Should I delete my Twitter Account?

We CAN Do This!

Just relapsed after 5 days, and it was caused by a Twitter image. It led me to a porn site eventually (obviously not directly).

It got me thinking, I've had loads and loads of relapses caused by images I've seen on Twitter, and I wondered: maybe I should delete my account and come off Twitter completely?

On the one hand it would stop me seeing triggers and would prevent loads of relapses (hopefully). It would also mean that I spend less time on social media.

On the other hand though, I follow lots of people so that I can keep up with my favorite YouTubers/internet personalities etc., so Twitter is very important for me to keep connected and up to date with some of my favorite people, many of which are an inspiration for me to carry on.

Have any of you taken the step of coming off Twitter? Did it help? Do you recommend I do it?
Just relapsed after 5 days, and it was caused by a Twitter image. It led me to a porn site eventually (obviously not directly).

It got me thinking, I've had loads and loads of relapses caused by images I've seen on Twitter, and I wondered: maybe I should delete my account and come off Twitter completely?

On the one hand it would stop me seeing triggers and would prevent loads of relapses (hopefully). It would also mean that I spend less time on social media.

On the other hand though, I follow lots of people so that I can keep up with my favorite YouTubers/internet personalities etc., so Twitter is very important for me to keep connected and up to date with some of my favorite people, many of which are an inspiration for me to carry on.

Have any of you taken the step of coming off Twitter? Did it help? Do you recommend I do it?
Cant you just unfollow the problem people/sites? If you delete Twitter you may feel more isolated and other things online may still trigger urges. Perhaps you need to look at the cascade effect from harmless images through to PMO
I started the #nomasturbationchallenge on my twitter account a month before i found out NoFap. The account is actually my 'fun' account where i used to see accounts which always rt porns vids and pics. Then I felt that i couldnt do that all the time; such a waste of time and energy to watch them and jerk off after that. So I did the challenge on twitter. I tweeted daily about how my challenge went. Somehow there are some of my followers following my path to do the challenge. That make me think that it's not twitter that makes us into PMO. It's ourselves. It's on how big our motivation to stop is. Now I keep telling my story on twitter and NoFap. I'm glad that I found this commumity.
Over the past year or so Twitter was almost always the start of my daily problems. I would go on at some point in the day, start searching for images, which led to more searching, which led to me getting turned on and wanting to find more images, videos, etc. and then I would just give in and spiral down that hole. I'm on day #23 now of being clean, and part of whats helped me is by simply not going to twitter or youtube or any other site that I would use to start looking for enticing images. And it's worked great so far.

Are you really truly going to miss out on anything that important to you by not going there? Are you really able to stop looking at things you shouldn't once you do go there? Personally, I would try and stay away from it all together and see if that helps. I know for me every day I would think about how badly I did not want to spend all day looking at porn and talking on omegle, and inevitable every day I ended up giving in started with a search on Twitter...
Cant you just unfollow the problem people/sites? If you delete Twitter you may feel more isolated and other things online may still trigger urges. Perhaps you need to look at the cascade effect from harmless images through to PMO

I could, but sometimes it’s as simple as someone I’m following likes a picture that triggers me, or a tweet from someone with a triggering profile picture.

But I do see your point :)
I started the #nomasturbationchallenge on my twitter account a month before i found out NoFap. The account is actually my 'fun' account where i used to see accounts which always rt porns vids and pics. Then I felt that i couldnt do that all the time; such a waste of time and energy to watch them and jerk off after that. So I did the challenge on twitter. I tweeted daily about how my challenge went. Somehow there are some of my followers following my path to do the challenge. That make me think that it's not twitter that makes us into PMO. It's ourselves. It's on how big our motivation to stop is. Now I keep telling my story on twitter and NoFap. I'm glad that I found this commumity.
I also have a second account, not for porn but for more nerdy things so my friends don’t see me retweeting and tweeting about nerdy shit :D but actually, maybe I should make a new account devoted to my own NoFap journey. Great idea, thanks for replying buddy!
Over the past year or so Twitter was almost always the start of my daily problems. I would go on at some point in the day, start searching for images, which led to more searching, which led to me getting turned on and wanting to find more images, videos, etc. and then I would just give in and spiral down that hole. I'm on day #23 now of being clean, and part of whats helped me is by simply not going to twitter or youtube or any other site that I would use to start looking for enticing images. And it's worked great so far.

