Porn is effecting my financial life


New Fapstronaut
Hi, I have wanted to quit porn for an along time but never succeeded. Lately my porn addiction have gotten out of hand and now I’m paying only fans models money just to get satisfied. It started off with only 5$ -10$ only for the subscription but as time goes on I started to pay more and more. I started to realize that this is a problem when I keep transferring money from my savings. I have hade a porn addiction for over a decade I now realize that this is not only effecting my sexual life but also my financial life. I have joined NoFap to help me in life and move on from this horrible lifestyle I’m living.
I've gone through something similar, but with cam models, spending close to $5000 a year for a couple of years. I know it was that because i used a credit card strictly for cam sites so i was able to easily go back and get the total. When I saw how much I spent it was the wake up call that i needed. Here is what I did (and have been clean from cam models for close to 2 years):

1. I put a post it note on my computer with the number 5000 so that whenever I got the urge to view cam models, I would see that as the reminder.
2. The cam sites would not let me delete my account (and I think you can on only fans?) so I changed the password to some sort of random string I would never remember.
3. I then changed the e-mail on the account to a fake e-mail that I would never remember.

I fully admit my system was not perfect and there are many loop holes in it, but I consider the fact that I have not been back to the cam sites a huge victory for me.
No "model" is worth your money when they are draining you dry through an addiction. They are horrible models. And they are the opposite of role models. They use your money to further prey on your brothers and other men.