Nutrition in semen-loss in ejaculation

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Thrices, Jan 5, 2017.

  1. Lone_Wolf

    Lone_Wolf Fapstronaut

    No, it's called business.
  2. Everything999

    Everything999 Fapstronaut

    Yes because nobody in business has any form of morality. They all literally go over bodies.
  3. Lone_Wolf

    Lone_Wolf Fapstronaut

    You're resorting to logical fallacies now. Show me where I said nobody in business has any form of morality.
    I could return the logical fallacy and say that you believe everyone in business is a saint. See how that works?

    If you think I'm kidding about the pharmaceutical industry, check into the fact they set aside a death settlement fund to settle cases of death due to their products. They know their products will kill a certain number of people in the course of normal usage. It's built into the business model to provide a fund for legal obligations arising from this.
    Pharmaceutical executives have one driving goal (as all officers of corporations have), and that it to satisfy shareholders.
  4. outedskeleton

    outedskeleton Fapstronaut

    No, this isn't accurate. The essential building blocks of, say muscle building, are not taken from semen but taken from the nutrients we ingest and carried through the bloodstream. Our testes aren't a deep reservoir of nutrients that our bodies dip into for special powers. All those nutrients concentrated in semen are designed for one purpose, to help the sperm in the most important function we're biologically designed to do, procreate.
    If you have a source for this statement, I'm genuinely interested to read where Bill Gates admitted this.
  5. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    Be humble. Look up efecs of porn on the brain. Its the dopamine that makes you tired and the lack of dopamine that also makes you tired.
    What the hell is a pull out method?
  6. Everything999

    Everything999 Fapstronaut

    So what? I don't get your argument at all. If I am a peanut manufacture I know that guaranteed some people will die while using my product simply because some peanuts got through the filter and were to big and chocked the person eating it. Should I stop producing peanuts? If I build cars, I know that guaranteed of every million cars I build some 100 will have deadly defects in them. So I stop building cars? If I am a surgeon I know guaranteed that I will make a few deadly mistakes during my career. So I stop operating on people?

    All these people have probably some kind of insurance against being sued for faults in their products. That is not immoral. That is just how our world works. Nothing is 100% perfectly safe.
  7. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    It cant be that obvious. Vaccines kill you. Medical care kills you.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. outedskeleton

    outedskeleton Fapstronaut

    It's not a very effective method of birth control. Op was really saying, however, that Bill Gates didn't ejaculate while having sex; he stopped before ejaculation, and this is key to his success. As someone very interested in really successful people, like Bill Gates, I'm curious where the information came from. I've read several interviews with Gates and he usually attributes much of his success to his obsessive persuit of programming from his early teen years. He's also said his lucky timing of when he was learning all of this played a big part. I've never heard him talk about semen retention.
    Mitchell's Way likes this.
  9. Lone_Wolf

    Lone_Wolf Fapstronaut

    And you won't because you only seem to understand confirmation bias.

    We're discussing health issues here and I brought up the pharmaceutical industry, since it relates directly to what @Thrices was saying. Don't bother introducing red herrings (another logical fallacy) about other industries not related to the topic at hand. If you're here just to stir up shit (as seems the case right from the get-go), go elsewhere. If you have something intelligent to bring to the table, I'll be interested in reading it.

    For @Thrices: Here's an interesting article about the malfeasance of the pharma industry, complete with lots of supporting links.
  10. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    Lets get this straight - Everyone masturbated in there lives anD has urges unless you have a health problem. Period.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  11. outedskeleton

    outedskeleton Fapstronaut

    Tell that to everyone dying from smallpox. Oh, never mind, smallpox was eradicated. Damn those killer vaccines.
  12. Fatsodubmo

    Fatsodubmo Fapstronaut

    Not all conspiracy theories are false.
    Deleted Account, lantti and Lone_Wolf like this.
  13. Everything999

    Everything999 Fapstronaut

    Ah come on man. That is kind of low. Anyway I simply tried to point out that maybe there is a reason the pharmaceutical industry produces drugs that can kill a percentage of the people using it. They might have nothing better to offer. It seems like you suggest that they do it on purpose.

    The drug I am taking right now has a realistic chance of killing me during normal use. But god am I glad that the pharmaceutical industry is producing it. I am willing to take the risk. Totally worth it.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2017
  14. May I ask what vitamins you are taking to replace the motherload of testosterone you are losing with each ejaculation then? What about amino acids? It is not very wise to think sperm is of little value. Sperm is what makes you a man, or if you lose it too often, less of a man. Ever heard a eunuch sing? If yes you should know that testosterone is only to be found in the testicles (don't even bother mentioning the adrenal glands, which only account for 5%) which makes sperm the thing that defines masculinity itself. Period. If you think there's nothing special about life I ain't even going to bother arguing with you anymore.
    It's not just nutrients. But then again there's only one sperm cell carrying all of these nutrients that makes it to the female's egg cell. One out of about 40-300 million sperm cells per ml. If that doesn't sound impressive to you nothing will. Sperm IMHO is the most nutrient dense substance inside the male body. It's a true treasure because re-absorbing it will help nourish a lot of cells in your body. By the way it's not just ejaculation, stimulating the entire nervous system the way masturbation does isn't healthy either. You can't really compare ejaculating to exercise or typing. Exercising is proven to be beneficial to health, masturbation isn't, although modern science likes to take a stance for things that are pleasurable, morally wrong and above all, the things that are pretty good at dispelling any notion of Jahweh.
    Deleted Account and Dziki007 like this.
  15. Everything999

    Everything999 Fapstronaut

    I agree. But without actual evidence they are still conspiracy theories.
  16. BTW an 18th-century Swiss phycisian wrote an entire book about diseases rooted in masturbation. 19th-century phycisians scapegoated him, not because his claims were untrue (he even described cases of people dying) but because, you guessed it, he believed in God.

    Not every phycisian thinks masturbation is okay if that's what you guys are trying to say. I know of some very respected doctors who will tell you masturbation is everything but healthy.
    Vedas_fr likes this.
  17. Everything999

    Everything999 Fapstronaut

  18. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    Some vaccines are fine most of them are there to hurt you.
    Bill gates admitted that vaccines are a way to depopulate the world.
  19. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    I'm not saying ejaculation is good for you. So you saying my testosterone is in my semen? Explain what the fuck wet dreams are? Ejaculation in moderation shouldnt have any effects on you. Your saying this like if you ejaculate your hands will fall of or your balls will.
  20. Everything999

    Everything999 Fapstronaut

    Vaccines are a way to reduce the human population. Raise the standard of living (particularly healthcare) and people will have fewer babies. Has been true in every developed country that I am aware of. Great idea I would say.