Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by HiddenWarrior, Apr 2, 2019.

Have you beaten your record or improved your average noPMO since joining this?

  1. Yes

    281 vote(s)
  2. No

    90 vote(s)
  1. Yeah I agree. Also, @BeastBoyBalling if you can't stand ignorance or arrogance in others that may mean that deep inside you have this trait yourself and you're fighting against it when it is mirrored back to you in your relationships with others. I mean, if I talked with these guys you're pissed with maybe they will not seem arrogant to me but maybe some other traits would emerge - traits which I myself have deep inside me and which I find it hard to acknowledge. I don't know whether this makes sense but I worked on that during Sedona method online course. If you want, I can give more examples.
    CoolBuddy7 and primordial-saiyan like this.
  2. I've broken my record using this as well, I managed 3/4 months a few years ago but that was without my phone so I don't count it. I think for those who couldn't get past one day like me, it sounds too easy but you just have to try harder and put in steps to not be triggered. I hope this streak of no P&M carries on forever though.
  3. 'For the carrying on of this spiritual warfare by which the knowledge of oneself and of God is to be obtained, the body may be figured as a kingdom, the soul as its king, and the different senses and faculties as constituting an army. Reason may be called the vizier, or prime minister, passion the revenue collector, and anger the police officer. Under the guise of collecting revenue, passion is continually prone to plunder on its own account, while resentment is always inclined to harshness and extreme severity. Both of these the revenue collector and the police officer, have to be kept in due subordination to the king, but not killed or excelled, as they have their own proper functions to fulfil. But if passion and resentment master reason, the ruin of the soul infallibly ensues.' - Al-Ghazali in The Alchemy of Happiness
    CoolBuddy7 and control your life like this.
  4. No surrender. No retreat.
    Yes they are. I cut the end cause I didn't like it at all. I like you.
    To ball.
    This is some monk level thing.
    Don't act so cool.
    time is now.
    My problem guys is that I cannot accept that the path in front of me is a path of a lone wolf. My whole creature is super sociable. I may take very sociable job soon. But my main goals. Where I tryna go. It is only me. It seems nobody fits there. I can have a lot of friends. A lot of girls. But I am thinking it like rental. I want no rental ones in my life. People come and go. Better not come. I want connections who are true. I have one peer. Who a day one. We together since birth. And he is the only one who stayed with me. Even though we don't share much nowadays. Why should I have a relationship? To wait for the one? Mann.. I am the one.
  5. hello @Saiyan123 ,exams are here. I will try to check in atleast once a week.( however will try to checkin day ). So don't kick me out of the duels due to inactivity. And if my friend @MASTER MONK gets knocked out ( i hope he doesn't, i expect us to fight on forever ) Put me in another duel. Thanks:)
  6. Don't worry if you don't check in once a week coz u got exams, take care man
  7. I feel that you cannot accept yourself - bearing in mind that you know that your life path is different from others and that you still cannot accept that. Is this a flaw in you to be different from others and not to fit in? To want true relationships and not just rentals? It's like you being furious with yourself for not being mediocre and living a simpler life or with others for not giving what you want or with both.
  8. Others are others. They are just perfect. You are perfect to me. The way you are. The way monk is. Robot is everybody. I am glad they have that vision. Yes, that is the thing. I feel is some kind of demon inside not allowing me to be mediocre. I am very confused being right now.
  9. Maybe you were not born for a mediocre life and maybe this demon is your soul's voice? Maybe you have the soul of that famous tsar of your country which you put as your avatar pic some time ago? Do you think it was easy for him to do the things he did? He could have chosen the mediocre life so easily but that would mean the death from suffocating his true self. I mean, Beast, really, go live your life and try adapt to the mediocrity around you if that's what you need to survive - switch into survival mode for now but never ever forget yourself and things that are important for you. Put yourself first and don't try to control everything. Just do what you feel you need to do. What will you choose? Living an authentic life or surviving by trying to imitate the life of others? Wake up, man :)
  10. Actually he was forced to study at young age. Maybe I got to fully love only the studying process of today. Survival mode as you say. It is great saying wake up, man and not man up. This man up thing is very toxic in our world. I am feeling good today. It seems my eyes are getting more and more used to the stress of watching. Now the battle is between my vision and my brain. Brain does not know what hit him. Suddenly ''a new pair of eyes'' very different than before. It is funny.
    control your life likes this.
  11. Benefits for me during this streak is that my anxiety and depression completely vanished. I think I wrote more about this in my journal and my success report threads. Motivation to do productive things have increased as well. More peace inside of me and just overall more happy about life because I feel free; I'm in control of my body and mind.

    This is not my first streak though. My first one was 2 or 3 years ago. I did about 85 days or so before relapsing. Afterwards I had streaks of 5 to 40 days in between that relapse and this streak. During that first streak I experienced way more physical benefits. I had some vision problems, depression, anxiety, insomnia, migraines and acne. All those went away after reboot. Later in my research I found that they can be caused by hormonal imbalances, which can be caused, apparently, by PMO. Those never cam back after I relapsed again (probably cos while I PMO'd the frequency was less than 20% of what it used to be), apart from anxiety and depression which came back at less than 50% they used to be. Now all gone again.