Are you really truly going to miss out on anything that important to you by not going there? Are you really able to stop looking at things you shouldn't once you do go there? Personally, I would try and stay away from it all together and see if that helps. I know for me every day I would think about how badly I did not want to spend all day looking at porn and talking on omegle, and inevitable every day I ended up giving in started with a search on Twitter...

My thoughts exactly! Thanks for taking the time to type all of this by the way.

I just wanted to use Twitter to follow all my favourite people and events and stuff so that I could have an account to give me this nice atmospheric bal of things I love, but it sometimes only takes one image to set me off and trigger the urges.

The way I see it: if I can so easily look at porn instead of the things I actually want to follow, then clearly I’m not that bothered about the good posts.
I view it like alcoholism. I'm not an alcoholic, so I can enjoy a beer or two after work and leave it at that. Alcoholics can't. The same goes for us with porn - some people can look at a couple pictures and then just go about their day, where for many of us that first look is usually going to lead to a whole lot more whether we want it to or not. Best just to not take that first look if at all possible, atleast you're setting yourself up to stay out of trouble that way.
I view it like alcoholism. I'm not an alcoholic, so I can enjoy a beer or two after work and leave it at that. Alcoholics can't. The same goes for us with porn - some people can look at a couple pictures and then just go about their day, where for many of us that first look is usually going to lead to a whole lot more whether we want it to or not. Best just to not take that first look if at all possible, atleast you're setting yourself up to stay out of trouble that way.

Really well put, good point!
I was wondering the exact same thing- I was previously on a 15 day streak and got triggered by Twitter- sexy images- led to sexy chat with another user- etc- I have also wondered if I should delete it.

However, when I relapsed I new I was kind of slipping and half on purpose browsed some twitter feeds that I knew would have certain sexual images- so partly it was my own fault.

However you say that an unexpected picture could trigger you- if you don't want to delete your account completely you could sign out and delete the app from your phone- then your account is intact and will be waiting for you when you are in a healthier place,

You can also arrange your twitter settings so that you don't see certain content- you can choose to mute words- if you did that on most sexual words it may help- you can also "mute" certain other people you follow- for instance if your friends post porn or even sexual images- you can "mute" them in your settings- this doesn't "unfollow" them and as far as they know nothing has changed - it juts means you won't see their tweets.

Maybe these steps could help?
You should open another.
I had to open a new account on twitter. It had a lot of sex images on timeline. I noticed that something it was wrong. Begin again search for new people interests, be careful, and all will be ok.
Today I relapsed due to watching TV with my family and erotic scenes came to me. And saw a few girls going away from gym. I finished watching timeline and PMO.
So twitter isn't absolutely guilty, only a trigger more.
Good luck
Deleted the app along with Tinder, Snapchat and Instagram a few days into reboot. Deleted my account altogether yesterday (same for Tinder and IG). Honestly the best thing I've done all reboot.

Sure, the first few days were lonely and it seems like you don't have a clue wtf is happening in the world. But after a week I was completely unbothered. I'm not here to fix the world's problems and I know I certainly never will. So wth should I feel responsible to 'know' everything going on? That shit will leave you depressed, which will lead to isolation, which will lead to PMO.

There are many reasons but images, suggestions and other people's opinions were the main reason to just get off social media altogether.

Shit is unhealthy for an already addicted brain. Do yourself a favour man. You sound like you already know the answer to your problem...
Deleted the app along with Tinder, Snapchat and Instagram a few days into reboot. Deleted my account altogether yesterday (same for Tinder and IG). Honestly the best thing I've done all reboot.

Sure, the first few days were lonely and it seems like you don't have a clue wtf is happening in the world. But after a week I was completely unbothered. I'm not here to fix the world's problems and I know I certainly never will. So wth should I feel responsible to 'know' everything going on? That shit will leave you depressed, which will lead to isolation, which will lead to PMO.

There are many reasons but images, suggestions and other people's opinions were the main reason to just get off social media altogether.

Shit is unhealthy for an already addicted brain. Do yourself a favour man. You sound like you already know the answer to your problem...

Thanks for the advice, I’m glad it helped in your reboot! I think you’ve made up my mind!