Today I start my rabbit diet. - Journal


I have nineteen glasses of beetroot and a bunch of sugarfree vegetable juices. My goal is simple, I am fasting as long as I can. Why? You ask, because I'm a rabbit.
And since I'm a rabbit I should be able to loose weight quick and efficiently.
I also allow myself tea (and water of course) and vitamin tablets.

I will update this rabbit-journal on a daily basis before I go to bed. Should I fail, I will try to explain why I failed and just try again. But since I'm sharing it with such kind people, I won't fail.

Wish me luck!
I've never had a rabbit! What color are you?
I've done fasting, water fasting, not vegetable.
Have you done this before?
What is your goal for time and weight?
I will need to do a fast soon...
All the best!
Lol you're like, look at the picture, I'm white.
Yeah, I get that.. but if you can lose 2lbs a week thru exercise or calorie restriction, that works too.

Hmm. Not terrible. Stress can make it difficult to diet/fast as well.. any of that?

Replacement? I think calorie restriction and/or cutting out added sugars. Just eating natural foods.

Congrats for trying.
Stopping to try is the only Way of failing.

For me fast like ascetism is not about discipline and the mind telling the body what to do. When I want a lean body this is approval I m after so there are better ways to find that.

Fasting is more about being intimate with this body. Being prepared to listen to everything it will shout and scream without reacting and going to the fridge.

Why do you want to fast?

I d be happy to fast together with u or @SilentWolfSong (of course everyone should respect doctor advice when fasting>3d)
Congrats for trying.
Stopping to try is the only Way of failing.

For me fast like ascetism is not about discipline and the mind telling the body what to do. When I want a lean body this is approval I m after so there are better ways to find that.

Fasting is more about being intimate with this body. Being prepared to listen to everything it will shout and scream without reacting and going to the fridge.

Why do you want to fast?

I d be happy to fast together with u or @SilentWolfSong (of course everyone should respect doctor advice when fasting>3d)
I'm not sure when I'll fast :) I'm finishing school up and trying to balance life, and right now life is not too balanced. Thanks for offering tho, I'm happy to find another fast-er and I may hit you up in the future!
I have nineteen glasses of beetroot and a bunch of sugarfree vegetable juices. My goal is simple, I am fasting as long as I can. Why? You ask, because I'm a rabbit.
And since I'm a rabbit I should be able to loose weight quick and efficiently.
I also allow myself tea (and water of course) and vitamin tablets.

I will update this rabbit-journal on a daily basis before I go to bed. Should I fail, I will try to explain why I failed and just try again. But since I'm sharing it with such kind people, I won't fail.

Wish me luck!
This sounds like unnecessary man, the longer the reboot the tense your body gets, fasting causes stress on your body so i dont recommend this extreme bro?
I love fasting.

It’s the mental challenge that’s si stimulating. It’s definitely super difficult and exhaustive, but the mental benefits are great!

Currently, I haven’t been able to do much fasting due my migraines…when those settle down, I’m planning to do a few 3 day fasts.
I'm so tired of loosing.
I'm tired of being fat.
I'm tired of all that chaos in my living space.

1 - I will change now, no more fapping at all.
2 - No more Youtube to ignore the problems.
3 - Fasting till I'm slim.
4 - Daily cleanup.

I can do this.
The fact that I write this, is proof that I'm trying to change.
Fasting until you're slim is called crash dieting and it's called this because it's not sustainable. As someone who's struggled with weight loss my entire life, the most progress I've made was when I incorporated small, consistent changes to my diet. As an impatient person, things like crash dieting always appealed to me because I want change now! Yet, I didn't get fat over night or even in the span of one year. It took years and years of negligence. Plus as an addict I have poor judgement since I have been living in extremes most of my life. Going from one extreme to the other isn't going to help that.

For weight loss it is as simple as calories in vs calories out. If you get your macro's setup to the ideal weight you want to be, you can create a deficit that is doable to help reach that goal. Tracking your food intake on an app like Cronometer is a great way to do this and it helps put dieting into a better perspective. Some think tracking food is extreme, but when you compare it to crash dieting or being obese, it's not very extreme.
There is a lot of evidence that the "calories in calories out" approach doesn't work. Research has consistently shown that people on these diets fail to lose the weight or- if they do lose- fail to keep it off. This is because the body is not a static system. It's rate of burning calories does not stay the same. If you reduce calories, the body reduces your metabolism so you burn less calories. If you increase calories, the body increases metabolism to try to burn off the extra calories. The body has a "set weight" that it wants to keep your body weight at. This set weight is regulated by insulin. The more sensitive you are to insulin, the less your body set weight will be. If you are insulin resistant, your body set weight will be higher. This is the reason it's hard for obese people to lose weight. Because their body is always trying to get them to maintain their current weight.

