You trying to teach me, judge me. I said it before, the mistake is mine, speaking my mind out.
So I will blame myself for all that happens in this Chat. Here are the facts coming from my heart. I may be 22, my soul is more than 122, my presence is righteous. I have no hate towards nobody. Let's continue, I am the least racist of all, I can guaranteed that. I have muslims friends, I had an ex Nigerian girlfriend, I love Japanese ancient culture and Chinese. I can speak as you see the language of Great Britain and America. My country has 500 years Ottoman empire slavery, still I hate no Turks I have been in Turkey, I had friends Turks. We had 150 years Byzantine empire slavery, I hate no Greek.
And you standing here, being so radical on me, acting like you know me, just because I know human nature and I know that a black man brother place is not in a team where he is not appreciated.
Actually it is not me who trying to teach himself something from Naruto, but the anime is relating to who am I. I get much more complex ideas than a movie.
I am clearly disgusted by the ignorance I have seen here.
But that is who I am actually, you see I relate as close as possible to Kakashi. People only disappoint me, the way you are doing and I have nothing bad on you.
Hope you doing fine all. I won't reply anymore, cause I am out, but I will read if there is something someone wanna tell me.
At 22 I started living for my brain and I really feel great when I see somebody who can think.
Be thinkers guys and girls, I love you.