DeAndre Kato

I am new to these forums but today i will be starting my 90day NoFap. I am 23 and pied out of this world. Ive always tried to quit but never whole heartedly. I WILL be more productive in my life so im starting with getting off of Facebook, hitting the gym, No PMO, and done with taking naps for the hell of it. I will keep a journal and keep every single day short and sweet so i can look back on my progress and try to be motivation to some one. Does anyone want to join me on my journey? Id love to have partners to fight this battle.
Hi, the title of your message caught my attention as I have just said the same things to my self and my wife. I am 33 and have been using porn on and off for years. I have been married for 6 years and have been using porn more over the last 2 years after not using it for years. It has nearly, and may still yet cost me my marriage and my children. It has caused my wife a huge amount of pain as well as my family. I am determined to never do it again and am starting with a 90 Day Hard Mode reboot. This website has really encouraged me that I can stop for good. I will be on here as much as I can and will be keeping a written journal too to help me articulate my journey. I'm counting this as day 1 and am happy to start this fight with you.
Hi, the title of your message caught my attention as I have just said the same things to my self and my wife. I am 33 and have been using porn on and off for years. I have been married for 6 years and have been using porn more over the last 2 years after not using it for years. It has nearly, and may still yet cost me my marriage and my children. It has caused my wife a huge amount of pain as well as my family. I am determined to never do it again and am starting with a 90 Day Hard Mode reboot. This website has really encouraged me that I can stop for good. I will be on here as much as I can and will be keeping a written journal too to help me articulate my journey. I'm counting this as day 1 and am happy to start this fight with you.
Sorry pete for my slow reply i am going on day 4 without pmo. How long has it been for you. I really do want a support group and thats why we came here. We both have something to fight for
Hi, the title of your message caught my attention as I have just said the same things to my self and my wife. I am 33 and have been using porn on and off for years. I have been married for 6 years and have been using porn more over the last 2 years after not using it for years. It has nearly, and may still yet cost me my marriage and my children. It has caused my wife a huge amount of pain as well as my family. I am determined to never do it again and am starting with a 90 Day Hard Mode reboot. This website has really encouraged me that I can stop for good. I will be on here as much as I can and will be keeping a written journal too to help me articulate my journey. I'm counting this as day 1 and am happy to start this fight with you.
Comments like that motivates the crap out of me man, keep it up bro don't give up make your wifey/family proud they deserve it.