The Lord of the Rings Challenge

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by RiseToGreatness, Sep 22, 2019.

Should the Thread Title be extended?

Poll closed Jun 21, 2020.
  1. No, leave like that: "The Lord of the Rings Challenge"

    18 vote(s)
  2. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: The Fellowship of Nofap"

    15 vote(s)
  3. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: Rising Fellowship of Eärendil"

    0 vote(s)
  4. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: The Journey to Mount Doom"

    5 vote(s)
  5. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: The Quest of the Ring-bearer"

    6 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. newbobido

    newbobido Fapstronaut

    Hi brother, on some level I kind of thought it could happen but because of a different reason. Staying healthy / in good shape/ keepinng a relationship in a good place are not goals with an end date, and so is staying clean from temptation. And this porm and challenge is helping with more than just porn, this is a great community to help us stay grateful and strive to be better versions of our selves and when we feel strong we can even help pick up other.

    Somehow it really reminded me of the movie "van wilder", where the cool college guy keep on getting 86/100 on every test so he would not get kicked out but also won't graduate because he love that place.

    Having 500 days makes you a giant among us, and it kind of forces you to leave the challenge whether you want to or not.

    Now you are still a giant, you are still amazing and there is not one of us who think that you have failed.
    But you "earned" another 6 months to play around in middle earth, helping others and yourself becoming better versions of ourselves.
    I'm proud of you.
  2. Kratos_GOW

    Kratos_GOW Fapstronaut

    THis is a must
  3. Baki Hanma

    Baki Hanma Fapstronaut

    It's okay bro, Let's start The new Journey.

    Day 74
    It's okay to be weak, but we try to be strong .We are all going to make it brahs:emoji_muscle::emoji_muscle:
  4. nerdy_owl

    nerdy_owl Fapstronaut

    36 days
    Low urges yestarday. Today already in the office with a lot of things to do. I didn't worked out, I was really tired, but tommorrow I will return to it. At least I took a cold shower.

    Keep strong my brothers
  5. Slider8

    Slider8 Fapstronaut

  6. Slider8

    Slider8 Fapstronaut

    It is a torture when you believe something to be true but cannot make it true whilst the time given to you goes by without much if any changes in circumstances. Unless all dots are connected and we pluck up enough courage and persistence to act accordingly to our believed truth we will stay in our current life circumstances indefinitely. I think that thinking on paper/journalling can help with connecting dots of our current situation but the courage to act can only be found in dreaming about destination which may be only one of our endless journeys.
  7. IveWastedMyTime

    IveWastedMyTime Fapstronaut

    Early check in/out

    I feel so numb. Today was a horrible day. Work wasnt easy.
    But I was able to do morning routine. And I was able to locate a feeling.
    A feeling of pain and loneliness. I have nobody I can talk to... Noone I can tell anything.
    Some Days I thought this would be a blessing but recently its a curse.
    I dont know why Im so closed - why I fear to open myself to people...
    But I know now I need to change that fast.
    It feels like Im dead alive. Thats why I relapse. Thats why I waste my time...
    I dont want to feel those things. But I need to...

    Im grateful for this forum and your help so far.
    Noone can do this all alone. Neither can I

  8. til_im_free

    til_im_free Fapstronaut

    Day 50
    Some urges are bothering me throughout the day, but I've been managing them well enough. But still I think I could be more extreme handling them.

    @Ready to Stop, we are here for you, you're a great man rising up again. Humbleness is all.
  9. RiseToGreatness

    RiseToGreatness Fapstronaut

    Good question. If we reset the journey because we do sex, it would be demotivating. let´s us remember that we´re here to break free from porn and masturbation, not to become monks.
    the abstaining period is simply a mechanism to develop sexual self-mastery, a skill, not a goal in itself.

    at the same time, if brothers resetted the PM counter because of sex, they would tend to mix the two things (sex and porn), and this would be wrong. sex is healthy and good, porn is poison.

    people could even be tempted to use porn, since they resetted the journey "what the hell, since i´m back in the Shire, why not?". this would be highly counterintuitive to the main objective of the hardmode.

    all in all, don´t reset the journey because of sex. keep it running, but create a side counter for hardmode.

    One thing that is clear (and i´m gonna add this to the description on the front page):
    the destruction of the ring implies 90 days of hardmode (or minimum 30 days for brothers in relationships). One can not destroy the ring and become a Maiar, without having some level of sexual self-mastery.

    i hope everyone to be honest about this.

