Starting off low ... Starting off high

Van Solo

So ... Im a new user and ... Im addicted to porn and masturbation. I want to reboot and get away from porn and masturbation as much as i can.

I want to start off by not watching porn or masturbate for 90 days and see how that goes. The 90 days start from Friday 27th October. I have changed this from 7 to 90 days. I want to not watch porn nor masturbate for 90 days.

I usually masturbate by watching porn on my phone. This is usually before I go to sleep when im in bed with nothing to, or in the mornings when I've woken up earlier than usual. I also masturbate when having a shower. This is mainly because I watch porn then go in and masturbate.

Any tips and tricks is welcome. Thanks in advance!!!
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Get a new routine. Go to bed only when you are tired, or if you want to watch videos do it on YouTube and not porn.
When you wake up, get up.

Enter in the idea that you are going to quit this habit forever. Saying that it will be for a period won't do the job.

Rebooting lasts normally 90 days. As for me, situation worsened after day 5 and now I am very close to day 12. Sometimes it's just a hell to cross, so get prepared.
One idea - keep your phone out of the bedroom.

If you use it as an alarm, buy an alarm clock. But leave the phone in a different room to where you sleep. Firstly, it takes away temptation and secondly you'll probably get more/better sleep as a result.
Get a new routine. Go to bed only when you are tired, or if you want to watch videos do it on YouTube and not porn.
When you wake up, get up.

Enter in the idea that you are going to quit this habit forever. Saying that it will be for a period won't do the job.

Rebooting lasts normally 90 days. As for me, situation worsened after day 5 and now I am very close to day 12. Sometimes it's just a hell to cross, so get prepared.
Awesome advice, thanks. I do want to quit this habit forever. So shall i go straight to the 90 day rebooting?
One idea - keep your phone out of the bedroom.

If you use it as an alarm, buy an alarm clock. But leave the phone in a different room to where you sleep. Firstly, it takes away temptation and secondly you'll probably get more/better sleep as a result.
I may well need to buy an alarm clock, since my phone does increase my temptations.
Try getting an accountability partner. Someone you can check in with. It helps to have someone aware of youre struggle especially who understands.
Right so its day 6 and everything is going well. Praise the lord!!! I do think about masturbation (more than porn) ... however I focus more on my work which helps a lot. Ive controlled my urges well (surprisingly) and ive kept clean for 6 days!!!
I was a hardcore masturbator, doing it atleast 4 days a week, and now ive kept clean. I hope everyone understands the negative impact of masturbation. Wish me well until i get out of this nasty world of porn and masturbating.
So it's the beginning of day 8, but ... unfortunately I have relapsed. I watched porn and then masturbated.
However, i will rise from this and control myself until the 90 days are done.
This is day 1.