    Brain fog you mean worse memory, concentration, focus and overall mental clarity then yes, on nofap it's definitely higher. Fapping drains you very much the same way as eating heavy meal does - you become slow, sleepy, etc.
  12. True.
    control your life likes this.
  13. immadothis

    immadothis Fapstronaut

    Me checking in I relapsed yesterday by porn
  14. interesting to read, can't wait to experience solid benefits myself all I have now is increased energy but I feel tired and unfocused which is weird - happier mood though. Thanks for sharing. Same goes to @control your life .
    CoolBuddy7 and control your life like this.
  15. QuietKarma

    QuietKarma Fapstronaut

    Checking in, day one
    primordial-saiyan likes this.
  16. AllenJT

    AllenJT Fapstronaut

    Oi.. so many deep conversations going on here. Because my young mind is just overflowing with opinions, I figure I may just share a few, but please try not to take me so seriously. Also, I really don't feel like quoting all the posts I'm responding to, it's just not necessary.

    One of the first posts I felt like responding to is the one on God and how people are denying his existence when it is "so clearly expressed" all around them. First off, I'd like to share that I'm agnostic, not an atheist. I have a very rational and logic-driven mindset, so I find it impossible to prove God's existence nor disprove it. Furthermore, I have no way to prove that there is only one god, many gods, or even all of them.. there's just no way to know. Though, if there is one good thing about those with religion, it's that they have somewhat of a purpose. However, as I was raised a Christian and all around other Christians, I realized that true Christians are incredibly rare. What is abundant, though, are.. for a lack of a better word.. hypocrites. People go to church on Sunday and act as if their life revolves around their religion and that that is all there is to their life. But, the other 6 days of the week, their religion could not be further from their mind. This creates a sort of cognitive dissonance, where their actions and their attitudes clash, and one eventually has to give to the other. More often than not, it is the attitude that becomes submissive, the religious attitude that tells them not to do the things they love to do. I could go on all day about this stuff, but I'm gonna stop it there.

    Another post that I felt I should respond to was the one on sitting back and staying put as life just happens to you. I feel that that is a poisonous attitude. A life without a purpose or drive is a life where an individual fears death, and as a result wastes his/her life away without passion. I don't think that there is a one-size-fits-all purpose that everyone should follow. Personally, my purpose is to constantly strive to improve myself in every way possible, for what reason am I living other than to make the best of what I was given? But, to constantly live for oneself is not enough. That is why I am determined to introduce true happiness in the lives of as many people as I can, and to help those closest to me live a life worth living. It is for that reason that I am truly looking forward to having children of my own. The idea of bringing someone into this world and guiding them, loving them, and giving them life... not just existence, is truly exciting to me. Finally, if I were to die at this very moment, I would be satisfied with the life I lived. I would not have any regrets, except maybe that I didn't express how much I loved my family enough. I've made many mistakes and gone quite a long time without any purpose, but all that time was used as a learning experience, to give me a purpose and bring me to where I am now. I still make mistakes, but I believe that I am doing the best I can to learn from them, and that I will never reach a point where I become perfect. Becoming perfect is not only impossible, it is a state of being that would be truly hellish. For when you are perfect, you have no more purpose, no reason to keep on living.. there is simply nothing you can improve on.

    Wow, I just put it all out there didn't I? Sorry about that, that's enough rambling for now haha.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2019
    CoolBuddy7 and primordial-saiyan like this.
  17. No comment.
    you my boy.
    There is no perfect but permanent.
    feel free to share. And even though I speak imperative. Be free to think with your own head. It was pleasure reading.

  18. Similar to what I've realised which is if you look at any person, what you will find is inherent flaws. This is characteristic of a human that's why the word in Arabic is 'insan'. Interesting to note that the Arabic word for human being is 'insan' which is derived from the word 'nasiya' which means 'to forget.' This indicates that it is in human nature to forget and make mistakes. Linguists say that the word 'insan' has two roots. The first one is mentioned before; the second one is 'unsiyah', which means 'to relate, to love-be loved, to become close to s.o., to get or give a reaction'.

    Anything man-made can be inherently flawed so the purpose would have to be flawless, for me there's only one path as such and that is the one revealed by God who is perfect and exalted above. He revealed that the old books of Torah and Gospels have been doctored over time to profit certain groups, whereas he sent down the criterion, one which has stayed true to it's original form since 1370 years ago.

    [He] who created death and life to test you [as to] which of you is best in deed - and He is the Exalted in Might, the Forgiving - Surah al-Mulk (67:02)

    He is Most Forgiving to whoever turns to Him in repentance and seeks His pardon after having disobeyed Him and opposed His commandment. Even though Allah is Almighty, He also forgives, shows mercy, pardons and excuses.

    Thanks for sharing the opinion, always interesting hearing views.
    CoolBuddy7 and MONSTER MONK like this.
  19. Yes it is. The pressure on men to man up and to excel in many different areas is insane. And sometimes on women. I heard an interesting Ted talk recently that women who are ambitious and achieve their goals with determination are called bitches, often by other women, whereas there is no equivalent of "bitch" regarding men behaving like that, they are called go-getters etc. We need to be more compassionate with ourselves and others as we are all in the same boat, what's the point of rocking it? Alright, enough with me today trying to save the world :D I need to take care of myself first and spend some time with my soul :)
    primordial-saiyan likes this.
  20. Normally when I use that word I refer to men. This is perhaps because women work their way up in ''mysterious ways'' . I ain't saying shit. Like they say ''Only spartan woman can give birth to a spartan'' so we really nothing without you. Go rest, cause in that topic many countries got 20+ genders. This world is not savable. '' Life is a mess, do not stress''. Because of you imma start lookin up to TED talks. Let my head understand some points. Imma leaving too( that 1 day success is exhausting) :D