The Lord of the Rings Challenge

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by RiseToGreatness, Sep 22, 2019.

Should the Thread Title be extended?

Poll closed Jun 21, 2020.
  1. No, leave like that: "The Lord of the Rings Challenge"

    18 vote(s)
  2. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: The Fellowship of Nofap"

    15 vote(s)
  3. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: Rising Fellowship of Eärendil"

    0 vote(s)
  4. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: The Journey to Mount Doom"

    5 vote(s)
  5. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: The Quest of the Ring-bearer"

    6 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Slider8

    Slider8 Fapstronaut

  2. Slider8

    Slider8 Fapstronaut

    Check this out but it looks like you need to show some kind of exceptional talent to make them proud of having you onboard.
  3. i89rt5

    i89rt5 Fapstronaut

    day 18 - No O
    relapsed this AM on both P and M
  4. kaerhal

    kaerhal Fapstronaut

    Day 229

    Today I was fortunate enough to see Return of the King in cinema; a film I’ve watched countless times before, but seeing it as it was meant to be seen was a fantastic experience. I was particularly struck by Sam’s remark: ‘I can’t carry it for you, but I can carry you’ - ultimately this burden is ours to bear alone, but the support and fellowship of this thread, our friends, and our family, are the legs that keep us going.

    Had a great conversation with my Vicar, I get to work in a new aspect of church life that I should find interesting but also challenging.
  5. Day 1 complete!

    Usually I'm blessed not to struggle much with a chaser urge, but today was an exception. I was fishing for a while, looking at drawings of scantily clad women. What snapped me out of it was anger at myself for wasting time. I don't have time to be wasting, especially not on garbage like this.

    I know that some people on NoFap have created spreadsheets to help them track their successes and falls. Today I did something similar. A green block means all good, a yellow block means close to surrendering to the urges, as with fishing, and a red block means a reset. On the red blocks I list the time of day that my reset occured as well as which parts of PMO I used. Additionally, I'm going to leave a mark on days of any color when I drank alcohol. Two days ago I had one beer and I was fine. Yesterday I had one beer as well, several hours before my reset. No alcohol today.

    St. Benedict of Nursia, pray for us!
  6. ShieldofFaith

    ShieldofFaith Fapstronaut

    Day 6
    Lotr even better than I remember and I got some cool gifts from a friend who went to Spain. Overall, feeling great. Had a minor temptation but also had plenty of good material to take my focus elsewhere. Going strong

    CALM IN SUFFERING Fapstronaut

    Day 0

    I relapsed. And this time it was PMO, not only a P slip up like usual. It's been about a year since I MOed. There is not that much regret involved. I don't think I will get on my feet this week. Sorry guys.
  8. PeaceOnEarth108

    PeaceOnEarth108 Fapstronaut

    41 days, still hardmode
    Big challenge this afternoon, even bigger challenge on Saturday :(

    Hi, I'm sorry for your relapse,
    I've noticed, that our NoFAP streaks were close to each other, however your was longer :)

    How do you feel?

    Try not to binge. When I relapsed, after a couple a days, I was feeling good almost the same as before.

    Lets have our new streaks even longer then before.;)
  10. Checking in,

    Decided to give myself more relaxation type, to lower my stress level, so I finished to work earlier and went to the beach with my wife,
    Today I also took the day off to go swimming.

    I know, I need to handle stress is more healthier ways then watching Porn, I've noticed the the stress is my #1 relapse reason, not even lack of socialization.
    That's because, even when I spent most of the day with my family I still want to watch porn, If I have a high level of stress, for example If I would have exam the next day or smth like this.

    Meditation is the key to lower your stress level, so I decided to make it my habit. Also going out to the nature is a solid stress relief method.
  11. newbobido

    newbobido Fapstronaut

    Hi man, that sounds like a really great Idea.

    I’ve been tracking my days for almost two years now and it really helped me and it’s a great visualization of the progress that we are making. The only advice I can give you (based only on my own experience) is just not to try and “capture” too much information on that chart. Your system sounds amazing, but it just takes a lot of energy to keep track of days and the more stuff I’ve tried to track made me lose those days entirely. At the beginning I used 3 or 4 different colors to indicate I PMO, did I write in this form, did I exercise, meditate and even more stuff. It just got out of hand.
    My current system is simply, good day is a big red X, extra hard day / a little bit of fishing (before the rules of this challenge changed) but still without PMO. PMO - one solid black line. Edging - one dotted black line. So all I need right now is a calendar and just two markers and I can mark stuff down really quickly.
    But anyway, try to find whatever works for you. I think it’s a great Idea.

