This is hardly mature. For a person to be addicted to porn for years then go on a 5 day streak but relapse does not need that reaction. Its not helpful.
I even put it in my post to you. Why not just say "I'm very happy you went 5 days but I understand you relapsed. It is a little disappointed and hurtful to me but I'm glad you are doing this for us. I hope you go for 500 days and beyond"
Now THAT would have been mature.
To leave and saying "i'm hurt" is passive aggressive and selfish. OP had a right to be angry. Hes trying his best. The last thing he needs is someone just leaving cause he slipped up.
@Physicist - Honestly, I see what you mean, but not everyone can think clearly when they feel hurt, ESPECIALLY AFTER he had already told her of his journey and how he had this addiction, but to a point, that card will become old to hear from her point of view. Not to bash the OP, because we're all in this together, he needs to learn how to separate excuses from reality. Just because he told her he's addicted to porn and working towards it, doesn't give him a free pass to just shrug it off whenever he relapses. Not saying that he is at all, because from what I've read he's not at all, which is great on his part. But the point I'm trying to make is that, he is struggling with his own demons inside yes, but his partner is as well. She is ALLOWED to be hurt, and she is allowed to show that she is hurt. If I was extremely angry with a friend of mine, or hell, even my Fiancee, it would be almost impossible for me to say "I understand...etc..." - I'd say what was on my mind, without hurting feelings.
You have to look at it this way. She got up, left the room and went and slept on the couch. What can be passive aggressive about that? It's not like she said "Oh no Honey, I understand, you're doing your absolute best" in a snarky tone and proceeded to leave and sleep on the couch. She got up, and slept on the couch. She was expressing her hurt feelings to her partner, as couples should be allowed to do! It's the same in any addiction.
I had a friend who was addicted to Heroin for a long time, and would go on clean streaks for 3+ weeks, and when he relapsed, boy oh boy, his parents would show just how upset they were at him. They didn't disown him, they didn't kick the crap out of him, they didn't turn him into police...they disciplined him. Punished, sent to rehab, yelled. They showed that they still cared by not kicking him out of the house, by not calling the cops, but instead by doing what parents should do and getting him the help he needed with a bit of tough love.
You're making it sound like his partner shouldn't be hurt or offended. I see it this way, if his partner were to say "I understand honey, it's okay" - don't you think that OP would get the sense that if she wasn't offended this first time, she wouldn't be offended the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th time he relapsed?
I just went through a similar thing with my Fiancee, where I told her about my addiction, and she was completely understanding. But if I think for one second that she won't be upset with me if I were to relapse, then I'm kidding myself. Making the initial confession made her see my addiction and understand my addiction, but making a conscious and clear effort to uphold my promise is by far way more important than P. If I relapsed, I'd expect the same reaction from my Fiancee as the OP's partner gave to him. So honestly, coming from a guy, he has a right to be upset, but he OP shouldn't get it twisted about what he's ACTUALLY upset about. He needs to be sure to not confuse his feelings of guilt for being mad at his partner for not supporting him. To me, that's what it sounds like he's doing. He's portraying the guilt he feels for relapsing and turning it into being upset about his partner not supporting him, when she has every right to leave the room and get the space she needs for a little bit.