Regaining insulin sensitivity however can lower your body set weight which will make it easier to lose weight. And the easiest way to regain insulin sensitivity is to stop stimulating your insulin response so much. That means cutting out high glycemic index foods like sugar and refined carbohydrates. It means also going periods of time without stimulating insulin, such as through fasting.

Doing a juice fast can be difficult. If you are able to do it, then by all means go ahead. But if you find it tough, you can start small and build up your fasting muscle. Maybe for two weeks you should concentrate on cleaning up your diet and getting rid of processed foods, refined carbohydrates and sugar. Then after that you could move to a 16/8 intermittent fasting schedule. Then after a week or two of that maybe an OMAD (one meal a day) schedule. If you are consistent, you will definitely lose the weight.

I'd recommend taking a look at these videos for inspiration and to learn some of the science behind weight loss and fasting. Id also recommend checking out Dr. Fung's book The Obesity Code.

Wish you luck on meeting your weight loss goals!

There is a lot of evidence that the "calories in calories out" approach doesn't work. Research has consistently shown that people on these diets fail to lose the weight or- if they do lose- fail to keep it off. This is because the body is not a static system. It's rate of burning calories does not stay the same. If you reduce calories, the body reduces your metabolism so you burn less calories. If you increase calories, the body increases metabolism to try to burn off the extra calories. The body has a "set weight" that it wants to keep your body weight at. This set weight is regulated by insulin. The more sensitive you are to insulin, the less your body set weight will be. If you are insulin resistant, your body set weight will be higher. This is the reason it's hard for obese people to lose weight. Because their body is always trying to get them to maintain their current weight.

Regaining insulin sensitivity however can lower your body set weight which will make it easier to lose weight. And the easiest way to regain insulin sensitivity is to stop stimulating your insulin response so much. That means cutting out high glycemic index foods like sugar and refined carbohydrates. It means also going periods of time without stimulating insulin, such as through fasting.

Doing a juice fast can be difficult. If you are able to do it, then by all means go ahead. But if you find it tough, you can start small and build up your fasting muscle. Maybe for two weeks you should concentrate on cleaning up your diet and getting rid of processed foods, refined carbohydrates and sugar. Then after that you could move to a 16/8 intermittent fasting schedule. Then after a week or two of that maybe an OMAD (one meal a day) schedule. If you are consistent, you will definitely lose the weight.

I'd recommend taking a look at these videos for inspiration and to learn some of the science behind weight loss and fasting. Id also recommend checking out Dr. Fung's book The Obesity Code.

Wish you luck on meeting your weight loss goals!

Calories in vs calories out still applies and is not incorrect. I'll give you the same challenge I give to everyone who says it doesn't work, and that is to show me a picture of an obese concentration camp inmate.

I'll be waiting.

Also Dr. Fung is not a reputable source and there are plenty who debunk his positions.

A greate article which does that can be found here:

"The hormone he typically speaks about is insulin, and he claims that to lose weight, you must control insulin. [49][50][51] Typically, he recommends that people avoid refined carbohydrates (though he doesn’t necessarily advocate for low carb in general) and practice intermittent fasting to control insulin. [52] He notes that insulin is the fat storage hormone. [53] While insulin does inhibit lipolysis, fat oxidation, and increases fat uptake into adipose, its effects on body fat levels are more complicated. [54][55] Dr. Fung and those who focus on insulin as the primary driver of body fatness over energy balance tend to focus on insulin inhibiting fat oxidation and lipolysis. [56] These are two required steps to burn stored body fat. First, the fatty acids must be liberated from their stored triacylglyceride form from adipose tissue; this is lipolysis. These fatty acids must then be oxidized through beta-oxidation, whereby the fatty acids are cleaved into 2 carbon units to form acetyl-CoA, which can then enter the Krebs cycle for energy production/oxidative respiration to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energy currency of the cell. Cool, right? Seems pretty straightforward that if insulin impedes this process, it should cause fat gain or impede fat loss. This is only one side of the body fatness equation, however. This ‘insulin theory’ of body fatness completely neglects the other side of the body fatness equation: how much fat is stored into adipose tissue.

The equation could be expressed as a Body fat balance equation whereby Body Fat Balance = Fat stored – Fat oxidized.

So what, right? After all, insulin increases fat storage. Again, it’s not that simple. Before you blame insulin for the cause of obesity, understand that fat can be stored in adipose without increases in insulin via a protein called acylation stimulating protein (ASP). [57] Why is this important? It’s crucial to understand that fat can be stored in adipose cells without increases in insulin because of dietary fat, which is stored in adipose cells. In fact, of the fat that winds up in adipose tissue, over 98% of it comes from dietary fat, and less than 2% comes from dietary carbohydrates. [58] Now consider that if we truly want to test whether or not it’s calories or insulin that are the primary drivers of obesity, we have to compare diets that are equal in calories but differ in insulin response. This can be easily done by varying the amount of carbohydrate vs. fat in the diet (fat isn’t an insulin secretagogue) while keeping protein constant and examining the amount of fat gained or lost. It’s essential to keep protein constant because protein increases energy expenditure significantly more than carbohydrates or fats, if you recall. Fortunately, we have a plethora of studies to draw from when examining this question.