    Thanks :)
  10. Slider8

    Slider8 Fapstronaut

    You need to accept full responsibility for your life and for the way you feel, for only in acceptance of it lies the power to change it. And maybe you afraid to open yourself to people because that would be like you trying to shake that responsibility off your shoulders on somebody or something else and you don't want to believe in the lie of 'victim of circumstances,other people etc.' Set yourself a goal the one you really want to accomplish,eliminate what stands in the way to it and that would be where you would start to become alive with full realization of it coming on your dream coming true. Relapsing is like shaking off responsibility and allowing nightmare of stagnation to continue. To arms brother -set yourself a goal and dedicate it most of your time which before was wasted!
  11. Slider8

    Slider8 Fapstronaut

    I do not agree with this. I believe that procreational activities(=having as a goal creation of children and in honest not as a cover to indulge in in lust) are good but what is called sex is sin,pornography and lust which is knocking down our health exactly in the same way masturbation does,with exactly the same effects on consciousness,attention and comprehension..
  12. RiseToGreatness

    RiseToGreatness Fapstronaut

    shit man, i didn´t see that coming :(. i see that pattern many times, in myself and others. when you have that goal in mind, and all the sudden, you reach it, then what? it appears this void, in which we don´t know what to do.

    so let´s us be clear that learning how to live in the post-reboot life, is also a skill to develop.

    because if i´m clean as long as i´m counting, it´s obvious that this implies a problem in itself. how to handle regular life without counting, when everything seems settled, it´s something that we need to learn.

    but, let´s reframe this, you have kept all the reboot benefits, rest assure, that´s just a minor slip :). what that proves at most, is that you haven´t fully rewired, and you weren´t prepared for the post-reboot life.

    so stay with us, get back to all your reboot strategy for some time, until you feel solid again. you´ll be allright :)
  13. RiseToGreatness

    RiseToGreatness Fapstronaut

    that´s what i´m saying! :) sex should be used as a natural bond between two people that love themselfs, a component of romance.

    sex shouldn´t be used as a way to cope with negative feelings, or even lust. that´s why there´s the hardmode period ;)
  14. theonlyway

    theonlyway Fapstronaut

    Day 27!

    Im very sorry to hear about recent relapses of fellow ringbearers. But it just goes to show that we can never fully destroy the ring.

    Like with any addiction, the “recovered” addict will always have a skewed relationship with the substance, and the temptations of it will never fully go away.

    But the longer we stay clean, the weaker those temptations will be, and we may go months and years without a desire to indulge in the substance.

    But an urge can always strike, like lighting from a cloud free sky, and make us relapse. So we must never forget that, and stay sharp and determined every day for the rest of our lives.

    Don’t worship the goal, worship the journey. Because the journey continues your whole life.
  15. RiseToGreatness

    RiseToGreatness Fapstronaut

    don´t worry bro, that´s why there´s the extra challenges! most people probably will still need to stay accountable after the destruction of the ring (i know i will :D ), so they have the Valar and Aratar rank to grab their teeths ;)

    the shortening of the main challenge is to give a sign to people: "ei, you have mastered the rebooting skills, you´re done. Move on with your life, and let the brain rewire itself".

    one of the problems with addictions, is that people can be stuck in the problem, but also in the treatment (shadow career).

    So stay accountable as long as you want, you have 2 years for that!! :D (and you can still stay accountable afterwards, why not?), but after 120/150/180 days, go for new goals. live an inspiring life!

    please note that this is not for fun, having goals is mandatory to keep sobriety running.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2022
  16. RiseToGreatness

    RiseToGreatness Fapstronaut

    Checking in Fellowship!! :)

    Loved your feedback, thank you so much for understanding and accepting the new challenge :)

    As for me, 3 days are done, i´m crossing the ferry ;)

    day 18.gif

    no sexual desire whatsoever, i´m in flatline. but no wonder, after all my binging. but still i felt some porn dopamine temptation after lunch, but shake it off.

    i lost a big streak 2 weeks ago, and binge afterwards. i can still binge more, but so far, this shows me that i haven´t mastered my binging prevention skills. this is something that i still need to work on.

    Fellowship, let´s give a big hug to our brother @Ready to Stop . You show us the way, and you´re still showing us the way. We love you man!

    Have a great day Fellowship! Checking out.
  17. Fasting
    I'm doing 3 day fast, specially becuase I want to gain some extra energy.
    I always find fasting really helpful to rejuvenate my body, brain and mind.
  18. Belvedere

    Belvedere Fapstronaut

    Starting again - day 0 !

    Bit of an update on my current situation.

    Me and my girlfriend of 1.5 years have sat down and had a talk about us. And we have decided that our relationship has reached its "best before" date. It simply takes more than it gives at this point. And its been draining me for so many months. I feel very numb - but I am also sensing this huge relief. It feels like a ton of my shoulders. It's of course sad but I feel like this is a new chapter. I've been having insane days at the gym lately, and starting to believe heartbreak really is the best pre workout :)

    Now what remains is getting someone else to take over our contract for our apartment so we can part ways swiftly.

    It's been so amazing and I have learned so much from this girl - but I'm still young.

    The past is the past - and the past is not my concern
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2022
  19. kaerhal

    kaerhal Fapstronaut

    Day 192

    Stressful presentation done and dusted, meaning I could spend the afternoon relaxing with my friends. We had a celebratory drink, went for dinner, and saw the new Thor movie; all in all a great way to spend the day.

    No urges again today, feeling a lot more confident about my ability to fight the battle. It’s been a while since I’ve had a really strong urge to relapse, so I’m keeping my eyes peeled to make sure it doesn’t hit me by surprise.