Self improve in other areas of life - 3rd Step Quitting PMO [700 days+]

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Sufian T., Oct 23, 2018.

What do you value the most when you hear better lifestyle?

  1. A lot of money

    4 vote(s)
  2. Inner peace

    13 vote(s)
  3. Better relationships with everyone

    4 vote(s)
  1. Sufian T.

    Sufian T. Fapstronaut

    Third step to quit porn & masturbation

    Drop a bad habit; pick a new one to replace it. It’s known all around the world.
    Staying porn & masturbation free isn’t the only self-improvement.
    The trick in life is to replace a bad habit with a good one, only then you succeed.
    If you’re quitting this habit, try involving in some other self-improvement course. It shouldn’t be a big professional course. YouTube or Podcasts are your friends.
    You can watch videos on YouTube for improving your confidence and overcoming social anxiety.
    If you aren’t interested in picking a new habit then you can learn a new skill.
    You should do something that replaces this habit otherwise you will never succeed.
  2. whoami33

    whoami33 Fapstronaut

    I think its better to link to prev thread or all prev threads in each new thread