A meta-analysis of over 20 controlled feeding studies (food was either provided to subjects or the subjects were housed in a controlled environment where adherence was not an issue) demonstrated that there were virtually no differences in fat loss between diets that were high in carbohydrate vs. those low in carbohydrate when calories and protein were equated. [59] In fact, this study showed small favoritism for fat loss towards the diets that were lower in fat. However, this difference (approximately 16g more fat loss per day) is likely clinically irrelevant. [60]

One of the studies in the meta-analysis examined a very low carb (~30g/d) ketogenic diet versus a very high carb (>300g/d) diet. Both were equal in calories/protein, and the goal was to examine their effects on fat loss.[61] Not only did this study show that fat loss slightly favored the low-fat group, but the study also demonstrated that the low fat group had total daily insulin levels that were ~47% lower than the low carb group. If Dr. Fung’s claims about insulin mattering vs. calories were true, then these results could not be accurate. The results are a DIRECT REFUTATION of Dr. Fung’s claims regarding insulin."

It addresses why Fungs approach is incorrect both on his stance against calories in vs caloires out and his insulin theory.
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Calories in vs calories out still applies and is not incorrect. I'll give you the same challenge I give to everyone who says it doesn't work, and that is to show me a picture of an obese concentration camp inmate.

I'll be waiting.
Those people were starving. They aren't equivalent to people on a calorie restriction diet. People on a calorie restriction diet are not starving, they are just lowering the amount of calories they eat a day. Probably eating the same number of meals, just less food each time. With that kind of diet the body never goes into fasting mode. You don't give it the change if you eat 4-5 times during the day and are constantly stimulating your insulin response (I doubt the people in the camps had even 1 meal a day). Instead your body just slashes energy expenditure across the board so you feel colder, stupider, more lethargic, and very hungry. You can lose a little weight doing this, but you will gain it back pretty quickly. And you'll be miserable in the mean time. There's evidence that people on calorie restriction diets have higher ghrelin levels. Ghrelin is the hormone that makes us feel hungry. Your body will produce more of it on a calorie restriction diet to get you to eat more. It's part of the body's homeostasis mechanism.

Fasting is closer to starving than calorie restriction. It uses the same mechanisms- ketosis, autophagy, etc. Only difference is that starving happens when your body runs out of fat stores to burn and starts eating other tissues such as the muscles. But for obese people that's not a problem. They have plenty of fat to burn, and fasting is the best way to do it.
Those people were starving. They aren't equivalent to people on a calorie restriction diet. People on a calorie restriction diet are not starving, they are just lowering the amount of calories they eat a day. Probably eating the same number of meals, just less food each time. With that kind of diet the body never goes into fasting mode. You don't give it the change if you eat 4-5 times during the day and are constantly stimulating your insulin response (I doubt the people in the camps had even 1 meal a day). Instead your body just slashes energy expenditure across the board so you feel colder, stupider, more lethargic, and very hungry. You can lose a little weight doing this, but you will gain it back pretty quickly. And you'll be miserable in the mean time. There's evidence that people on calorie restriction diets have higher ghrelin levels. Ghrelin is the hormone that makes us feel hungry. Your body will produce more of it on a calorie restriction diet to get you to eat more. It's part of the body's homeostasis mechanism.

Fasting is closer to starving than calorie restriction. It uses the same mechanisms- ketosis, autophagy, etc. Only difference is that starving happens when your body runs out of fat stores to burn and starts eating other tissues such as the muscles. But for obese people that's not a problem. They have plenty of fat to burn, and fasting is the best way to do it.

I edited my original response to include a link you should read as a Dr. Fung quackery promoter.
Hurrah for fasting- I'm fasting today too.

Important to pick a day without too much stuffs going on.

I've got a easy day at work, and some matcha and ginger teas to accompany me.

Tomorrow my gut and mind will feel much clearer after a day of rest.

Good luck fellow fasters!
I edited my original response to include a link you should read as a Dr. Fung quackery promoter.
Not here to argue. Just encouraging OP and people reading this thread to think critically. Watch the videos, do some research for yourself, come to your own conclusions.

Beyond weight loss, fasting has a host of other benefits. It helps heal the body from inflammation. It encourages heart and brain health and is protective against cancer. It also helps you build discipline- which is a skill directly translatable to recovery. Fasting is definitely a useful practice- it can improve your life in several different ways!

I have a fasting journal too. Feel free to stop by! Especially if you need some encouragement. Good luck with the fasting!