    Don’t apologize to us brother. You are still amazing! Even if you did fall, think where you were when you started your nofap journey.

    For me there are two things. The main one is that porn is the perfect escape. Time has no meaning when I PMO for hours and I just feel complete nothingness. When my life was hard as a child and young man, porn helped me stay alive because while on porn I didn’t feel sad or depressed. The flip side is that when life got better it still gave me the feeling of nothingness… and I couldn’t feel any happiness, only emptiness. But that was the cause for the second thing porn gave me. After so many years with porn, the only thing that gave me “anything” was porn. I remember actively trying to think about stuff that I loved to do and only coming out with porn in my head.
  12. newbobido

    newbobido Fapstronaut

    day 3
    last night I had another really hard conversation with my wife about porn. the fact that we talk honestly about it is already amazing. but this is totally it, my life is amazing now compare to the place I was 2 or 3 years ago. there are no more excuses for me to make. every PMO is equal to me deciding to hurt the relationship and that is how she sees it now. so this is the final push. the goal is one month clean by the end of 2022.
  13. Kratos_GOW

    Kratos_GOW Fapstronaut

    checking in.

    We all have our battles ladies and gents. Its our fight, but we don't have to fight it alone. Sure lone mindset is okay sometimes, but this war has a common enemy. Support each other, fight alongside each other, mend each others wounds, whatever it takes do not give up!
    May we all win this war!
  14. Ready to Stop

    Ready to Stop Fapstronaut

    @CALM IN SUFFERING I agree with what @hardcore_detox is saying here about how your strength against PMO is not lost if you get right back up and continue on the right path. Don’t binge and you will feel strong again much faster than you will if you fall completely and binge for an extended period.
  15. Ready to Stop

    Ready to Stop Fapstronaut

    Day 32 no PMO. Stayed up too late night so now I’m struggling to get going this morning. My staying up late hade nothing to do with PMO… just hanging with the guys telling stories and socializing.
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2022
  16. Kairose

    Kairose Fapstronaut

  17. nerdy_owl

    nerdy_owl Fapstronaut

    11 days
    Low urges yestarday, was a really stressfull day, I worked almost at midnigth. Today I started work early. I have to manage the time that I'm spending to job tasks.

    Today I will not work out but I'm going to take a cold shower at least.
    Keep strong my brothers.
  18. Redemptionisrequired

    Redemptionisrequired Fapstronaut

    Checking in Fellowship Friends!

    37 Days Free of PMO.

    I had an excellent day yesterday. I got a lot of positive feedback, mentioning that I am having a good impact on others I work with. I did what I set out to do, even though alone.

    My intention for today is meditation, exposure, reading and work.

    Stay Strong!

    @CALM IN SUFFERING All is not lost man, stand tall! Keep moving forward.

    @hardcore_detox Good question. For me porn was an escape from fear, anger, boredom and stress. It was a comfort zone. Even commitment in a relationship. Seeing a relationship as doomed to fail. I didn't have to open up and be vulnerable to porn. Realizing exactly what it is that draws us to porn is a huge step. At that point, you can actively look towards optimal habits to take care of those emotions/obstacles. Regarding stress you mentioned meditation, this is a great habit. I also would suggest you look up Wim Hof breathing method. There is a beginner video on youtube for roughly 10 minutes. I've been doing it for a little over the duration of my streak and it has been a huge game changer for fear/anxiety.
  19. Anew2019

    Anew2019 Fapstronaut

    35 days :emoji_star2: Moria, the greatest Dwarven Kingdom, is before you. With a beard and a axe, you´re a Dwarf now.


    An original composition about dwarves by one of my favourite singing group. I am pumped. I love this piece.

    My last day at the job I just started. Had to get away. This nofap is awesome. I really connected with people in the last 2 weeks. I found myself feeling terribly sad last night when I was having dinner with a friend I made here. I have never experienced that. PMO really numbed all my feelings. I guess I am becoming human again. It comes with all the feelings. Sadness included. That’s ok. I love being human again.