I fell asleep . I woke up in the morning time and I went to fantasize about whatever . My dick wouldn’t get hard and I wasn’t very turned on, like sexually, my emotions were blunted . It’s been rough , a lot to deal with at 20. I tried to kill myself when I was 22 and I still struggle with suicidal thoughts today . I have no sex drive and my dick won’t get hard . I just feel all this despair and misery all the time . I guess the only thing I find joy in is they thought that one day I will die and this will be over with . Alot of people comment on how nice and stuff I am . I’m thinking well , when you’re at This point in you’re life . Suicide attempt at 22 and severe depression , why would I want anyone to ever feel like that. I think you truly can’t understand that until you’ve been at a point like that in you’re life . My dad he has multiple sclerosis and I don’t know what I’m going to do when he’s gone. He tells me all the time he says “you’re my son , it bothers me that you’re so unhappy and I can’t do anything to make you happy “. We’re very close and I feel like if I’m still at this point , when he dies, they might as well dig a hole for me too . I don’t think I can do it . I’ve had full blood work ran , they can’t find anything wrong . I don’t know if I could get an EEG brain scan. I really don’t know what to do . I feel like I’m on here saying yeh same stuff . It’s just been a really hard day today .